Open Traveler: Culture Invasion Parallel Blue Star

Chapter 73 Singing Earth and Star Songs?Isn't it good to play the original version?

Chapter 73 Singing Earth and Star Songs?Isn't it good to play the original version?
The audience did not expect that Chen Guangxiao was a hard-boiled man.

But Chen Guangxiao has a very strong mentality to win.

They thought it was the photographer who was messing with the mentality and the effect of the show.

The fire pit in the middle was still burning, Lin Xuan cut two pairs of chopsticks with a knife: "Here."

After An Luyao tried a piece of chicken, her eyes lit up: "It's not bad!"

She has seen Lin Xuan's cooking level before, and this three-cup chicken dish is indeed much better than before.

"Nonsense, I can't understand it even if I open it, and I'm not stupid."

The two of them did too much physical work today.

Now the hungry chest sticks to the back, and the instant noodles at noon are useless.

The speed of the two was very fast, and the three-cup chicken quickly turned into a chicken skeleton.

After eating and drinking, the two sat on the wooden bed in a daze.

The firewood in the fire pit crackled from time to time.

As the firewood gradually dimmed, An Luyao put a log into the hearth in the middle of the room.

Lin Xuan: "No fire should be lit in the house at night, especially this kind of wood that has not been split. If it is not fully burned, it will easily be poisoned."

"The fire ditch outside can burn for three hours, and the residual heat can be kept for three hours. I just get up and go out at night to add firewood once."

"Anyway, it's still early to go to bed." An Luyao: "After burning the firewood here, there will be no more firewood for the stove in the house."

Lin Xuan took a look: "Well, before it's too dark to see, I'll chop some firewood."

When it gets cold at night and I think about chopping firewood, it must be too late.

It's possible to freeze to death.

Moreover, Lin Xuan reckoned that after doing so much work today, nine out of ten he would not want to move tomorrow.

That became a real camping game.

So today we have to prepare firewood.

Lin Xuan took the ax and started chopping wood.

An Luyao just watched Lin Xuan chopping firewood in a daze.

When chopping firewood, you will get hot, so Lin Xuan took off his fleece cover.

Wearing short-sleeved Lin Xuan chopping firewood, although he is not strong, he is full of strength.

In a quiet environment, the sound of chopping wood is too easy to make people sleepy.

In addition, she had only eaten enough, so An Luyao dozed off.

An Luyao woke up from the flashing barrage. After watching it for a while, she asked, "Lin Xuan, where did the barrage ask you where the ax came from?"

The three survival tools Lin Xuan chose were a knife, a saw, a rope, and no axe.

Lin Xuan was puzzled: "Cheating."

"Is it weird that I cheated?"

【! ! ! 】


[I lost, I lost. 】

After An Luyao woke up from a doze, she was bored, so she hummed a song, which was the famous song "Let Love Freedom" by a female star of Blue Star.

"Let's love him more freely.

Flying, sleepwalking.

I count plum blossoms in the cold snow, this kind of freedom is my freedom..."

Lin Xuan laughed when he heard this: "I remember that there is a famous martial arts master in our planet who once wrote a similar sentence."

In the heartless sword of the passionate swordsman, Li Xunhuan asked A Fei if he was lonely, and A Fei said that when plum blossoms bloom, he is very lonely.

Li Xunhuan asked A Fei how many plum blossoms bloomed, and A Fei said seventeen.

Counting plum blossoms in the freezing cold wind is probably lonely enough.

Lin Xuan probably remembered it like this, and he didn't know if he remembered it wrong.

However, An Luyao was awakened: "Lin Xuan, please sing the song of Earth and Stars for the audience."

"Music from another world, so curious!"

"Singing?" Lin Xuan stopped the axe, wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, and put it on his waist:
"Why are you singing? I'm tone deaf."

"Just listening to the original song by the singer of Earth Star, isn't it better than mine?"

Lin Xuan stood still with her hips on her hips, An Luyao understood: "Look at it, look at it, Lin Xuan is going to hang up again!!!"

Lin Xuan traveled to the earth and star world, and when he came back, he took out a bluetooth speaker and hung it on the door.

"Listen to what?"

[Love! 】

【I want to listen to the songs of Earth Stars, Uranus Kings and Queens! 】

[Put something that suits the occasion, something that sings snow in winter. 】

Lin Xuan said OK and started playing.

Passionate music came from the Bluetooth speaker: "The first snow in 2002 came later than before..."

"The No. [-] car parked on the eighth floor..."

"It's your tenderness that melts the ice and snow..."

"La la la la la..."

【Ok?The No. [-] car parked on the eighth floor?Earth Star's technology has been magical to this extent? 】

[Bold and unrestrained love song, this singer's voice is very vicissitudes, full of stories, and very high-pitched. 】

[However, this kind of singing is rather wild, and it hurts your throat if you sing for a long time. 】

There are still capable people among the water friends.

An Luyao: "The next song will be softer."

"Roumei?" Lin Xuan paused, and when he came back, he tapped his phone.

"The wolf tooth moon, Yiren is haggard

I raised my glass and drank the wind and snow

Who overturned the previous life cabinet and caused the dust..."

"Your hair is like snow, sad and beautiful, parting

Who is touched by my burning incense?

Invite the bright moon, let the memory be bright..."

【This song is so good!The Long Guofeng song is really well written! 】

【Excellent, but the pronunciation of some words is not clear...】

Lin Xuan complained after hearing the comments from netizens: "You guys are lucky, this is already the song that this big guy articulates most clearly. I have listened to some of his songs for 20 years, and I haven't heard anything a cappella."

【? ? ? 】

[This boss has a personality. 】

"Mo Xike has no tears, and the snow is falling..."

"Snowflakes are fluttering, the north wind is blowing..."

"The snow is falling so deep, and it is falling so seriously..."

When Lin Xuan was chopping firewood, he kept playing songs.

After eating just now, with enough strength, coupled with the quiet environment, and listening to the music, Lin Xuan kept chopping firewood, and actually chopped a lot.

An Luyao took the chopped firewood and put it inside the house, in the gap between the two beds, and piled it up.

This wilderness cabin like a dormitory is becoming more and more energetic.

The chopping of firewood lasted for more than an hour, and it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

It was pitch black outside.

The firepit in the house has been extinguished.

Lin Xuan filled the fire ditch with firewood, covered it with stone slabs, and entered the house.

Close the door, the howling cold wind stopped.

The audience felt a deep sense of security when they saw this picture.

Lin Xuan cheated a lot and took out the gas lamp and lit it, and hung it on the short tree branch specially reserved for the wooden wall in the house.

The firelight warmed the cabin.

In the quiet environment, An Luyao: "It's too early to go to bed now, but don't go to bed, there's nothing to do..."

Lin Xuan laughed happily: "I'll tell you a story, a story from a famous book from the west of Earth and Star."

An Luyao suddenly regained her spirits: "Is it the "Robinson Crusoe" you mentioned earlier?"

Lin Xuan had already told An Luyao about Robinson Crusoe, and An Luyao had wanted to hear it for a long time.

Lin Xuan: "I can't remember this, wait until I go to Dixing to find a book."

After a while, Lin Xuan, who was sitting on the bed with his eyes closed, began to talk:

"I was born in York, [-], into an upper-class family. We were not natives.

His father was from Bremen, Germany.

After he emigrated to England, he first lived in Hull, made a fortune as a merchant, closed the business, and finally settled in York, where he married my mother.

My mother's maiden name was Robinson, a well-known local family, so she named me Robinson Kreutzner..."

As the host, Lin Xuan's storytelling level in terms of voice is still higher than that of radio anchors.

The barrage was also much quieter, they were all listening to Lin Xuan telling stories.

In this story, Lin Xuan skipped many unnecessary things and told the important parts.

The audience may be more curious about this story than the readers of Earth Star.

Because they heard about the earth and stars, that unfamiliar historical period.

Many descriptions show the charm of that era.

After reading for about an hour, Lin Xuan said: "This wild man I saved, I named him - Friday..."

An Luyao: "What's next?"

"The bottom is gone." Lin Xuan felt that something was wrong, and added:

"It's not the book eunuch anymore, it's the story that has been told for almost two hours. Friends who are interested can wait to buy this book."

At this time, the logistics team of the program group far away in Yanjing has collapsed.

Although they got the manuscript just now, they only made more than 6 words for subtitles, which is already crazy.

【what?Talk about telling stories, and after a long time, are you selling books? 】

【This child is not a person】

[Mom, I'll buy it, can't I buy it? You must hold on, and I'll tell another story tomorrow night. 】

Lin Xuan: "That's about it. Let's take a rest tomorrow. We should also rest and turn off the camera."

Tens of meters away, in a large military tent, Chen Guangxiao pressed a button to turn off the camera.

But the first time he used this thing, Chen Guangxiao pressed the wrong button and switched to the camera.

The camera switches to the main camera.

At this time, the main camera was in the military tent, and a pit was built in the military tent, as well as a titanium stove.

Now there is no open fire in the pit, only charcoal fire.

On the charcoal fire, there is a roasted golden and crispy rabbit and a big pork leg.

Finding that the live broadcast was not over, Lin Xuan and An Luyao were watching the barrage. Seeing the picture in the camera, Lin Xuan became angry, opened the door and shouted: "Chen Guangxiao! Why do you have rabbits to eat? Why do you still have hooves? Hair!"

From a long distance, Chen Guangxiao heard Lin Xuan's roar, and found that the camera was not turned off to the firepit of the big tent, he didn't take it seriously: "I hunted and caught it myself ( ̄_ ̄)"

 Thank you book friend Ancient Divine Comedy: Dragon Tooth for your rewards.I owe you a chapter plus more.

  Thank you book friends for violating and violating, copying baby, Holy*blood bookworm for your reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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