Chapter 26 Status Quo
Although Xuan Yu's request was very strange, it was not the request that Quan feared the most. In this way, she didn't have to worry about entanglement.

Logically speaking, no matter why Xuan Yu didn't make a request to embarrass her, she should breathe a sigh of relief.

However, there was an inexplicable heavy feeling in Quan's heart.

This feeling made her a little depressed, with an indescribable boredom.

"It's almost time to get out of here."

Xuan Yu didn't know how complicated the girl's mind was at the moment, and she didn't bother to guess.

Holding on to the stone slab beside him, he stood up slowly.

After recuperating for the past few days, he can barely get out of bed.

I don't know why, but it should be that his physique is not much stronger than that of ordinary people. He is forcibly overdrawing his body energy, and he is only a thread away from death. , I was able to barely get out of bed after only staying for a few days.

This recovery ability was not possessed by his original physique.

But Xuan Yu didn't pay much attention to this subtle change, and now is not the time to think about it.

Quan hurriedly restrained his thoughts, and then walked to Xuan Yu's side to support him.

"Are you in good health? Why don't you rest for a few days?"

Quan was a little concerned.

"No." Xuan Yu shook his head, "It is not necessary to fully recover if we leave here, and we have been missing for so long for no reason, not to mention how anxious Teacher Xin is, Gou Nishida's plan has probably already started, the enemy is in the dark, we are in the open , the most urgent task now is to go back and meet up with Teacher Xin, if there is Shangren, we can have more confidence."

Hearing this, Quan suddenly remembered what Xuan Yu had said before he was attacked by Yan Yin's rebellious ninja, about Nishida Takeshi's plan for this country.

Thinking of the terrible situation that the citizens of this country will face if Nishida's plan is successful, Izumi feels shuddering, and his delicate body trembles slightly.

Although it was the first time she came into contact with concepts such as fund pools and term mismatches, she felt an invisible and intangible bloody mouth, which could completely swallow countless people in a single click.

Poverty, famine, oppression, rebellion, unrest, all kinds of terrible things are very likely to happen in this country.

Perhaps the tragic fate of countless people has been doomed since Nishida just successfully left the country with countless favors in the fund pool.

"Xuanyu, we must find a way to stop him."

Xuan Yu looked at her a little strangely: "It's true that we are going to fight against that guy, but you seem to think that the initiative is in our hands, and our actions are based on the justice in our hearts?"

Quan couldn't help being stunned by the sudden question.

"If you act with this kind of thought, we'd better run away and go back to the village to bring in reinforcements."

Although he is a genius of the Uchiha clan, after all, he is only a novice ninja who left the village to perform a task for the first time, so he will inevitably appear immature, in various senses.

Xuan Yu sighed helplessly in his heart, but he still explained: "Now, we have actually been involved in this Yizhi Kingdom's entrusting gold proxy incident."


"There will be no hostile ninjas in C-level missions, you should still remember this sentence."

"But, isn't that guy a traitor..."

Quan knew what Xuan Yu was referring to, and subconsciously wanted to refute, but as soon as the words came out, she realized something, and her eyes widened suddenly.

"It seems that you have thought of it too."

Xuan Yu looked relieved, seeing this expression made Quan inexplicably feel a little annoyed.

He continued: "That's right, although that guy is rebellious, he obviously has some kind of connection with Takeshi Nishida. There are generally two possibilities for this, either he is cooperating with Takeshi Nishida, or he is eyeing what he has. No matter what the reason is, this so-called C-level mission has already been infiltrated by an unknown ninja force, and this ninja force is [-]% malicious to us."

Hearing this, Quan inexplicably remembered what Xuan Yu said before, this mission is indeed not easy, and they are simply lucky to receive this kind of mission.

Now she finally understands what Xuan Yu said at that time.

Thinking about it this way, Quan felt that Dazhi's performance and what he said at that time, compared with Xuanyu, looked like a clown.

Although she herself was not much better, she didn't hear Xuan Yu's deep meaning at all, and she didn't believe his judgment at the beginning, but at least she didn't sneer at Xuan Yu like Dazhi did, and she didn't give up because Xuan Yu didn't show extraordinary qualities. strength and ignore him.

"Since we took over this task, it has actually fallen into the calculations of Nishida Takeshi and has become a link in his plan."

Xuan Yu said slowly: "If it is a simple C-level mission, knowing that the ninja performing the mission is probably a novice with poor strength and no mission experience, according to common sense, he is not a businessman who is not particularly short of money. It is very likely that you will not accept it, and you will find faults no matter how bad it is, but think about how Nishida Gou treated you after you left the village."

Listening to Xuanyu's analysis, Quan gradually became nervous.

She thought about it seriously, and after a while, cold sweat burst out.

"Could it be that……"

She opened her mouth with some difficulty.

The complexity of this task was really unbearable for her who had just started contacting this world full of darkness.

"The country of Yi who is being targeted by him is indeed very likely to be in crisis, but why not us who are also being targeted by him?"

Xuan Yu looked calm, but described the situation that made Quan nervous:
"So, we have never been big figures who can freely control the development of the situation with our own will, and can freely choose to implement the justice in our hearts or be indifferent to it. We are just prey to be targeted."

After a pause, Xuan Yu continued: "So, quickly put away your self-righteous arrogance, the situation we have to face next is not that simple."

Quan nodded heavily: "Well, I see, I will listen to you."

"In short, let's meet up with Teacher Xin first."

As Xuan Yu said, he prepared to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave here.

At this moment, Quan suddenly thought of a question, hesitated for a moment, then bit his lip, and said:
"By the way, Xuan Yu, after you go back, do you want to tell Teacher Xin that you have awakened the matter of the Blood Succession Boundary?"

Xuan Yu told her that he was the Blood Successor Grime awakened after he fell into the water and was rescued by her. According to what he said about the particularity of the Uesugi Clan Blood Successor Grime, Quan knew that his strength was not bad since then, but Never show it.

Whether it was a survival exercise or a counterattack against bandits, he basically didn't take much action when he needed to fight, and passed them all like a bastard.

Quan was wondering if Xuanyu wanted to hide his strength for some reason, and didn't want outsiders to know, so she wanted to know what Xuanyu thought about this.

And when she thought of the word "outsider", she couldn't help trembling slightly, and her body felt inexplicably numb.

Xuan Yu said casually: "Whatever, it doesn't matter."

(End of this chapter)

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