Chapter 264 Amaterasu
Itachi didn't expect it, but he hadn't seen him for four years. At that time, the girl who was looking forward to him, but she was just a bit talented and could barely be regarded as a genius ninja, would bring such terrifying pressure to herself at this time.

Looking at the gradually forming black Susano not far away, Itachi's expression became more serious.

"Don't talk?"

Quan said lightly: "It seems that you are still so arrogant after so long. Is this the face of a murderer? But it doesn't matter."

She slowly raised her hand, and gently grasped the void with her five fingers.

Following her movements, an extremely huge chakra suddenly emerged from her body, and then Susanoo, who was only a half-length giant, swelled rapidly again, and instantly transformed into a chakra hundreds of meters high giant.

Quan hovered quietly in the position of a very conspicuous gemstone on the giant's head, condescendingly watching the two shocked faces below, like looking at ants.

"In any case, you must die here today."

While speaking, the complete Susano slowly pulled out the long knife at his waist. Such a simple movement of his huge body actually caused a strong wind to blow around him. At the same time, Susano Suddenly, black hook jades gathered around, and then spun rapidly amidst the ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air.

Itachi was full of surprise.

It is completely Susano, and it seems that it is not an empty shell that can only be used for bluffing, but a top-level pupil technique that can be perfectly controlled...

Quan's pupil power is actually so powerful...

He who also opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan naturally knows what it means to open the full body Susanoo.
"Ah, this is really incredible, this little girl is actually the avenger of the Uchiha clan, tsk tsk... unexpectedly possessing such terrifying power at such a young age, it looks like you are even stronger than Itachi-san."

Kisame pulled out the shark muscle on his back and carried it on his shoulder.

"Weasel-sang, we are probably doomed today."

Itachi didn't speak, but raised his hand suddenly, put his hands together, and quickly made seals with his ten fingers.

"Don't try to escape!"

Sensing Itachi's movement, Izumi let out a cold snort, and with a move of his mind, Susano slashed out with a sword, and at the same time, several high-speed spinning Gouyu pressed towards the ghost below with the terrifying sword swinging out of the long sword. The shark and weasel fell.

The mountain-opening force comparable to Uchiha Madara slammed on the place where the two were standing, and the large area of ​​the ground burst instantly, and under the crazily destructive force, a hole tens of meters deep was blasted out there in an instant. Huge pit.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Yu, who was sitting on the edge of the gap in mid-air, couldn't help but groan.

"Hmm... Hitomijutsu, shuriken, and fire escape, although they are the housekeeping skills of the Uchiha clan, but... Izumi's words, using taijutsu should be able to solve the battle quickly, is she trying to prove something? Or is it this?" Is it also her obsession?"

Although he was a bit doubtful, and felt that Quan's use of these seemingly gorgeous, but in fact only gaudy and inefficient moves, it would be better to directly open eight doors and use physical skills to end the battle decisively, but he still did not intend to interfere in this battle. fighting.

Since Quan did what he did, there must be a reason for doing so, there is no need to interfere, since he is not in a hurry anyway.

All he has to do is maintain the space barrier so that Itachi and Kisame cannot escape.

In the space barrier, the matter in the barrier will fall into an infinite loop of space folding, just like in the Chunin exam before, unless he himself is killed, the barrier will not be untied.


When all the effects of Susano's slashing attacks finally passed, the two people who had escaped in some way suddenly appeared behind Susano, their faces were full of surprise, obviously they did not expect that they were clearly He escaped to the other side and ended up in an unexpected place across time and space from the opposite direction.

Quan locked the positions of the two of them almost instantly, and his hands quickly formed seals again.

"Fire Escape·Longyan Art of Singing!"

A high-density fireball flew out of her mouth, and then suddenly split into four fireballs in the next second, and finally formed four dazzling fire dragons, whistling and flying towards the two people below from different directions.

Itachi judged almost instantly that this move of fire escape was difficult to dodge, and the speed of the fire dragon was extremely fast, even Kisame couldn't see it like this and react to form a water escape technique to defend.

Only on your own!

He didn't hesitate, and with the blessing of rich combat experience, his body responded quickly like an instinct.


The red energy body quickly formed a solid energy wall in front of the two of them.

Boom boom boom!
The fire dragon collided with Susano's energy wall and exploded instantly. The dazzling flame quickly engulfed Susano's body, but after the energy was completely vented, the Susano inside remained motionless. Obviously this kind of The degree of large-scale fire escape does not have much impact on Susanoo.

If you want to penetrate Susanoo, the easiest way is to use a high-intensity attack to pierce the surface.

After blocking the Fire Escape · Dragon Flame Singing, Itachi suddenly closed one eye, and then slowly flowed a line of bright red tears of blood, and at the same time, the inner pupil began to operate crazily——


At the moment when the chakra surged wildly, at the moment when the focus of Itachi's eyes converged, Susano's huge head was suddenly enveloped by a strange black fire, burning everything inside rapidly, obviously it was only the whiskers of the energy body. Zuo Nenghu actually let the black fire burn, and there were signs of melting in just a moment.

When Quan inside saw this scene, there was a trace of solemnity on Jumei's face.

It is impossible for normal flames to burn on Susanoo.

The pupil art of kaleidoscope sharingan, the black flame that can ignite even the energy body... the art of amaterasu... Sure enough, that man can kill the Uchiha clan, and his writing sharingan must have some kind of power that far surpasses other clans After all, the battle between the Uchiha clan is actually a battle between Sharingan.

Whose pupil technique is more powerful will directly affect the result of the battle, and the result will come out soon, there will be no protracted battle. The writing sharing eyes of ordinary Uchiha people are almost not kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes. The enemy of the tribe.

Now Izumi has seen that the ability of one of Itachi's kaleidoscope sharingan is this weird black flame, the other is unknown, Itachi has not shown it, but judging from his past, the other eye's pupil ability , probably related to illusion.

After all, the ability obtained after awakening the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is inextricably linked to the owner's personality and experience, and that's how her time system pupil technique came about.

After all, Sharingan is the pupil of the soul.

Izumi didn't intend to fight against Amaterasu's fire. After realizing that the weird black flame showed no signs of weakening and dissipating, she resolutely left Susanoo's body and fell straight from the midair. Print quickly.

"Melting escape!"

The corners of her mouth suddenly bulged:

"The Art of Burning River Rock!"

(End of this chapter)

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