Chapter 76 Thunder Swallowing
The boundless lightning tore apart the space and ionized the air. Now the water area where Ren Tao is located has become an enchantment that is difficult for living beings to approach.

It is like a thunder waterfall falling from the sky, connecting the sky and the sea, surrounded by thick smoke, and occasionally bursting out flames.

The outside world looks extremely dangerous.

The Sea Witch propped up the Seagod's Light, guarding the 10-year-old soul beast beside her, staring blankly at the flashing lights in the sky.

Shui Linger and the others were also dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

If it wasn't for the Sea Witch to respond, no, if it wasn't for Ren Tao to let them go, then by now, there is a high probability that they will all turn into coke.

However, it is still possible for Ren Tao to survive.

After all, this is a guy who can "sacrifice himself" and is the favorite of the sea. Since the miracle happened once, it is not impossible to happen again.

"You said, Neptune should be fine?"

Everyone wanted to ask that question, but no one said anything.

The thunder and lightning tore apart the space, and Ren Tao's soul power coat was directly smashed, and the golden crown on his head was naturally not spared, and it was blown to pieces under the first violent thunder.

The lightning resistance of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King was negligibly weak, and the Demon Orca King was also restrained to death by lightning. The only thing he could rely on was Ren Tao's Blood Sea Buddha Domain.

The evil attribute power in the dragon's blood killing array can attract thunder and lightning, and its own viscosity creates a barrier to thunder and lightning.

And the golden body stupa, which has a strong and durable toughness, floated on the surface of Ren Tao's body, effectively blocking the damage.

But even so, Ren Tao still felt dizzy for a while, as if all the water in his body was drained in an instant, sweet blood flowed out of his mouth, and the shock of his soul was even stronger, just as the thunder and lightning and the rumbling loud noise In the midst of this, his entire spirit suddenly split open.

From one to three, they are the main god of the previous life, the dead deep sea demon whale king, and the current demon killer whale king.

Once the three souls were separated from the body, the Blood Sea Buddha Domain on Ren Tao's body also instantly collapsed.

Most of his power comes from the body of the evil killer whale king and the inheritance of the deep sea demon whale king. Although the genetic evolution has strengthened the soul, it is also the soul of the three in one.

As for the power of Lei Jie, the first thing to attack is the soul. When the soul is scattered, the body will naturally wither. This is the truth that Ren Tao only understands at this moment.

Although the mind and soul were separated, the physical pain was even more intense. In the dazzling white light curtain, the burning sensation caused by the high temperature, and the splitting feeling of the thunder and lightning bombarding the soul made his mind ache like a burst.

It even surpassed the pain of being crushed by the Sea God and being crushed by the God of Angels to destroy the Sea of ​​Inheritance.

Because the body's self-protection mechanism has failed, the fainting and loss of consciousness after the pain reaches the limit of endurance cannot appear now.

Amidst the miserable screams, Ren Tao's body split into twelve clones, and each clone had a trace of spiritual thoughts attached to it, and he used the speed of "wind" to run around and escape.

The thunder in the sky suddenly paused for a moment.

Can't even tell which one is the subject!
This is a move that splits the soul and the body. It is a move that exceeds the limit of Ren Tao's strength. It seems to have broken through a certain limit, squeezing out all the potential at the cost of burning the source. boundaries.

At least two or three clones rushed out of the columnar area of ​​"Thunder Waterfall" and flew in all directions.

The flames condensed by clusters of thunder and lightning, like giant claws with tail flames, flew close to the water surface, and began to chase at a high speed.

Lightning strikes one after another on the water surface, creating a large vortex, in which lightning flashes, emitting a huge suction force.

And every time, Ren Tao was able to get away from the bombardment of thunder and lightning dangerously. The "freedom like the wind" gave him the ability to walk freely between heaven and earth. Now it can't be pre-locked, and it is more flexible, so it has fooled Thunder's perception time and time again.

And the next moment, Ren Tao who was in the Thunder Falls also rushed out.

Suddenly there was a huge suction force in the sea, dragging most of the thunder and lightning, and a huge vortex appeared on the sea surface, as if the ocean opened a huge mouth, facing the sky, and began to compete for the thunder and lightning.

The surrounding thunder light gradually began to weaken, and gradually gathered towards the center of the vortex.

Ren Tao escaped from the thunder and lightning, and none of the thirteen bodies were damaged, and they merged together in a blink of an eye.

A gigantic whale figure that was so huge that it seemed to cover the entire ocean appeared around the thirteen-in-one Ren Tao. It was a little sluggish at first, but soon became extremely agile.

The huge wings waved the wind that swept across the world, carrying an ancient and desolate breath, and there was an unrivaled sound in the world.

The first ray of sound between heaven and earth is called 鷇音, implying that the chicks come out of their shells and form from chaos.

Because it is closest to the true nature of heaven and earth, it is the voice of the great way.

The sea of ​​the avenue, the holy fetus of heaven and earth...

According to the information of the Sea of ​​Inheritance, the Sea of ​​Great Dao gave birth to the Holy Child of Heaven and Earth. Ren Tao has never understood what the Sea of ​​Great Way is, and what is the Holy Child of Heaven and Earth.

He thought that evolution was the meaning and goal of everything. Now this voice brought him a kind of enlightenment, but he found that his previous understanding was wrong.

The goal of evolution is to return to the innate origin. The initial perfect template is also the ultimate goal to be achieved. In the end, evolution will form a closed loop, which is the perfection that integrates everything.

This winged... Kunpeng is probably the perfect form of a whale, so I have felt its presence in the Sea of ​​Inheritance, but what is my perfect form as a human being?

Boundless thunder after another fell into the giant vortex on the sea surface, but it seemed to enter another layer of space, and disappeared into nothingness in a blink of an eye. More lightning fell, but the vortex could not be filled at all.

Up to now, Ren Tao seems to have become a spectator.

With the non-stop devouring Luolei, Kunpeng... To be precise, it is still just a giant kun now, and gradually became interested, and his figure became more solid, and he began to communicate with Ren Tao in his heart:
"We've known each other for so long, and I've never eaten anything decent!"

Have you known each other for so long?

I have never met you in the Sea of ​​Inheritance, so where are you hiding?

"Space, there are many layers. As you know, there are seas within the sea, and forests within the Star Dou Forest. In fact, I am just a projection in your heart, and I can only occasionally reveal my true face under certain circumstances."

Does that mean you are me?
"Yes and no!"

"Sea of ​​Inheritance inherits not only matter but also spirit. Only when you meet the requirements of this spiritual level will you activate a certain imprint. To be precise, it's just my imprint. That idiot of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King , he is not a dragon at all, and he always wants to transform into a dragon, I don't bother to talk to him.

And God Shura also lied to you. After Lei Jie, he will be reborn. This is too nonsense, you don't really believe it, do you? "

Ju Kun probably hasn't communicated with anyone for too many years, and the conversation is dense and frequent.

Moreover, this is the communication of the spiritual world, and a meaning can be expressed in an instant, without the need to move your mouth.

Ren Tao was stunned for a second, and the doubts in his heart came out like a fountain:

Is there any substance in the sea of ​​inheritance?
Is it you who decoded and programmed before?

So why are you on strike now?

"The first question is too complicated. I can only say that I am more illusory than the Sea of ​​Inheritance! The second question is not me, so I didn't strike. I'm just your instinct to devour. It's easier to put it this way. Then, your genetic decoding is the ability of the evil soul master, he started the evolution chain, and finally went crazy, that's all I know!"

"Don't ask why, those are not important at all. In comparison, what I like to eat is the most important thing. Lei Jie is very appetizing. Then it is to devour the power of the fairy, the origin of the world, but now it is also You can't eat it, before you enter the realm of the gods, what you can devour is too limited!"

Can you swallow God?

Ren Tao asked a very realistic question.

"These gods are not pure enough, with a lot of impurities. Originally, there were some high-level gods in this world, but they ran away to death. Ah, there used to be a terrifying existence who split the origin of this world and made After things like Martial Soul, I have been incomplete since then, and I am missing some key things, so I can't get enough to eat, I have to eat and eat!"

That person is the Creator God?
There are also many bugs in the Douluo series, and many theories are contradictory. All readers have sued their heads, and Ren Tao is of course no exception.

So he didn't ask this question.

The giant kun is still devouring, and this process has been going on for a long time.

To be honest, Ren Tao couldn't believe it, Lei Jie was resolved so easily, it was like receiving a takeaway, if Sea God and Shura God knew about it, they would probably spit blood out of anger, right?
"How should I repair the Sea of ​​Inheritance?"

Ren Tao asked the last and most critical question.

"This bug, it doesn't actually come from you. It has existed since the evil soul master, so he is crazy... If you want to make up for it, you have to go through the path that the evil soul master has not walked, or to make up for the evil soul master." I don’t know exactly how to deal with the flaw of a soul master, but aren’t you very smart? I think you can do it!”

How do you know I can?
Ren Tao said to himself, he didn't expect Ju Kun to answer, but Ju Kun actually answered seriously,

"With kind thoughts in your heart, you are different from most people in this world!"

"Call me next time there is a thunder disaster. To be honest, the thunder disaster is really the easiest, and the ones in the future... will be called trouble!"

The giant kun disappeared without a sound while talking.

There was no warning beforehand, but only then did Ren Tao realize that the thunder tribulation had ended, the dark clouds in the sky receded, and the sun gradually emerged.

 Lei Jie is like this, if it is not written according to the setting in Xianxia novels, then Douluo's worldview will be subverted.

  It is claimed to be a floor tile of a fantasy novel, so there is no way to do it. Fans, we still have to refer to the original setting.

(End of this chapter)

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