Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 103 Dragon Tower Treasure Land, Yu Gaochang's Tomb

Chapter 103 Dragon Tower Treasure Land, Yu Gaochang's Tomb

Under the directional blasting, the stone wall was broken, and looking down, the bottom was extremely deep, and at first glance it seemed to be a bottomless pit, bottomless.

The strong light of the wolf-eye flashlight shines down, but the light of the flashlight is reflected back at a faster speed.

"There should be something like a bronze mirror playing tricks below, refracting light!"

"It's interesting!"

"Looks like it's time to drop a detonator!"

Pan Zi proudly took out his finger grenade. This is a kind of grenade specially designed by Pan Zi. Regardless of the size of the finger, the explosive force when dropped can definitely blow through a meter of granite!
"Don't be foolish!" Hu Bayi pressed Pan Zi's hand, "This is not the time to be foolish!"

Pan Zi said, "Master Hu, what kind of tricks have you seen?"

Hu Bayi took the wolf-eye flashlight and pointed it down. He first aimed the light at the north, and then the light refracted by the wolf-eye flashlight happened to reflect the south, and then the flashlight pointed to the south, and the light reflected from the bottom The light is exactly southwest!
Hu Bayi's eyes lit up, "I see, the owner of the tomb used the refraction properties of light to hide the gossip in the light! Come on, bring me a few more flashlights, I want eight, and illuminate the east and west respectively. , north, south, southeast, southwest, northeast, northwest!"

Soon, the eight flashlights shone down according to Hu Bayi's angle. The moment the eight lights went down, the eight lights reflected back, forming a gossip shape on the ceiling above everyone's heads impartially!

That's right, the Qiankun gossip plate of the serious Bajing!
Even the lines of light are very clearly divided, and in those divination lines of light, the gossip turns slowly, as if implying some kind of divination.

Everyone was at a loss for a while looking at the rotating gossip light.

Aning said, "What is this?"

Wu Tianzhen muttered, "It looks like Zhou Yibo Shu, this is not my field of expertise."

Aning said, "Then what field are you good at?"

"Ahem, this is too much to say." Wu Tianzhen said, "I will tell you later!"

Hu Bayi stood under the gossip light array, looked up at it, and if he thought something, "Dry three times, Kun six breaks, shake the bowl, gen cover the bowl, leave the center empty, kanzhong full, dui up the gap, sun down Duan, the hexagram has three horizontal lines and the next horizontal line is real, and the upper two horizontal lines are false, and the eight trigrams are located in the east, representing the symbol of thunder, and the innate number should be four..."

Professor Chen watched Hu Bayi muttering words, and became curious for a while, "What is he talking about? Do you know, Lao Jiu?"

Partridge Whistle wanted to beat Professor Chen up for a while.

Your question is so stupid, how do you want me to answer it?I'm just a bodyguard, I'm not a supercomputer!
Even if the truth is told, then I am just a mountain-moving Taoist. As the name suggests, I am only responsible for emptying the mountains. That is to say, I can empty the mountains regardless of whether there are people or not. The deep meaning of this name It's time for me to move to the Daoist lineage of Shanshan. I have strong fighting skills and better fighting skills, instead of saying that I am almighty.

This is obviously a difficulty in solving Zhouyi gossip, and it's not about fighting. How could I know it!
This should be the domain of Tianguan Faqiu and Xiaowei Mojin. What does it matter to me to move the mountain Taoist?
As far as Partridge Whistle knows, the real Faqiu Tianguan seal is said to have been destroyed by the Guanshan Taibao. Strictly speaking, the Faqiu Tianguan no longer exists in the world.

At this moment, Hu Bayi raised his hand, "Fatty, carbon pen!"


Wang Kaixuan finally felt the presence, and hastily took out the carbon pen and handed it to Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi took a pen and drew an octagonal Linglong Pagoda on the ground, then stood up, pointed to the shape of the pagoda under his feet, and exclaimed, "This is the layout of the tomb! It's a pagoda tomb!"

Everyone looked over in unison, only looking at the appearance of the octagonal tower, and were amazed.

"Is this a tower tomb? How strange!"

"This is the first time for me to overturn a tower tomb. This tower tomb should be the one with the head down!"

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Wu Laosan spoke up, "There are two types of pagoda tombs, one is called a half-section pagoda, and the other is called a full-pagoda tomb."

"Most half of the pagoda tombs are built on the ground, with towers above the ground and underground palaces underground. This kind of tomb is more common, so I won't talk about it."

"There is also a full-tower tomb. The entire tomb is a tower. When the tower tomb is built, the corners of the tower will be built from the ground first, and then built up layer by layer. This kind of full-tower-shaped tower tomb is divided into two parts. Triangle, quadrangle, pentagon and octagon, the triangle is the three talents, the most, the four corners are the four images, relatively few, the five elements corresponding to the pentagon are quite rare, and the octagon is called the gossip, it can be said that there is no one in ten thousand, even if it is ten thousand There may not be one in a tower tomb! This kind of octagonal special full-tower tomb has a professional term in tombology, which is called Dragon Tower Treasure Land!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was dumbfounded, "Dragon Tower Treasure Land, this place really exists!"

The blind man also read with great interest, "Send the seal of the mound, touch the golden talisman, move mountains and unload mountains to find the dragon formula, people light candles, ghosts blow lamps, survey public opinion and look for star peaks, mercury spots, nourishing tools, dragon There are countless places to go to the Loubao Hall, the sinking coffin, the bronze coffin, and the characters are not hard to come! I always thought that the Dragon Tower did not exist, and I never imagined that there is such a place!"

Hu Bayao said, "What the ancestors said is true. The reason why they think it is false is that many of them no longer exist. There are not many octagonal dragon towers in this world. It is said that the tomb of Shen Wansan was also But the tomb of the God of Wealth of the Five Elements, in the octagonal dragon building, even if they are not immortals, they are infinitely close to immortals."

Everyone looked at the tomb in front of them, and all interests were pulled to the extreme for a while.

Octagonal Dragon Tower, fairy character, who could be in here?

Wu Sansheng said, "The seniors who can build the Dragon Tower and treasure land are beyond our imagination, and there are not many who can go in and spy on the world! Let's go down to a few masters and see the situation first! "

"What Uncle San said is absolutely true! It's better to be careful!" Professor Chen said, "Old Ninth, go and have a look!"

Wu Laosan glanced at his team, at this time Wu Tianzhen deliberately took half a step forward, obviously, choose me, third uncle, look at me!Choose me!
However, Wu Laosan didn't even look at Wu Tianzhen.

Wu Tianzhen's current identity is that, as the only iron waste certified by Xu Ming, Wu Sansheng, and Xie Lianhuan, the greatest significance of his existence is the plot of water, eating and waiting to die.

Wu Laosan pointed, "Hu Bayi, shopkeeper Chen, black blind man, the three of you go down with Xu Jiu, and the others stay up there."

"to make!"

"Go to the grave!"

Hei Xiazi took out the rope and wrapped it around his waist, looked at Xu Jiudao who was also tied with the rope beside him, "You were so handsome when you kicked me last time!"

Xu Jiu glanced at the blind man, "I can be even more handsome!"

Heixia laughed, "I will definitely fix you when I get a chance in the future!"

Xu Jiudao, "I hope you have this strength."

At this point, Hu Bayi said, "I'm going down first!"

Hu Bayi tugged at the rope, and then disappeared. Immediately afterwards, the blind man followed, followed by Chen Yulou, and the partridge whistle went down last.

The four people lowered the rope continuously, and the wolf-eye flashlight fixed on their heads shone on the four walls, and each of them stared wide-eyed. The situation inside was really exactly the same as Hu Bayi's deduction outside!
It is really an upside-down ancient pagoda tomb with the tomb going straight down. The tomb is surrounded by octagonal towers and tower ladders. Some stone ladders are built along the edge of the octagonal tower. Statues include court ladies, soldiers, and patrolling archers, but it is not difficult to find that these statues are all images of Central Plains people!

The four of them stood in mid-air, looked around, and looked at each other. The black blind man couldn't help but raised his thumbs towards Hu Bayi, "People have always told me that if you touch Captain Jin and fight upside down, it's just a look. I know how to arrange the inside of the tomb, I have eyes today, Captain Mojin is well-deserved!"

Hu Bayi smiled subtly, "It's just a little trick, but have you noticed it? There doesn't seem to be a tomb here!"

Chen Yulou grabbed the rope and looked around, "There is no tomb, whether it is the escalators on both sides of the tower, or the space of the suspended tower in the middle, there is no trace of a tomb. Where did the owner of the tomb hide the tomb?"

Partridge Whistle looked down, took out a lighter, lit it, and then threw the lighter down!
The lighter ignited and fell, and in the next moment, the entire dragon building was shaking. Wherever the fire zip went, countless dark crossbows shot out from all around the dragon building frantically. One after another, the dark crossbows were ignited by the fire zip, and the rockets were like rain. , roaring and shooting out from below!
"Fuck!" Hei Xiazi looked at the arrows and fire rain below, "Xu Jiu, do you want to kill everyone?"

Partridge whistled, "This is the only way to break the game! Throwing a lighter is better than dying alone!"

Chen Yulou shouted, "Then what should we do now!"

Partridge Whistle looked at the stone ladders around the edge of the tower tomb, "Go up! Climb the stone ladders around the guardrail of the Dragon Tower!"

The blind man said, "We are all in mid-air and have no strength to exert, how can we get to the stone ladder!"

"Simple!" Partridge Whistle kicked Hei Xiazi's ass suddenly, and then under the reaction force, Partridge Whistle leaped directly and landed on the stone ladder of the Dragon Tower beside him, grabbing the railing just to avoid the shooting from below Rain of flame arrows.

The black blind man who was stunned by the partridge whistle also howled miserably, and grabbed the stone ladder opposite the partridge whistle. The black blind man adjusted his sunglasses, "Bastard! Can you tell me first, you are so unreasonable!" Be polite!"

Chen Yulou and Hu Bayi followed suit. They paired their feet and catapulted towards the two sides respectively. Chen Yulou landed on the side of the partridge whistle, and Hu Bayi and Heixiazi stood shoulder to shoulder.

All these actions were completed between lightning and flint, so fast that the flaming arrows grazed the backs of everyone, and the flaming arrows swished and shot at the entrance of the winding gossip mirror above their heads, falling one after another. Under the light of falling flame arrows, Hu Bayi said loudly, "Look at the top of your head! There are words! It's words!"

Heixiazi, Chen Yulou, and Partridge Whistle all looked at the top of their heads. The gossip mirror at the door was illuminated by fire, and there were really lines of handwriting. The handwriting was shining, and it was a line of official script.

The lines of clerical script floated above the head, as if they were scriptures from the heavens. Against the backdrop of the fire, they were extremely brilliant!

"It's so mysterious!" Heixiazi said while taking pictures with a high-frequency spy camera, "It's a magnificent scene that ordinary people will never have the chance to see in their lifetime! It's so cool!"

At this moment, Partridge Whistle found that the stone ladder in his hand was restrained, and then the entire wall of the Dragon Tower was sinking.

"Not good!" The partridge whistled loudly, "The tower we are in is sinking!"

Chen Yulou also noticed something was wrong, "Yes, it is sinking, and the sinking speed is quite fast!"

At this moment, the third uncle's voice came from above, "What's the matter with you four, why did the rope suddenly fall down, did it fall? There are still 30 meters of rope to come to an end!"

The four people looked at each other, Qi Qi let go of the stone ladder, suspended in mid-air, and saw that the outer layer of the tower was falling crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye. It fell in a silky way like Dove, very crisp, and after the outer layer of the tower fell, what the four of them saw was no longer the exquisitely carved octagonal tower, but eight dry walls, wolf-eyed flashlights Looking down again, I found that there was no bottom below, and there was a faint sound of water rolling on the ground...

"It's an underground river!" Hu Bayi looked down, "It's such an exquisite design. The dragon tower pagoda of the owner of the tomb is double-layered, divided into inner and outer layers. The inner layer is the real tomb area, and the outer layer is just a The shell, its inner layer should be under the underground river below, while the outer shell stays on top. When someone finds out, the shell will be triggered to fall and fit the inner layer, and become the treasure land of Shuanglong Tower. Covered by water from above and below, no one can open his tomb!"

The blind man said, "So, are we lonely? Then why did he build this outer shell of the Dragon Tower Treasure Map?"

Hu Bayi held the camera in his hand, "Maybe, he just wanted to tell us the text on it!"

At this moment, Chen Yulou's flashlight was shining towards the north, "Hey, look, there is a map on the outer wall!"

Everyone looked at it, and it was really a map. The map twisted and twisted, and finally pointed to a crown. The crown was clearly marked with four words - Jingjue Ancient City!
"It's a map of Jingjue Ancient City!"

"It really is here!"

The Partridge Whistle flashlight shone down, "Look, there is a line of words under this map, which is very small."

Everyone looked at it, only to see that line of characters written in official script with a few indifferent strokes, the content is very substantial, six characters, "Junior, don't be presumptuous!"

The six words appeared, and the faces of the four people who hit them were all flushed.

Don't be presumptuous, the younger generation, which means, just take a look, does it really look like pouring over Lao Tzu's tomb?You can't find Lao Tzu's tomb, and you can't even play it if you are exhausted, so get out of here!
Hu Bayi blushed, "Bullying people! The owner of this tomb is sure that someone will open his tomb, and deliberately left words to mock us. This kind of behavior is the same as Bai Yujing's last time, bullying!"

The blind man said, "What can you do if you bully you? They have been dead for more than 2000 years, so why don't you go back and find him after 2000 years?"

The partridge whistled, "That's enough, go up, don't bother, people see that someone is going to fight, and deliberately left us a clue, so let's not be ignorant."

At this moment, the third uncle's words also came from above, "Come up! The rope has come to an end!"


Everyone climbed up along the rope, followed the last partridge whistle, and Hu Bayi was surprised to find that the gossip mirror at the entrance was broken. After the gossip mirror was broken, he dug down again, and unexpectedly, there was no hole. up!
After digging five or six meters down, it was all soil and there was no stone slab at all.

The entrance to the tomb of the Dragon Tower Treasure Land is gone!
Wu Sansheng looked at the strange things in front of him, and said, "The layout is masterful!"

Hu Bayi also nodded and said, "The octagonal cemetery of the double-decker Dragon Tower, covered by groundwater, has truly achieved Fengshui. The ground is the pavement and the sky is the cover. The dragon tower is auspicious for thousands of years! By the way, third uncle, I took this photo from below. s things!"

At this moment, Partridge Whistle also returned to Professor Chen's direction, explained the situation below, and took out the things he had photographed.

For a while, everyone began the process of deciphering the text.

Uncle San and Professor Chen worked together, but within an hour, both Uncle San and Professor Chen had achieved results. After the two old foxes looked at each other, Uncle San chuckled, "We are all working together, so let's share the materials together." Bar!"

"No problem!" Professor Chen said, "Come on, sit down!"

Everyone sat in a circle, under the light, Wu Sansheng took a notebook with a lot of handwriting compiled on it, and spoke first, "Clerical script, a relatively common font in the Three Kingdoms period, so I won't say more. The person who left the writing is called Yu Gaochang, this treasured place in the Dragon Tower is the tomb he arranged for himself."

As soon as this remark came out, people around became curious, "Who is Yu Gaochang?"

Professor Chen said, "This person, Yu Gaochang, is related to Mojin Faqiu. He is the first generation Faqiu Tianguan and the head of Mojin Xiaowei. When Cao Cao built Mojin Xiaowei, Under General Faqiu's jurisdiction over Lieutenant Mojin, Cao Aman set up a total of three Faqiu Heavenly Officials, two of whom died unexpectedly, and only Yu Gaochang survived to the end, and even survived until Cao Cao died!"

"This Yu Gaochang is very shrewd. He knows very well that the rabbit dies and the good dog cooks. He washed his hands in the golden basin very early. Unfortunately, Cao Pi will not let him go. Later, the ancient city is full of troubles in the western regions. Send troops to protect them, but the big Han is gone, Cao Wei dominates the world, and the small countries in the Western Regions begged Wei Wendi Cao Pina, and Sima Yi, who was under Cao Pi's command, said that he would throw those useless Faqiu Mojin to the Western Regions to die for the Great Wei."

"Yu Gaochang was counted and counted by Sima Yi. He had no choice but to bring his family to come here and become the last general of the Western Regions Protectorate after the Han Dynasty!"

After Professor Chen finished reading these, the people around him looked at Professor Chen with admiration, ah!

Even Wu Laosan admired Professor Chen a little bit. Although this old guy has a bad heart, he is really solid academically. It was not easy for him to find these materials. He actually knows it all. It seems that cooperation is wise. of.

Professor Chen adjusted his glasses and looked at Third Uncle, "Third Uncle, please continue."

The third uncle continued, "Yu Gaochang wrote on it that after he succeeded the General Protector of the Western Regions, he found that the people's livelihood in this place was difficult, and the bandits were like weeds, which could not be stopped. In addition to these, what is more terrifying is that there are many strange existences here. They can Controlling all kinds of strange creatures and performing magical spells, General Ban Chao was half-dead by these spells, and finally left the Western Regions, but Yu Gaochang was not afraid of these spells, because he was also very good at this aspect. "

"Yu Gaochang is not an ordinary person. He can become General Faqiu, and he can also become the only surviving General Faqiu. He has some family background. He was a yellow scarf thief in the earliest days, and he lived with Zhang Jiao. One day He was hungry for three meals, and occasionally he had to be beaten with steel rods from the officers and soldiers. His life was miserable, but he was very lucky. When Zhang Jiao was finally wiped out, he happened to collect Zhang Jiao's body. He got it from Zhang Jiao. A volume of essential techniques for peace."

"Taiping Yaoshu is the final crystallization of Zhang Jiao in the way of Taiping, and it is also the key to Zhang Jiao being called a demon. It is rumored that he can call the wind and rain, and can turn beans into soldiers! After Yu Gaochang got the Taiping Yaoshu, he did not dare to show his face, so he found a deep mountain. After practicing the things in this, when Yu Gaochang was hunting in the deep mountains, he met a woman. This woman was holding a bronze spear, and her combat power was extremely strong. She tied Yu Gaochang back and made him her son-in-law. "

"After Yu Gaochang was caught by a woman and lived as a savage for several years, Yu Gaochang was even forced to give birth to a daughter with that woman. The daughter was named Yu Xiaoyue. Finally one day, the opportunity came, and a strong man drove the tiger across The mountain stream happened to pass by that tribe, Yu Gaochang saw this opportunity, and asked for help from the big man, the big man was extremely powerful, with unworthy courage, he drove away all those savages and saved Yu Gaochang!"

"Yu Gaochang was very grateful for the courage of the strong man, so he took his daughter to pack up some belongings of the tribe and went to the town. Later, he learned that the man's name was Dian Wei, who was known as evil, and became one of the best generals under Cao Cao's command!"

"Yu Gaochang and Dian Wei are brothers in love, and appreciate Dian Wei's deeds very much. Dian Wei is also very optimistic about Gao Chang, so he gave Cao Cao the position of Faqiu Tianguan when he asked him to come!"

"Faqiu Tianguan is Cao Cao's confidant general. At that time, there were two other people with Yu Gaochang. One is said to be the No. 3 scholar after the crouching dragon and phoenix chick in Shuijing Villa, and the other is a Fengshui fairy who claims to have practiced with Nanhua and Yuji. Son, the three of them worked together for Cao Cao and built many large tombs. Later, two of the three died in the tomb robbery. Only Yu Gaochang survived. Yu Gaochang got two treasures from his teammates who died. The sword is called Tianjun, and the seal is called Faqiu."

When the word "Faqiu" was mentioned, everyone was stunned, even the partridge whistle was slightly moved, "Faqiu Tianguan seal, did Cao Wei have it?"
And Hu Bayi was even more excited, "Faqiu Yin, what happened to Third Uncle after Qiu Yin was sent?"

The third uncle looked at the notes and pointed at the content on the camera, "There are relatively few records of the Faqiu seal in Gaochang. He just said that the earliest time this seal appeared was in the early years of the Han Dynasty. Huo Qubing led 800 elite soldiers to surprise the Huns in Longcheng. At that time, the Huns were holding a ceremony to worship the heavens in Longcheng. The champion Hou Huo Qubing led [-] people to rush into Longcheng. It was dragged away, and there was a jade seal on the head of the golden man worshiping heaven, which was the Faqiu seal. Later, this seal fell into the hands of Lu Bu, and after Lu Bu's defeat at the Baimenlou, it fell into the hands of Cao Cao. It was given to the master of Shuijing Villa, but the master died, and once the master died, it was printed into the hands of the demon Yu Ji Nanhua, and after the demon also died, it was printed into the hands of Yu Gaochang."

"Yu Gaochang is very smart. He thinks this seal is unlucky. Whoever wears it will die. Whether it is the champion Hou Huo Qubing, or the number one Lu Fengxian of the Three Kingdoms, or even the two Faqiu who went together later, they all died miserable, so we have to refuse it. , but Cao Cao’s reward is not something he can resist, so he wanted to give this Qiu seal to Zhuge Liang, saying that Zhuge Liang has the law to reach the sky, so he wanted to see if this seal could kill Zhuge Kongming."

"Unfortunately, later Yu Gaochang's daughter, Yu Xiaoyue, stole this seal, and slowly, Yu Gaochang discovered that Yu Xiaoyue could actually use and control this Faqiu seal. She was not afraid of the ominous curse of the Faqiu seal at all. , and can even be manipulated perfectly.”

"In the future, Yu Gaochang was dispatched to the Western Regions. As Yu Gaochang's daughter, Yu Xiaoyue was not immune. However, the father and daughter are determined to win the Western Regions. One of them knows Feng Shui, and the other can use Faqiu Seal. They have no fear of the Western Regions. Demons and ghosts, but what the two of them didn't expect was that in the first year after coming here, the ancient city of Jingjue launched Shache, and several countries in Loulan besieged them! They didn't talk about martial arts at all!"

"In desperation, Yu Gaochang had no choice but to make peace with Queen Jingjue. At this time, Yu Gaochang sent his daughter Yu Xiaoyue to the ancient city of Jingjue as a hostage, expressing that he would obey the queen, and then disintegrated the alliance of Shache and other countries on the other side. At the same time, arrange for the second hand to crack the two magic weapons of Jingjue ancient city, black sandstorm and poisonous snakes. Unfortunately, things will change. During the process of going to Loulan in Gaochang, he was killed by Loulan assassins. A generation of Faqiu Tianguan was finally buried here. "

"After Yu Gaochang's death, his subordinates buried him in the dragon tower prepared before his death, and found the treasures left by him, and dispersed in a crowd. These two treasures were brought by him from the Central Plains. The Guixu Hexagram Mirror has a magical power of sixteen hexagrams all over the sky. This Guixu hexagram mirror is left by Mr. Shui Jing's colleagues. It can detect treasures in the world and is invincible! And the sixteen hexagrams all over the sky are left by another fellow monster, Tianguan. It is exactly the same as the sixteen hexagrams of King Wen of Zhou, and it can be regarded as a matter of feng shui yin and yang in the world!"

"It's a pity that many of Yu Gaochang's subordinates are Lieutenant Mojin. They know how powerful this treasure is. Their uneven distribution of the spoils led to the split of the Guixu Hexagram Mirror, and it became a dragon talisman, a fish talisman, a human talisman, and a ghost talisman! The sixteen hexagrams of the sky were also torn apart and divided into two chapters of Yin and Yang and Fengshui. Among them, the chapter of Yin and Yang has disappeared. As for the seal of Faqiu, there is no news of it. Unloading the mountains and leaving the mountains, moving the mountains to dominate. Later, one of his subordinates couldn't bear the gloomy life of Gaochang Legend, so he wrote down all the content, opened a hole in the Dragon Tower, and deliberately left it for future generations of gossip practitioners to spy on the opportunity!"

After the third uncle finished reading slowly, everyone seemed to have swum 3000 meters in the long river of history, and layers of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

But at this moment Hu Bayi's heart is stirring, the sixteen hexagrams of the whole sky really exist!Grandpa said in the sixteen-character feng shui secret art at home at that time that the patriarch Zhang Sanlianzi only handed down half a copy back then!Looks like it's true!
When Hu Bayi was sure of his Fengshui skills, he also felt more emotional, how powerful Yu Gaochang must have been holding the Guixu hexagram mirror and the sixteen hexagrams all over the sky back then!It is not an exaggeration to say that this kind of person is a fairy!

At the moment, Wu Sansheng is feeling emotional that the snake-browed copper fish is actually a part of the Guixu hexagram mirror, and the snake-browed copper fish is left by Wang Zanghai. Is Wang Zanghai also pursuing the Guixu hexagram mirror?

Partridge Whistle was thinking, isn't the bronze dragon talisman spit out by the white camel part of the Guixu Hexagram Mirror?If you have the Guixu Hexagram Mirror, you can easily find Muchen Bead!

Chen Yulou's heart is complicated, and the four major trades have such a long history of touching blond hair. I'm just a stepping stone to compare with them!But fortunately, Qianshan can still be right with me!
The thought of moving the mountain made Chen Yulou feel even more uncomfortable. Apart from leaving behind a vajra umbrella, moving the mountain has already passed the generations, worry, worry!
Chen Yulou couldn't help looking at Partridge Whistle at this moment, but after a second look, he couldn't help shaking his head, it was impossible.

The black blind man was thinking, according to what the third uncle said before, Prince Gumo finally escaped under the guidance of the fortune-teller and died halfway, and his final tomb is here, which shows that he knows that Yu Gaochang can deal with the queen of Jingjue , that is to say, in the Western Regions, only Yu Gaochang is the opponent of the Jingjue Queen. If this is the case, my God, the Jingjue Queen is probably very difficult to deal with!
Xu Ming in the coffin stared wide-eyed, what a DJ, this so-called moon god on my side is actually the first generation of Faqiu Tianguan who holds the Faqiu seal in the legend?Ge Laozi, I am a neighbor with Faqiu Tianguan, will she overturn my grave!Her father is Yu Gaochang!The big hanging ratio holding the sixteen hexagrams and the Guixu hexagram mirror, his daughter can open it better than him. I don't mean to say that I live by the fire, and I am in danger!
Everyone was preoccupied, only Pan Zi was chewing a cooked rice with braised pork and braised pork in the field.

(End of this chapter)

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