Open Traveler: Culture Invasion Parallel Blue Star

Chapter 94 The Internet belongs to the Internet, and the sacred belongs to the sacred! 【710】

Chapter 94 The Internet belongs to the Internet, and the sacred belongs to the sacred! 【710】

Come off the stage, the audience is beside: "Mr. Lin, play some songs?!"

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment, and joked: "Want to open a small stove? I hate people going through the back door the most in my life."

The audience near the aisle said in unison: "(ˉ▽ ̄~)cut~~"

Lin Xuan smiled: "Let's play the song I played in "Walking with the Traveler to See the World" for a while."

After speaking, Lin Xuan walked into the passage.

Back in the lounge, Lin Xuan saw Zhuo Liang sitting on the sofa.

"Excellence? Why are you here?"

The corners of Zhuoyue's mouth turned up: "Of course I'm watching a show."

Said Zhuo Zhuo turned on the computer: "Let's see."

Lin Xuan: "Your computer and Chen Guangxiao's mobile phone can both access Twitter and the Internet, why can't I access it?"

Chen Guangxiao: "We have certificates."

Lin Xuan: "..."

On the computer, what is displayed is really a simulated APP Twitter.

Above, the hot list is changing rapidly.

#地星音乐# This entry is going up on a rocket.

If you refresh after more than ten seconds, you will find that the entry outside this hot list has airborne to the top of the list.

"This is……"

Zhuoyou snapped his fingers: "It's started, the war has begun."

Public opinion war?Cyber ​​warfare?
Essentially speaking, it is two big forces covering Blue Star who are fighting.

Famous cellist Randolph Quick: "What kind of star music, I listened to it, and it is not as powerful as it is boasted at all. "For Alice" is not much different from ordinary modern piano music."

Netizens who know music and are watching the live broadcast will quit soon, and reply immediately:

[From the essence of the music, in terms of writing, and structure, "For Alice" is fundamentally different from modern piano music and Blue Star classical music. How can you say such a thing as a great musician? 】

However, more 'netizens':
[Yes, bragging is loud and exaggerated. 】

The number of likes soared rapidly.

Lin Xuan: "This...isn't very scientific?"

Since when the topic of classical music was discussed on Twitter, the number of likes soared so fast?

It's not so fast to switch to a big pop star to tweet.

"It's just a navy." Zhuo Zhuo said, "We also have one."

Soon, the first comment was also pushed up, and the speed soared faster than the other party's one! ! !

Two super terrifying existences don't talk about martial arts anymore?
No wonder it airborne to the top of the list.

I'm afraid this Twitter is about to crash, it should have happened half a minute ago.

"Before..." Lin Xuan: "I've never heard of us confronting the United States in terms of public opinion."

Zhuo Zhuo smiled: "Go on."

Soon, someone commented under the hot comment: [What cellist, do you understand music? 】

Immediately someone replied: [The cello player doesn't understand music, do you understand?You get it! 】

Such things as naval quarrels are never discussed based on facts.

Because the public doesn't know what the truth is!

The people who eat melons even include many people who are watching the live broadcast of "I am a time traveler", but they don't understand what is so good about "For Alice".

Joyo pushed a page out and came to the topic page of #地星音乐#.

Lin Xuan was shocked.

Scrolling down until No.12's popular comments, I found the Twitter of the cellist Quique.

Each of the above eleven items is much more popular than this one!

What the hell, are there so many people surfing the Internet in the middle of the night in Europe and America? ?
Zhuoyue showed Lin Xuan several pages in a row: "See, we spent [-] million in promotional expenses this time to promote wildly. Do you know how many people watch YouTube's "I Am a Time Traveler" now?"

Lin Xuan shook his head.

Excellence gave the number: "Twenty-four million people."

"????" Lin Xuan was shocked.

From the perspective of the webcast, this is impossible. How could there be so many people watching "I am a time traveler".

Indeed, the program "I am a time traveler" is amazing, not comparable to other programs.

But the problem is that other people don't know this before they click into this program to watch it.

This is weird.

Joyo: "Now there are many channels on the Internet, there are publicity, and click to start playing directly."

"The United States was a step late. They got [-]% of the channels, and we got [-]%."

Lin Xuan was surprised: "This math problem is wrong, why are they a step late?"

"They control [-]% of the channels, why are they still at a disadvantage?"

Zhuo Zhuo: "You can't even figure out this question?"

The next moment, Lin Xuan suddenly realized: "I understand."

"We use exposure channels to promote the program."

"They grab exposure channels to prevent us from promoting the program."

"Actually, after they got the channel, they didn't have any serious business to do. It was just to prevent us from getting it."

This is different from a naval battle.

The battle between the navy and the navy is right, and they are angry at each other's eighteen generations of ancestors.

But after taking the channel, the United States can only prevent "I am a time traveler" from gaining popularity, but cannot reduce the popularity of "I am a time traveler".

Because it is impossible for the United States to use channels to promote "I am a time traveler" as a bad variety show!
Black is also a kind of red.

If the entire network says "I Am a Time Traveler" with a unified voice, it is a bad show.

And the intensity is a hundred times higher than the intensity of scolding other bad programs.

Anyone would be curious to take a look.

Wouldn't that be counter-propaganda?
A large number of people in the music industry began to speak up:

"What kind of epic music is "He's a Pirate", just because it has a little momentum, it is epic music?"

"The level of "Dedicated to Alice" is very low. Touching the great musicians in the history of Porcelain Blue Star is simply ridiculous. This kind of hype has no bottom line!!"

""Small Knife Club Prelude", the music of Longguo is so ugly, it's bluffing."

""I am a time traveler" is a conspiracy from Dragon Kingdom, it is a huge scam, liar!!!"

Seeing Blue Star's well-known classical music figures appearing on the Internet constantly, Lin Xuan realized that there are still so many people awake in the middle of the night in the West.

"Excellence." Lin Xuan frowned: "Is it possible for the US to block us?"

Zhuo Zhuo smiled: "Haha, it's not like you don't understand the situation in the United States. The two forces are holding back each other, and it's impossible to block them."

"Because of this kind of confrontation, we are not only confronting them, but also the confrontation between the opposition and the ruling party."

"In the past, our struggle with the United States was completely limited to economics."

"Now, we have begun to confront the United States in public opinion."

"In the future, we will continue to confront the United States in more ways."

Lin Xuan felt a little stressed after hearing this.

It can be said that it is a fuse.

Although the war had little to do with him, he was the one who ignited the gunpowder.

Zhuoyou saw Lin Xuan's thoughts: "You don't need to think too much, you just need to make the show well."

"The rest is for professionals."

Why does the United States want to fight against the public opinion of the Dragon Kingdom on the matter of the traversers?

Because America can't afford to lose.

As long as the penetrating power and influence of the word traverser can be restricted, they must be restricted for as long as possible.

Because they don't know how many ways Lin Xuan has stepped on them in what industry.

According to the current situation, the traversers belonged to the Dragon Kingdom.

This relationship is tied to death.

And if people from all over the world on the Internet also recognize the traversers and realize this.

Then this is a huge crisis for the United States.

The economic gap between the United States and the Dragon Kingdom is getting smaller and smaller.

When Dragon Kingdom surpasses the United States, in the eyes of everyone, it is a matter of time, and it is only a matter of time.

The current country of the United States, relying on its century-old advantage, is pushing for the suppression of the Dragon Kingdom with its strong inertia.

And a big part of it is cultural soft power.

Now, there is a person who has the soft power of the whole world, and this person can fight against a country in this respect!This is a very scary thing!

Lin Xuan now realizes that he is in the center of the vortex.

However, everything has to go on.

"This kind of struggle is bound to happen." Lin Xuan: "I just let it go ahead of schedule."

Can "I am a time traveler" affect the overall situation of the world?
Maybe, maybe not.

However, no one dares to bet that it will not work!
When the second half of the live broadcast is about to begin.

The Great White Clothes Leader in North America tweeted:
"The Gospel does not record that God created another world. It is blasphemy to fabricate lies."

There are too many religious groups in the West.

The power of this sentence is very powerful.

Many fans of "I am a time traveler" who argued with reason, stopped talking.

When such a situation happened before playing, Lin Xuan laughed.

This is called a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

The network belongs to the network, and the sacred belongs to the sacred.

"Ode to Joy", here it comes! ! !
 Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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