The Strongest Technician of Konoha

Chapter 259 3 Tails (3 more for support)

Chapter 259 Three Tails (Third Watch for Support)

Dominate the domain, the monument.

Xuan Yu, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly breathed out a turbid breath, then slowly opened his eyes, stood up, and at the same time waved his hand, following his movements, a dazzling brilliance descended from the sky and landed straight on the top of the divine tablet, automatically Wrap the entire sacred monument in brilliance from top to bottom.

Immediately afterwards, the brilliance suddenly shattered, scattered into dots of stars, and then continued to gather together, forming incomparable mysterious magic formulas, surrounding the inscription, giving the already majestic stele a sacred aura .

Xuan Yu withdrew his hand, and in the next second, a drop of golden liquid the size of a thumb suddenly flew out from the center of the sacred tablet, and landed straight on the center of Xuan Yu's eyebrows, completely integrated into his body in just a moment, becoming a part of his own existence.

That was the last holy relic left by the Lord God.

spirit shell.

At the same time, it is also one of the trump cards of the ruler. As long as a trace of the soul resides in the spirit shell, no matter what state the other parts of the soul are in, it can guarantee its eternal existence, and at the same time maintain the stability of the soul to the greatest extent. No shock, no matter the huge memory or the flow of information, will not shake the soul in it, and then perfectly digest all the shocks.

To put it simply, it is able to maintain the stability of the soul. Unless the owner voluntarily leaves the spirit shell or the spirit shell is attacked by external forces, there will never be any problems with the soul in it.

"The preparations are almost done, now only Godhead is missing."

Xuan Yu raised his hand and stretched vigorously.

"Then, it's almost time to make an end to this world, but before that..."

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his head and looked up at the starry sky.

The true face of the countless stars floating in the eternal night sky is a derived world. From the special perspective unique to the ruler, the most basic situation in the derived world includes information such as laws, world lines, degrees of distortion, and roots. And so on are mapped in his mind.

The heavens and myriad worlds are distorted by the roots to varying degrees, and the conditions presented are also different. To solve all the distortions at the same time, it is natural not to be ignorant of these worlds.

Xuan Yu suddenly stretched out his hand, slowly put his ten fingers together, and then quickly issued this seal.

If Naruto were here, he would have discovered that the seals Xuan Yu made at this time were somewhat similar in style and order to the technique of shadow clone. Can say the enhanced version of the shadow clone technique.

But it's only somewhat similar.

In fact, the seals required for this technique are much more complicated than the shadow clone technique. There are hundreds of seals alone. Obviously, this is not a practical ninjutsu that can be used on the battlefield.

When the last seal was completed, Xuan Yu suddenly clasped his hands——

"Spiritualization of all phenomena!"

With the activation of a special technique specially developed for a certain purpose combined with the ability of the ruler, a light blue light suddenly appeared on Xuanyu's body, and then it shattered instantly, forming thousands of light blue lights. Small ball of light.

The balls of light are big and small, the big ones are the size of a fist, and the small ones are like a grain of dust. There are even light balls that cannot be seen by naked eyes floating around Xuanyu's body.

And the second after those balls of light flew out of Xuan Yu, he seemed to lose his support suddenly, as if his soul and power were emptied in an instant, and he fell straight to the ground.

At the same time, a faint golden light slowly flickered between his brows as he lay on the ground with his eyes closed, making him look like he still had vitality, and he hadn't completely fallen into the dark silence.

After a while, the ball of light floating around suddenly moved, and they flew towards Xuan Yu's eyebrows at high speed, and within a moment, they all poured into the place where the golden light was, and returned to Xuan Yu with the ball of light. Inside, the corners of his eyes suddenly moved slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes.

When his eyes regained clarity, there was no doubt in his eyes, obviously he had expected that he would be unconscious after performing that technique.

He rubbed his swollen head, the bones in his body seemed to be falling apart, he couldn't lift his strength, and he felt a sense of heaviness.

"Well, the sequelae are a bit serious."

Feeling a sense of powerlessness that he hasn't felt for a long time, Xuan Yu shook his head.

"However, this is also normal. After all, it is forcibly splitting the soul, adding the division of personality and assigning corresponding abilities, and then forcibly merging into a complete body. The sequelae of this degree are within the acceptable range. This operation is barely complete. .”

at this time--

"Mr. Xuan Yu, are you alright?"

Suddenly there was a weak voice full of concern in front of him.

Xuan Yu paused his thoughts and looked up.

What came into view was a pair of gigantic evils.

Looking up, one can see a delicate little face, that is a very mature looking woman, looking at him worriedly.

And behind her, a huge mecha with a long sword on its back was standing there quietly with its hands folded, like a guardian, waiting for the two people underneath.

The third contractor, who is also the burial virgin of the skill demon god Baiyin, the woman who has always provided Xuanyu with the ability to "cut space", Kurosaki Amoka.


Xuan Yu shook his head, and was about to stand up, when a small snow-white hand suddenly appeared in front of him.

Without being polite, he put his hand on Zhu Li's little hand, and then stood up with the help of her strength.

"This is the first time I've seen Mr. Xuan Yu so weak." Zhu Li asked softly, "What were you doing just now?"

"It's nothing, just develop a new technique and test the effect."

Xuan Yu responded casually, then looked at her and asked, "Zhu Li, how are things going with [Spatial Labyrinth] and [Multi-dimensional Passage]?"

Zhu Li smiled and said, "It's finished."

"Really? That's good." With Zhu Li's support, Xuan Yu walked towards the sacred monument not far away, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard." Zhu Li smiled and said, "You don't have to be so polite. Compared with everything you have done for me, this little work is really insignificant."


"Is it here?"

On the edge of a lake covered in mist, Kakashi looked at the vast lake not far away, and asked Izumi in front of him.


Quan nodded, then took out a scroll from his arms, and spread it out on the ground.

"Seniors, get ready, I'm going to cast a spell to lure Sanwei over."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes froze immediately, and then they unanimously quickly refined chakra, preparing for battle as quickly as possible.


Following Kakashi's order, except for Sasuke and Yugao, the other Jonin and Anbu dispersed, and then arrived at the designated positions when they made the plan before and began to prepare to cooperate with Izumi.

After they dispersed, Quan suddenly raised his hand, bit his thumb lightly, and pressed hard on the scroll spread out on the ground.

Following her movements, the curse marks on the scroll suddenly came alive, and a wonderful spell was formed at the foot of Quan in an instant. Finally, at the moment when the spell was activated, a special chakra burst like crying Flying towards the lake in the distance with an extremely sharp voice.

The trapping has begun!

Everyone stared at the lake not far away that was shrouded in thick mist, almost all of their attention was there, and at the same time they were getting ready to fight head-on with the tailed beast.

About a few kilometers away from them, several groups of ninjas in different costumes rushed towards their direction.

The leading ninja, whose aura is not much weaker than Kakashi's, is obviously also a master.

"Quick! Keep up."

"If you let those Konoha ninjas escape, you will apologize with death!"

"The village does not raise waste!"

"Xinin quickly follow."

"Anyone who dares to fall behind will be shot to death!"

The leading ninja urged desperately. Under his severe threats, his subordinates did not dare to relax, and all rushed forward recklessly, and soon came to the jungle not far from the lake.

at this time--

Accompanied by a terrifying roar, a huge water column rose into the sky, and an extremely huge chakra erupted. The moment the water column appeared, the ground trembled crazily, and several weaker ninja cannon fodder were immediately knocked to the ground. .

(End of this chapter)

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