Chapter 88 Die For Me!
Quan stared blankly at the corpses lying in a pool of blood not far away.

"How can this happen. How can this happen."

The dark pupils were full of unbelievable colors.

Many of the corpses on the ground were wearing the iconic high-necked tops of the Uchiha clan. Obviously, they were all members of her clan. All of them were either wiped on the neck or pierced through the heart by Kunai. All of them were fatal wounds that could not die anymore , lifeless.

She never thought that when she came back, she would see such a tragic scene.

At this time, she suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.

"No, Mom!"

She let out an exclamation, and then ran home desperately.

Xuan Yu raised his hand, opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally sighed helplessly, followed closely behind, and at the same time fully activated the power of grace, vigilant around.

In the sky, he had actually seen the location of Uchiha Itachi, he ran into a big house, presumably to talk to his dear brother, the place was in the opposite direction from where they were going now.

Even so, he still maintained the highest vigilance.

Now is not the time to save skills.

Quan quickly returned to the familiar door, but when she raised her head, her pupils shrank in the next second, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

I saw a woman lying in a pool of blood in the small courtyard in front of the door.


Quan let out a mournful cry, and came up to the woman and hugged her up.

However, the next thing she saw was that the woman's heart had been completely pierced, and her face had lost the slightest bit of life. She had obviously stopped breathing and turned into a cold corpse.

Seeing this, she quickly turned her head and looked at Xuan Yu.

"Xuanyu, do you still have that magical bean? Please! Give me one!"

Xuan Yu shook his head, and slowly said the words that shattered Quan's last hope.

"Xiandou can only heal the wounded, no matter how severe the injury is, as long as there is still one breath, it can heal, but it is ineffective for the dead."

"Sorry, although I have many ways to heal the wounded, but I can't do anything to the dead, and my aunt is already dead."

Looking at the woman in her arms who had a relationship with her once, Xuan Yu couldn't help but sigh.

After all, it still didn't catch up.
And hearing this, Quan's hopeful look suddenly froze on his face.

In the next second, the incomparably warm past with my mother kept flashing in my mind like a horse watching flowers, and finally, it was fixed on the boy I saw in mid-air who I admired just now, harvesting in a remote corner of the settlement. It is a scene of the life of a clansman.


Quan cried out in great grief, an indescribable anger rose from the bottom of his heart, followed by bursts of stinging pain in his eyes.

She instinctively covered her eyes.

The Sharingan that was opened at some time, in the crimson eyes, the black Gouyu quietly closed towards the middle, just like two years ago when she saw Xuanyu was almost drained of Chakra to save her from dying. When she looked miserable, her eyes changed the same way.

"Why... why is this happening! Why did you kill Mom!!"

Quan cried out sadly, like crazy.

Under the extreme sadness and anger, her mind went blank and she almost lost her mind.

Xuan Yu couldn't help frowning.

Although he can understand, but now is not the time to express sadness
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

He couldn't say sane words about the status quo and what to do next, at least not now, in the face of a fountain of grief.

And at this moment, there was a slight sound behind him.

Xuan Yu's eyes froze, he raised his hand, and slammed his fist hard on the ground.


A powerful force exploded on the ground, and then a stone slab rose from the ground, lying in front of him and Izumi.

In the next second, I saw a few kunwu with detonating talismans flying over. The huge force made kunai penetrate deeply into the stone slab in an instant. Immediately afterwards, the detonating talismans behind exploded, and there was a huge explosion. The impact instantly blew the slate into pieces.

At the same time, Xuan Yu hugged Quan and her mother's body, and left the original position.

And the moment Quan Gang's legs left the ground, a hand suddenly appeared from the ground. If she hadn't left just now, she would have been grabbed by that hand, and the next fate can be imagined.

After that hand grabbed the air, a figure slowly emerged from the ground.

However, he saw that he was wearing a strange mask with only one eye exposed, his whole figure was hidden in a large black clothes, his long black hair was flying in the wind, and a scarlet light flashed in the mask, making him look extremely eerie and strange.

"That guy in Danzo actually let outsiders get involved."

man's voice.

"It seems to be an abandoned child, or a thorn in the side of a faction that is not with him, and"

The masked man focused his gaze on Quan.

"Unexpectedly, the actions of that fellow Itachi would actually slip through the net."

Xuan Yu stood still, put the spring down, with an extremely solemn expression, and asked knowingly:
"who are you?"

The masked man didn't speak, but raised his hand, only heard a few ding dings, and saw a chain protruding from his sleeve.

Seeing this, Xuan Yu sneered, and then took out a long sword from the scroll.

At this time, Quan stood up.

"Did you kill my mother?"

She lowered her head, and her bangs fell, covering the upper half of her face, making her expression invisible.

The masked man spread his hands.

"I didn't attack these trash who abandoned Uchiha's foothold and were no longer worthy of Uchiha's name. That was Itachi's goal. Little girl, your mother was undoubtedly killed by him."

Hearing this, Quan clenched his fists tightly.

" are his accomplice?"

The clenched fists made a slight "click" sound one after another.

"Although I don't know why he did such an inhumane thing, no matter how strong he is alone, it is impossible for him to ignore the police force and kill the clansmen, let alone kill the seniors of the police force alone. Are you sure? What did you do!"

She raised her head abruptly, and stared at the masked man with Sharingan eyes, her eyes were full of monstrous anger and endless killing intent.

Feeling her anger, looking into her eyes, the masked man narrowed his eyes and looked at Quan with interest.

"Huh? Nice eyes."

Under the mask, his face lifted slightly.

"You guessed it right, I killed the police force, but so what? They were killed so easily by me only shows that they are too weak, so I am just protecting the name of the Uchiha clan, that's all. After all, the weak Uchiha is shameful, only strength and fighting are the meaning of Uchiha's existence, and the Uchiha family, which has forgotten its essence and keeps deteriorating, should not continue to exist in this world."

Hearing this, Quan could no longer bear the raging anger in his heart.

"Damn bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

Before Xuanyu could stop him, Quan, who had almost lost his mind, rushed towards the masked man. For some reason, her speed was almost three times faster than usual. Xuanyu was caught off guard and had no time to stop her. Zhong arrived in front of the masked man almost instantly, and under his slightly surprised eyes, Yi Kun Wu pierced his head.

"Death to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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