Chapter 186 Fairness
The battle was still going on, during which Tsunade's eyes were full of shock, and he was amazed at the power displayed by Izumi.

Although she knew that Quan's strength must be stronger than her own, she didn't expect to be so outrageously strong.

Special abilities that are far more powerful than medical ninjutsu, special escapism such as melting escape, melting escape, and boiling escape, super powerful physical skills, special illusion of Sharingan, super-large-scale fire escape, water escape, and large-scale changes at every turn Terrain earth escape, sealing technique, top combat awareness and nuanced chakra control ability, huge amount of chakra
No matter which aspect it is, it is the foundation of a high-level ninja if it is taken out alone. There is no doubt that so much power concentrated on one person will make that person as strong as a monster, making it difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Tsunade's impression of Quan at this time was not much worse than Xuanyu's.

These two people are indeed monsters.

Looking at the beautiful figure who was constantly fighting, Tsunade inexplicably recalled the scene when he first met Izumi.

She exists to be needed by Xuan Yu. To her, Xuan Yu is everything to her. For him, she can do anything, including fighting.

In other words, the reason why she can become so powerful from a not particularly outstanding ninja is because Uesugi Xuanyu needs her to be so strong... huh?
Feeling the increasingly obvious strangeness in the back of his heart, Tsunade's mood is extremely complicated.

In order to protect someone's strong feelings, she can actually draw out such incredible power. Is this because of the natural blood of the Uchiha clan, or is it just because she has this kind of talent that is far beyond normal.
If I also long to be needed by someone, can I be like her?
Gradually, Tsunade's consciousness was in the chaotic thoughts, and as the special power in his body was pulled away by Xuanyu, it gradually became heavy and slowly fell into darkness. In the end, what he could feel was only the growing strength in Xuanyu's palm. Warm touch.

The intoxicating warmth constantly floods the whole body.

At the same time, some indescribable changes are taking place in the distorted things, and I don't know whether to restore the original state or change to a new direction that will not interfere with the operation of the world. However, this change, as the party involved, Tsunade She couldn't feel it intuitively, because she had completely lost consciousness.

Even breathing, calm face, as if very ordinary, very ordinary, falling asleep.

When the last touch of root was completely purified, Xuan Yu finally slowly opened his eyes, and a golden light suddenly flashed in his eyes.


He exhaled violently, restrained the power of the ruler, then withdrew his hand, and then pulled out a robe from the space with his ability, covered it with the support of losing the power of domination, and fell from the suspended midair On the ground, on Tsunade who looked like a Sleeping Beauty.

It took him the longest time to absorb the root cause this time, a full hour, and it was also the most absorbed, almost a quarter of the total. If there were two more incidents like this, this ninja world would lose the power of the main god. The source of the maintenance, collapse and loss will all be in his hands.

The rest is to use the effect of Naruto's karmic merits and karma sharing under the contract, use the huge achievements of saving the world to shape his godhead, and finally reshape the heart of the world with the power of gods, and completely stabilize this derivative world With his existence, he has really taken the most critical first step on the road to domination.

Although Sasuke also has this possibility, but he is an avenger after all, he may exist desperately for revenge, has great instability, and there is a possibility of a considerable degree of rampage, Sasuke in the original book is like this, knowing that The truth about the night of genocide The Chakra before could make Xianglin like it so much that he became a nympho, but after knowing the truth, Chakra became extremely cold, and even did not hesitate to attack his companions in order to kill Danzo.

If you choose him as the contractor, under the sharing of karma, a person who is not good as the main body may be directly shattered by the huge karma created after Sasuke's complete blackening.

So it's best to play it safe.

He can use his original strength to guide Sasuke and try to guide him on the same path as Naruto, but the contract is fine.

Just sensing the soaring apotheosis factor in his body, several thoughts flashed through Xuan Yu's mind, but it was only for a moment. The moment he stood up, his eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

He put his hands together abruptly, and instantly released the beam of light that was used to perform the purification technique. At this time, the beam of light that had been stained red by the miserable blood made it impossible to see the situation outside.

The next second, after losing the barrier, bright red blood flowed down and landed at Xuan Yu's feet.

There was a rather strong smell of blood in the air.

Even if the Phantom bleeds, what comes out is a black liquid like oil. The red blood must be human, and among the people present, he and Tsunade cannot be injured, so...
"Finally... did it"

An extremely weak voice sounded in front of Xuan Yu, if it wasn't for the ninja who is very sensitive to all disturbances, he wouldn't even have heard this raving voice at all.

The voice came from in front of Xuan Yu, a girl lying in a pool of blood with bloody scars all over her body.

Izumi Uchiha.

Not far away lay a few corpses with their vital parts pierced through. They were the five phantoms. At this time, Black Mist was repairing the pierced vital parts. Obviously, Quan had exhausted his last bit of strength before he fell down. They killed all of them again, forced to last until Xuan Yu completely purified the roots, never thought about temporarily avoiding the edge, and once again ignored Xuan Yu's words, and trampled on the previous agreement again after four years.

But, even so, looking at her who was so seriously injured and so miserable that even speaking was extremely difficult, Xuan Yu was unable to say even a little serious words.

He walked up to Quan, squatted down, sighed softly, and at the same time stretched out his hand that still had the tooth marks bitten by her when she was 12 years old, and put it to her mouth.


Quan nodded, then opened his small mouth with difficulty, and bit down very familiarly.

A special chakra surged into her body along the place where she was biting, and then, under the influence of that chakra, the injuries on her body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she was as pale as paper. His little face slowly returned to color.

"You still haven't kept the promise."


Quan responded weakly.

Physical healing can only restore her injuries, but cannot restore her severely consumed spirit. Although her body is recovering rapidly, her expression is still sluggish.

At this time, she didn't know what to think of, and the corners of her mouth suddenly raised slightly, revealing a poignant smile full of strangeness.

"If there is one, there are two. I'm sorry, Xuan Yu, I can no longer keep the agreement made six years ago."

Hearing this, Xuan Yu couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

However, before he could speak, Quan went on to say: "So, as compensation, let's forget about what you promised me once. In this way, it's fair, isn't it?"

Xuan Yu was stunned.

I promised you something?
He didn't react for a while.

But without waiting for him to think too much, the phantom not far away completely recovered its original shape, then let out an angry roar full of unwillingness, and rushed towards them suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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