The Strongest Technician of Konoha

Chapter 224 Combining Ninjutsu

Chapter 224 Combining Ninjutsu
Facing the sharp thorns that hit him head-on, even Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin and one of Konoha's highest combat powers, did not dare to be careless.

"Tu Dun·Tu Liubi!"

The land that Izumi used [Earth Dungeon·Earth Binding Eternal Burial] to increase the density before was used by Jiraiya. Under the operation of his chakra, a huge wall suddenly rose up, horizontally in front of him, and the earth Stab as many as possible to block.

Bang bang bang! !

The ground thorns kept hitting the earth wall, making loud noises one after another. Although the reinforced wall was not motionless, the high-density wall was only shaking constantly, and the surface of the gravel was flying, but it never fell down.

The same technique is performed by different people, and the results will not be the same. Xuanyu can use the rock spur to instantly turn the enemy into a hedgehog, but it does not mean that Quan can also.

If it was Xuan Yu who performed this technique, the earthen wall could be penetrated directly in a few strokes, and although Quan's earth escape attainment is already very good compared to many ninjas, there is still a big gap compared to Xuanyu.

After all, she is not a ninjutsu ninja in essence.

However, even if he blocked the rock spurs, Zilai did not dare to stay where he was. The rich combat experience he had honed in countless life-and-death battles told him that he had offended an extremely dangerous strong man this time.

I thought I already knew enough about Konoha, but wouldn't it be easy to get materials from the village?Moreover, he is very familiar with all kinds of hot spring shops and bathhouses in the village, so he never expected to be discovered so quickly.

When did such a powerful master appear in the village?His unique stealthy voyeuristic tricks didn't work at all.

But now is obviously not the time to think about these things, he quickly extracted chakra, and flew his hands to change.

And outside the wall, the thorns of seeing the ground were completely blocked, Quan suddenly focused his eyes, and a huge chakra suddenly gushed out from the body, and the moment the unique kaleidoscope pattern of black feathers slowly flowed, the pupil technique was activated instantly——


Chakra quickly condensed into black translucent energy, and then the black energy body continued to expand, forming a half-length giant in armor in an instant.

The moment the armored Susanoo appeared, he let out a loud roar, opened his arms suddenly, and faced each other with his palms facing each other. Several high-speed rotating black jade balls quickly condensed in the middle——

"Yasaka's Gouyu!"

Accompanied by the extremely sharp sound of piercing through the air, the black Gouyu was smashed out by Susano, and then turned into several extremely sharp black lights in an instant, hitting the earth flow wall fiercely.

Under Gouyu's powerful bombardment, the soil flow wall was pierced almost instantly, and the powerful energy impact actually caused the entire area to be blown up, and the rubble flew, annihilating all vitality.

As long as Jiraiya moved a little slower, even with his strength, he would have to pay a considerable price.

Looking at Susano not far away, Jiraiya, who quickly consumed a lot of chakra and hid in the dark before the earth flow wall was destroyed, suddenly thought of something, and frowned quietly.

"That family crest, so it's like that, is it a survivor of the Uchiha clan? However, that little girl's Sharingan still has that kind of ominous power. It's a bit unbelievable."

While thinking this way, he suddenly felt a cold breath surrounding his body.

This is the premonition of being targeted by murderous intentions, and he has been discovered again!
What a powerful insight!
Before he had time to think about it, Jiraiya soon sensed that a powerful chakra was rapidly approaching where he was.


Susanoo's huge arm slammed down, and the powerful force instantly smashed the rock that Jiraiya was avoiding into pieces, but Jiraiya still relied on his agility and rich combat experience to dodge at the last moment, and then With the help of the strong wind swaying under Susano's bombardment, he quickly opened the distance.

"Don't try to escape!"

Izumi of Susano quickly folded his hands together, and quickly launched ninjutsu in just two breaths——

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

The huge chakra erupting from the mouth of the spring turned into countless monstrous fire waves in an instant, and then rushed towards Jiraiya like a tsunami, with a terrifying power that seemed to annihilate everything.

Rumble rumble! !

The terrifying waves of fire continued to make explosive roars, and the waves of fire continued to expand under the powerful impact of successive explosions. The incomparably scorching flames completely covered the entire forest in front of them in an instant. , The originally lush forest turned into scorched earth in an instant.

The merciless and powerful fire of the spring escaped, everything in front of me was dead, the air was filled with the smell of burning, the black smoke kept rising, and the flowers, plants and trees did not leave a trace of existence. Here, the earth was scorched black, without a trace of life, like the end of the world.

Izumi slowly put down his hand, and a golden light flashed in Susanoo's eyes.

While the kaleidoscope Sharingan scans back and forth, its powerful perception covers all corners within a radius of [-] meters, constantly searching for the trace of the voyeur who went to the female soup to peep.

She put all her strength into that move just now, and also used her pupil power and life return to amplify the power. Although it was still not as good as when Xuanyu used this move with all her strength, it was not far behind. Even a Jonin might not be able to do it. Survive this trick,

However, that man has a much stronger skill than Jonin, and he can never be an ordinary person, so he shouldn't be killed so easily.

Sure enough, when she started to compress the search range——

"Little girl, don't be so impulsive, everyone is a Konoha ninja, so speak up if you have something to say."

There was a faint sound coming from somewhere.

Obviously, even if he has good strength and hole cards, he has to use some special life-saving methods in the face of successive killing moves, and these methods consume him a lot.

At least, his current state has nothing to do with the image of a master with ease.

Hearing this, Quan's eyes turned cold.

A large amount of chakra was extracted from the body again.

Her Chakra level is not low, even after successively using large-scale killing moves that consume a lot of Chakra, she only shed a little sweat, and there was no sign of malaise on her beautiful face.

"Hey, hey, if you keep doing this, my old man is going to do something."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Quan snorted coldly, and quickly sealed his hands again——

"Tu Dun · Earth Flowing River!"

The earth escape chakra rushed into the ground crazily, and the ground that had already turned into scorched earth surged suddenly, and then quickly turned into a jet-black fluid.

At the moment of launching the earth escape, she turned around suddenly, but the movements in her hands did not stop at all——

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

Proficient in the changes of the three chakra properties of water, fire, and earth, the attack methods that Quan can use are naturally not limited to a certain type.

Combined ninjutsu, she has already been able to use it proficiently.

With the activation of ninjutsu, a torrent containing extremely strong water energy suddenly appeared from behind her, and quickly fell into the endlessly flowing earth flow river. Amidst the loud rumbling noise, it surged towards the direction behind it at an extremely fast speed with an unstoppable and terrifying power.

Apparently, within a few breaths, she saw through Jiraiya's method of confusion, and accurately judged his current location.

(End of this chapter)

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