The Strongest Technician of Konoha

Chapter 1 My teammate is Izumi Uchiha

Chapter 1 My teammate is Izumi Uchiha

"Congratulations on becoming an independent ninja starting today. From now on, you will be divided into groups of three and form a team to perform tasks alongside a Jōnin."

On the podium, the ninja teacher wearing Konoha's special vest was holding a list, and smilingly said to the naive graduate who was about to become a ninja and still retained his youth.

His words caused the boys and girls below to look forward to it.

Among them, Izumi Uchiha, who graduated from Ninja School one year ahead of schedule, naturally included.

After all, to become a ninja, from now on, there will be two companions who are likely to become close friends, and they can go one step further towards the figure in their hearts.

Of course, at this time, she was not without any worries about graduation.

She fiddled with her long, shiny black hair, brushing the obstructive strands behind her ears, and then looked at a short-haired boy sitting by the window not far away, with a complex look on her face for some reason.

The boy has the same black hair and black pupils as her, but there is no obvious clan emblem on his clothes, and there is nothing eye-catching on his body. He graduated from a ninja school at the age of seven, and he is already a Chunin at this time. Genius is completely two extremes.

And the reason why she pays attention to that boy is because...
"Hey~ I heard that the first consideration will be to balance the strength of each class in the graduation class." The girl sitting on the side suddenly spoke to Quan, "Quan, do you think the teacher will put you and the one who was rejected by you?" Are the guys in the same class?"

As she spoke, she suddenly glanced at the short-haired boy, with a look of worry on her face, but there was a little schadenfreude in her words, "After all, that guy's grades are so poor, he can barely graduate, but Quan you A genius who graduated early"

Hearing this, Quan frowned slightly, and said softly:

"The class division must be carefully considered by the teacher. We just need to accept it with peace of mind, and there is..."

She looked around suddenly, seeing that no one was paying attention, she breathed a sigh of relief, then glared at the girl, and whispered: "Senior Zhi, didn't you promise me that you would never mention that day in the future?"

"So what are you afraid of?" Zhi covered his mouth and chuckled lightly, with a look of indifference, "Even if it gets out, it's just that the guy will be made fun of, anyway, he's a crane tail in front of others. Don't worry about it, it doesn't matter, you won't have any loss, and if it reaches the boy you care about, it will just let him know that you are a very attractive girl, maybe he will start to care about you ~"

"No!" Quan denied Zhi Zhi's idea without hesitation, and looked at her seriously, "Anyway, don't mention that matter again, senior Zhi Zhi, you promised me."

The girl smiled, noncommittal, but didn't say anything else. As for what she was thinking, only she knew, but judging by the slightly raised corners of her mouth, the thoughts in her heart might be a little subtle to Quan.

At this time, the teacher on the stage just started to read the class list:

"Then, Class [-], Taishi Sato, Izumi Uchiha."

Hearing his name, Quan's expression changed immediately, and after a while, the teacher read out a name that seemed to be destined for Quan——

"Uesugi Xuanyu."

The short-haired boy by the window finally looked away from the window, and glanced at the teacher on the stage with calm eyes.

Apparently, he is what Zhikou said, a poor student who could barely graduate, unexpectedly and reasonably assigned to the same class as Izumi, and will act together as a companion who can entrust his life to him.

However, the strange thing is that he in Zhikou is clearly the suitor of Izumi Uchiha, but when he heard the news that he was in the same class as her, his expression was extremely calm, as if he had heard something that had nothing to do with him and he didn't need to care about it In general, it was uncharacteristically calm.

It's just that he is an ordinary boy who has neither rich blood nor extraordinary ninja talent, nor a special background. He is also an orphan who is withdrawn and withdrawn. His parents died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion six years ago. He has no friends, so no one noticed his abnormality at this time.

On the other side, after hearing the result of class assignment, Sato Taishi lay down on the table without energy, expressing his dissatisfaction in a deep voice:
"It's unlucky to be in the same class as that guy."

Obviously he doesn't want to see Xuan Yu, his reaction is normal, after all, no one likes to cooperate with someone who is likely to be behind, and his grades are high, so he has the qualifications to look down on Xuan Yu, who is the tail of the crane.

However, Izumi Uchiha didn't show too much disappointment. After warning Zhi once again not to use Xuan Yu's confession to her as a talking point, she raised her small pale hands and rubbed her temples, looking a little distressed.

The teacher on the stage didn't pay much attention to the discussion of the graduates, and continued to read the list of classes that followed, and finished reading the list of ten classes in a short time.

Finally, after talking about some precautions, the teacher left the classroom, allowing the graduates who have just become genin to move freely, and it is also time for them to communicate with each other who have just become companions.

Xuan Yu yawned, then walked slowly towards the door.

That lonely figure was very eye-catching among the crowd of three who left the classroom talking and laughing together.

"Izumi, I'm going to find my companions, see you~"

Zhi Zhi stood up, but Quan just gave a soft "hmm", didn't even look at her, but looked at Xuan Yu's back that was drifting away, and a tangled look flashed across his delicate face.

After a while, she got up and left the seat, and walked in the direction where Xuan Yu left.

After leaving the classroom, Quan searched again, and finally in a deserted grove, he saw Xuan Yu, with his hands behind his head, leaning against a big tree and enjoying a leisurely afternoon.

As the breeze blew, the mottled tree shadows swayed back and forth on the face of passers-by who had almost no sense of existence, adding a bit of comfort, peace and harmony to the face, which seemed a bit out of place in this cruel ninja world.

"Yo~" Xuan Yu raised his head, looked at Quan in front of him, narrowed his eyes slightly, "Isn't this my savior, hello, what can I do for you?"

Quan couldn't help being stunned by the free and easy way of speaking and the completely different personality from his impression.

After regaining consciousness, Quan did not deny the title of savior, but he did not intend to bring up this topic either.

She walked up to Xuan Yu and said softly: "There is something I want to tell you clearly."

Xuan Yu nodded, motioning for her to continue.

"I already have someone I like." Quan stared at Xuanyu, her eyes met, she hesitated for a moment, but then said something cruel to Uesugi Xuanyu: "The reason why I became a A ninja is because he wants to walk the same path as the one he likes. The reason why I like him is not because he is a very powerful ninja, but because he is. So, whatever you want to do for me, do it for me If there is any change, it is impossible for me to respond to your feelings."

If it was Xuan Yu from before, he would definitely lower his head when he heard this, with a dejected look on his face and despair in his heart, just like the mood he felt when he confessed his love to Quan and was rejected that day in a grove with few people.

However, now he just shrugged his shoulders, and his face was still so calm that it hurts.

This abnormal reaction inexplicably gave Quan the illusion that the him in front of him was completely different from the introverted boy who seemed to have exhausted all his courage to confess his love to her.

Shaking his head, Quan dismissed the ridiculous thought.

In her eyes, Uesugi Xuanyu is Uesugi Xuanyu, the boy who fell in love with her who was a grade lower than him just because of a chance encounter in the rain and a kind enlightenment. His change was only because he thought she would It's just a useless effort to fall in love with that type of boy.

Just like ten days ago, he thought that the reason for being rejected was because she liked powerful ninjas, so he began to practice desperately, but as a result, he exhausted his chakra and fell into the turbulent river and almost drowned.

Efforts in the wrong direction, everything will become meaningless.

After throwing away distracting thoughts, Quan said seriously:
"From today onwards, we will be companions performing missions together. I hope you promise me that you will always get along with me as friends in the future, and stop doing those meaningless things. You are you, the unique Uesugi Xuanyu, There's really no need to change anything for anyone."

"What do you mean?" Xuan Yu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a subtle smile, "It's for me to make an agreement with you that from now on, I will stop having unnecessary fantasies and be ordinary friends with you for the rest of my life, right? ?”

Quan thought for a while, then nodded slightly, "Yes."

"Okay! I promise you." Xuan Yu who got the exact answer agreed without the slightest hesitation, and said very straightforwardly: "This is my promise as a man, and I will stick to it for the rest of my life!"

Hearing this, Quan breathed a sigh of relief, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

She laughed happily, and stretched out her hand towards Xuan Yu.

"Then, please take care of me from now on, my companion."

"To each other." Xuan Yu stretched out his hand to shake her little hand, "My savior."

"Call me Quan from now on." Quan withdrew his hand, stood up, and continued, "I'm going back first, see you later."

After speaking, seeing Xuan Yu nodding his head, he turned and left.

She didn't bother about what Xuan Yu called her.

Because, the person who rescued Xuan Yu who fell into the river ten days ago due to excessive cultivation was her who happened to be nearby.

She did save his life.

What Izumi didn't know was that when she found someone falling into the water and jumped into the rushing river to save them, the real Uesugi Xuanyu had already left this ninja world in fear;
Therefore, the person who struggled in the water and was finally rescued by her was not the inferior and introverted boy;
It's a traveler from Earth!
(End of this chapter)

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