Chapter 29 I wish you a sweet dream
In the Sea of ​​Inheritance, the wind and sun are no longer the same as before, only layers of mist condense, like thick water vapor on the car window.

Looking from the inside to the outside, the world is close at hand, but it is impossible to peek into it, as if time has stood still.

Ren Tao walked along the familiar mountain path in the mist. He knew that this was the self-protection mechanism of the Sea of ​​Inheritance. He suddenly received the power of the gods with huge power. It now completely blocked all his fluctuations. Only in this way can the power of the gods be kept calm.

As long as there is a slight change in oneself, the power of the gods will overwhelm the river and the sea, and the sea of ​​consciousness will collapse, and there will be no place to die.

However, the spiritual connection between Sea of ​​Inheritance and Ren Tao is still working, slowly guiding him towards the direction of "decoding" the power of the gods.

It seems that a vague memory brought Ren Tao back to the past.

That was the first year of coming to the imperial capital, because of the game between Guoan and Shenhua, there was a big traffic jam in Gongti.

Ren Tao was sitting in a taxi and saw the same water vapor. At that time, it was the first time he saw such a scene. He didn't understand what the streets were full of cars and pedestrians were doing. A strange world.

The driver smiled and asked Ren Tao, do you want to come down and walk?Otherwise, if you are stuck here, it will be for half an hour, and it will be for an hour.

Ren Tao chose to walk, and the drizzle fell from the sky, and the lights of the imperial capital shone brightly.

He was still a little fortunate in his heart. Originally, he took a taxi back to Xicheng, and the fare made him feel distressed. Now he can walk back, but it is a kind of relief.

After walking like this for more than two hours, it was twelve o'clock when I returned to the dormitory.

It's just that along the way, Ren Tao is cheerful, even if he is alone and wandering outside, unable to see the direction of the future, but life has dreams, and the future can be expected.

It's that weird!
Thinking about it now, I still don't understand why I felt happy at that time.

Later, he became the company's sales champion, got his own car, and occasionally recalled that night at Gongti, but he never regained the original mood.

Until one day, while driving on the expressway, a heavy truck rushing in the opposite direction strangely.

The glare of the lights made people panic.

Ren Tao actually saw a sea in the light!

The car collided with a crash, ear-piercing roars were heard, glass shards and various parts were flying all over the sky, but Ren Tao came to the sea and became the evil killer whale... king.

I didn't have time to think about these things before, because the survival crisis was pressing, and it was almost impossible to breathe. From the "alliance" with the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, to avoiding the pursuit of the Shrek Seven Monsters, and then absorbing the whale beads, killing Sea God Island, and then To prevent Tang San from obtaining the eighth spirit ring, to start the second stage of evolution, to confront the Sea God Phantom, and then to the present.

When he first traveled through time, Ren Tao was actually about to accept his fate. He also thought that his life was a mistake, and felt that all of this was a trick of fate, but at the critical moment, it was the group of evil killer whales that aroused his fighting spirit.

Yes, these cruel, bloodthirsty and stupid big guys, although they have a bad reputation, they actually have advantages that ordinary people can't see. They dare to show their teeth to the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, dare to attack Sea God Island, and dare to fight all enemies desperately , but absolutely loyal to partners and ethnic groups.

These let Ren Tao understand that he can't die, he has to live.

As the evil killer whale king, even if all his clansmen were dead, he still had to avenge them.

Now, Ren Tao has done it.

After being shattered and reassembled by the phantom of the Sea God, and just face to face with the Sea God, he now feels tired and relaxed like never before.

It was in this state that the good show of "decoding" the power of the gods began.

Ren Tao seems to have seen the scene of the battle of gods, the cloud cluster size and color like golden flames exploded layer by layer, spreading from the sky to the sea surface, and then shuttled to the ground. The real world is illusory in front of such vast power The two-dimensional world is as fragile as paper. The continental shelf collapses instantly, the mountains sink, and a huge white mask rises from the horizon, spreading at a speed beyond human cognition, covering the entire planet in a blink of an eye.

There are also countless blue or golden filaments, like Tang San's blue silver grass or Ren Tao's own devouring gold filaments, but they are so huge and dense that they meander from one side of the planet to the other. .

The huge blue and purple-black figure was reflected in people's minds when the naked eye lost its effect, making a rumbling sound that shook the world.

Although it was only a scene in consciousness, it carried an irresistible coercion, like an entity falling on Ren Tao.

At this time, his body began to shatter.

To be precise, it was the pain from the broken body just now that came back.

It was broken before, and was reorganized by the power of taboo with the help of genetic memory. The time was too fast, and almost no pain was felt.Now, this process is "replayed", and every bit of pain is not less, and it acts on every organ and every cell.

Blood collapsed, organs shattered, muscles and bones flew, and every process was displayed before Ren Tao's eyes.

The pain was so painful that I couldn't make a sound, and I couldn't even fall into a coma. The pain was so desperate.

"Yes, the price of evolution has finally come!"

A voice sounded in his mind. Ren Tao thought it was a hallucination at first, but then realized that it was not. Under such pain, it is impossible to have hallucinations.

"The extreme pain is calm!"

Ren Tao thoughtlessly replied "he". This "he" is the power of the gods contained in his body. As an existence beyond the dimension of the real world, "he" has his own original consciousness and memory.

And the painful process is also the process of Ren Tao and the power of the gods merging with each other.

Although Ren Tao's body cannot bear such a load, there is a sea of ​​inheritance. As long as Ren Tao has endured the severe pain and the confrontation at the spiritual level, the sea of ​​inheritance will take all the power of the gods for his own use.

"Is there peace in your heart?"


Ren Tao didn't speak, but proved it with actions—his thoughts went back to that rainy night.

On Gongti South Road, there was a sea of ​​cars and a weaving of people. The "he" with the power of the gods stood beside the trash can and smoked.

"Unexpectedly, you still have this hobby..." Ren Tao said in surprise.

"It's the feeling you gave me. It's rare. We're breaking the ice, right?"

This... If you say so, it will be easy to handle!

Ren Tao also took out a cigarette and smoked it, don't tell me it really smells that way.

"Is this another dream?
The power of the gods looked at the surrounding buildings and sighed in admiration, "It's unexpected that it has been perfected to such an extent, it's amazing."

Dream, what do you mean?
Ren Tao didn't say this, the power of the gods already understood, he began to choose his words carefully, and was ready to explain to Ren Tao:
"What do you think the God Realm is?
Thousands of dreams!The various planets under the rule of the God Realm are like dreams within dreams.

Both human beings and gods live in dreams.

It seems very real, but every time a change happens and all the dreams come to an end, it turns out that it is just a dream.

For example, Tang San in Douluo Continent had a dream of a god-king, but unfortunately his dream was shattered early when you came. "

So dreams are equivalent to different timelines, so what are the variables?
"It's like the thousands of species in the history of evolution are actually just trying to find the only correct direction.

The variable is an opportunity to lead in the right direction, bringing new changes and endless destruction, but no one knows the answer to what it is exactly! "

Having said this, the power of the gods stopped, staring at the opposite building, the breath and figure became dim, as if they were about to melt into the night of the city.

"You haven't left any traces here, you are all so ordinary and trivial that you can't describe it. How can you control the power of the gods and get the ray of truth between heaven and earth?"

Are you really from Douluo World?
Ren Tao is really a little confused. Douluo world overlaps with the real world. After all, is he still despising himself as an ordinary person?

"You know, I get up at 7 am, go downstairs for breakfast, and then take the subway to work. The door-to-door time is one hour and 15 minutes. When I arrive at the company, I will list today's work tasks as soon as possible and check yesterday's work Record, make a customer visit plan..."

"What do you want to say?"

The power of the gods is a little confusing, because Ren Tao has instilled a lot of "daily work" into his perception.

"I'm saying, I'm working hard to live. This is my role in the real world. I don't have super powers, systems, or cheats. I... just me. It's the same in Douluo World. I'm an evil killer whale Wang, but, I am still me. But you, do you know who you are?"


The power of the gods was caught off guard, and was brought into Ren Tao's logic. He suddenly found that he had no social position!
Yes, only the ordinary can defeat the great!
Ren Tao sneered, let's see how I can beat you with social anthropology~
"Tang San proclaimed himself the head of the Tang Sect. In fact, he was just an abandoned disciple in his previous life. Later, he transformed himself into a god king, but he still didn't understand what caused his downfall in his previous life. He always wanted something that didn't belong to him. Something, forgetting his own social attributes, even if he becomes a god king, he will bring disaster to the god world.

Sound brutal right?But that's what it is.

I don't know if I am a variable, but on the premise of following my own position, what I do must be more correct than you. Do you have any doubts about this? "

"I... feel like I've had an incredible dream!"

The figure of the power of the gods began to dissolve, and in the strong self-doubt, his self-awareness became weak, and he was gradually assimilated by Ren Tao.

The power began to flow back, and the scene in front of him became unreal.

Ren Tao really wanted to take another look at his dormitory. After all, he lived there for 3 years, leaving behind his youth and beautiful fantasies about love.

However, it can't be done.

He returned to the Sea of ​​Inheritance, the pain disappeared, and his body was still the same, but everything that happened just now was really like a dream.

The Sea of ​​Inheritance accepted the power of the gods and started its own "renewal iteration".

In the earth-shaking changes around him, Ren Tao also felt extremely gratified. He didn't know what the power of the gods thought in the end, but Ren Tao felt that he had really found the answer.

"My work is done, so don't worry about the rest, you can figure it out for me, Sea of ​​Inheritance!"

 This chapter has changed!

  Hope you like it!

(End of this chapter)

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