The Strongest Technician of Konoha

Chapter 54 Transcend the limit in the limit, break through the self in the desperate situation

Chapter 54 Transcend the limit in the limit, break through the self in the desperate situation

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to tell you."

Xuan Yu seemed to suddenly recall something, and said:
"My teaching method is completely different from the teachers in the ninja school. After you graduate and become a ninja, the teaching method of leading a team of ninja is also different, because the philosophy I believe in is completely different from theirs. Teacher Ninja is still the leader of the team, they will guide you to grow up step by step, teach students in accordance with your aptitude, and formulate reasonable guidance plans for you according to your physique, talents, etc. At least, they will never hurt you, but I believe in... "

Having said that, he raised the corner of his mouth and slowly revealed a subtle smile:
"It is to surpass the limit in the limit, and to break through the self in the ultimate crisis!"

Hearing this, Naruto's mind immediately flashed the image of Xuan Yu attacking that beautiful big sister mercilessly with one powerful ninjutsu after another that he saw in the valley.

"Could it be that... Big Brother Xuanyu meant..."

"Yeah, just what you think."

As if seeing through what Naruto was thinking, Xuan Yu smiled slightly and said:
"Although I will teach you some techniques, I will not wait patiently for you to learn slowly, nor will I wait for you to master them slowly. I will only give you a short time to master the essentials, and then use my techniques to do everything I can. The poles temper your will and strength in actual combat, just like what you saw in the valley before, what I did to my companions."

"Remember, I am serious. Every time I practice, I will become an obstacle that you must overcome on your growth path. You will not relax just because you are a child."

After a pause, Xuan Yu's expression became more and more kind under Naruto's widened eyes.

"So, being my disciple is a very risky thing. Every time you do a real practice, you will face the threat of death, and then you will either die in the cruel practice, or break through yourself in the desperate situation that is infinitely close to death, and you will become stronger through training. If you don’t have the awareness to become stronger even if you are threatened with death at any time, I advise you to give up as soon as possible, after all, if you give up halfway, your life probably has no hope at all.”

Naruto swallowed, with a look of fear on his small face.

After all, he is just a child, and his mind and will are still very immature.

He knew that what Xuan Yu said was probably true, because when he was in the valley, Xuan Yu didn't seem to hold back his hand, that big sister was about to be beaten to death several times, and every time she saw those terrifying attacks, she was already exhausted When she fell, he was sweating in his heart.

At that time, he even wondered if Xuan Yu was really going to beat her to death. Fortunately, she was able to save herself from danger every time, until she was lying on the ground exhausted, and she had indeed completely lost her ability to move. hand.

Naruto thought, if he faced the kind of super-wide-range continuous attack that could almost cover the sky, it would be impossible to survive, right?
"So what I want to test is not only your aptitude, but also your awareness, because you will encounter countless desperate situations in the practice, without the corresponding awareness, it is absolutely impossible for you to cross the impasse and break through yourself .”

Xuan Yu rested his hands behind his head, and said with a relaxed expression: "Besides, if you can survive the cultivation in the future, you will definitely become stronger, become stronger, and have more power than most people, and power , to a certain extent will determine the life and death of many people, and has the possibility of going berserk, so."

As he said that, a strange look flashed in his eyes inexplicably: "Without the awareness of facing death at any time, you are not qualified to have the ability to control the life and death of others. When you decide to gain power, it means You are ready to be killed."

Naruto was silent.

I don't know if he was affected by the stimulation in front of the bookstore before, or he was frightened by Xuan Yu's words. At this time, he is obviously different from usual, without the carelessness of the past.

To be honest, he didn't understand much of what Xuan Yu said later, after all, he was just a seven-year-old child who had no experience in the world. Although he had a special experience, in terms of life experience, he was not much different from children of the same age. , not everyone is Uchiha Itachi.

Xuan Yu's words were still too raw and difficult for him to understand.

He only understands that the test is very difficult, and even if he can pass the test, if what Xuan Yu said is true, then, if you practice under his guidance, you will really die!

This kind of cultivation method is unheard of.

Although when he was in school, he was often teased and hated by the adults for stealing the limelight, but at least he would not face any danger, and his life was relatively peaceful. He chose to become Xuanyu's disciple because it seemed like a hell in heaven. , is to choose a way of life that is diametrically opposed to the past.

Xuan Yu was not in a hurry, and after finishing what he had to say, he quietly leaned against the tree trunk, waiting for Naruto's choice, while enjoying the breeze in the mountains.

He Xun, Yi Ran.

The sunlight fell through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled tree shadows one after another on Xuan Yu's face, swaying and rippling.

Calm, peaceful.

After a long time, Naruto finally raised his head, his eyes full of determination.

"Brother Xuanyu, I still want to practice with you."

Xuan Yu opened his eyes slightly.


Naruto nodded heavily: "It's decided."

Compared to the lonely hell he is in now, he would rather choose a dangerous future.


There was no trace of surprise on Xuan Yu's face, he knew Naruto's choice and nodded calmly.

"Then take a break first, adjust your state, and start the test in two hours."

Cherish this precious free time, big drop mom~
After speaking, he closed his eyes.

On a sunny noon, enjoying the cool under the shade of a tree, facing the crisp breeze, he felt a little drowsy not long after he went out. In this situation, he felt sorry for the blessings of nature if he didn't take a nap for a while.

It is definitely not because of the wonderful ability of "the more decadent the strength grows, the faster the strength will grow faster" obtained by the Uesugi clan after the second awakening of Blood Successor Limit.

Xuan Yu thought so with certainty.

At this moment, in a daze, he suddenly heard Naruto's voice with some emotion:
"Brother Xuan Yu, tell me, what should I do now to make the people in the village change their views on me and stop hating me so much?"

Hearing this, Xuan Yu inexplicably regained his energy.

"How do you want me to answer?" He raised his eyelids and said lazily: "This question itself is very stupid, and I even feel that people who can ask this kind of question have more or less out of their minds. Something is wrong, Naruto."

Hearing this completely unexpected words, Naruto couldn't help but froze.


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(End of this chapter)

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