Open Traveler: Culture Invasion Parallel Blue Star

Chapter 37 The Cherry Blossom Country Who Loves Cultural Plagiarism!

Chapter 37 The Cherry Blossom Country Who Loves Cultural Plagiarism!


At this time on the stage, Cheng Ping Saburo was speaking:

"According to my personal judgment, these buildings are impossible to exist."

"If there is still a certain possibility of the Khufu Pyramid, then the so-called Great Wall of the Earth Star Dragon Kingdom is simply a dream."

There was an uproar at the scene, which also interrupted Han Yang.

Lin Xuan: "Don't worry about him, continue."

Han Yang continued: "Above, I want you to find a way to push the monthly sales of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to more than 500 million, and the number of copies to more than 700 million."

Lin Xuan frowned.

What's the point of this?
The higher-ups want to see how much influence the 'travelers' can have on society?

Han Yang: "Actually, you don't have to think too much. Whether you are a time traveler or something, it has nothing to do with you."

Lin Xuan was stunned after hearing this: "Director Han, tell me."

Han Yang smiled: "Actually, your current identity is a public figure, to be more specific, a TV media figure."

"How great your appeal is and how popular you are, are the only criteria to test your ability."

After listening, Lin Xuan muttered: "It feels right."

Han Yang: "Honestly, how much did you spend on these two videos?"

Lin Xuan didn't speak.

"Forget it, this is your secret." Han Yang: "How much money you can make is up to you. I don't care about the show."

"However, the talent you showed in the previous few episodes has surpassed most ordinary people."

"Even outperform experts in some fields!"

"The higher-ups will not let go of talents."

"So, the request this time should actually be a test for you from above."

When Han Yang said this, Lin Xuan was awakened.

Han Yang didn't know that Lin Xuan was the real time traveler.

But the people above must know about this matter.

Just the account balance on Lin Xuan's card and all his current financial transactions, [-]% of Lin Xuan's identity is displayed in front of the above people.

For such an unknown existence, what do the people above think?
Try to find a way to enter the earth star?

The people above will definitely not choose this way.

Because from the current point of view, there is basically little difference between the Blue Star Dragon Kingdom and the Earth Star Dragon Kingdom.

But compared to the Blue Star Dragon Country, the Earth Star Dragon Country is a strong culture.

If the two sides merge, it will definitely be the earth star and not the blue star that will be the leader.

Therefore, the people above should want to use Lin Xuan to promote the development of Blue Star Dragon Kingdom in this incident or simply put it more simply.

It may not be too accurate to use this word, the accurate word should be - mutual achievement.

At the national level, it doesn't care about a person's interests at all.

Therefore, the above should be considering the use of superior resources to promote the 'traveler' event.

As for how much Lin Xuan can personally profit from it, the higher-ups don't care.

What's more, the more Lin Xuan harvested, the more it proved the incomparable incomparable treasure of the 'traveler'.

After figuring this out, Lin Xuan understood.

The higher-ups think they have conveyed the signal—the more powerful you are capable of making it, the more resources you can get.

Lin Xuan nodded: "Understood."

At this time, Chengping Saburo was still talking nonsense:

"With the architectural ability of the ancients, it is impossible to have this kind of building."

"Even in modern times, it's very difficult to achieve."

"The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit. This is the famous saying of your Dragon Kingdom."

"You should be very clear that for such a small effect, it is impossible for the dynasties of the Central Plains to choose to build the Great Wall."

There is also a saying that this world is bustling?

Cheng Ping Saburo: "What's more, how could the people of the ancient Long Kingdom have such strong civil and architectural design capabilities."

Guo Kai said: "I disagree with your point of view!"

"In our history, whether it is the Great Yan Tianxing Palace or the later Great Chu Imperial Palace, the civil and architectural design capabilities have developed to the top of the world."

"Until now, Tianxing Palace is still the largest ancient architectural complex that has ever existed in history, and the Dachu Imperial Palace is also the largest ancient architectural complex that has survived so far."

"As early as more than 2000 years ago, the ancient Chinese invented the mortise and tenon structure."

"Your Sakura Kingdom's use of this aspect means that you have learned a little by stealing it hundreds of years ago, and you have learned a little by stealing it in the last three to forty years."

"As a designer of Sakura Kingdom, you should be very aware of the exquisite mortise and tenon structure, and the architectural capabilities of Gulong Kingdom."

"What you say now is slapping yourself in the face."

Guo Kai took a deep breath: "Although few people on the Internet mentioned the large-scale plagiarism of the civilization achievements of the Dragon Kingdom 40 years ago by the Cherry Blossom Kingdom."

"But as people in the industry, you and I know it very well."

Elent listened with relish.

People in the Dragon Kingdom generally don't take the initiative to provoke others.

But the people of Sakura Country are really easy to tease.

All of this, Elent has seen too much.

At the scene, the two architects quarreled on the spot, and Cheng Ping Sanlang pointed out that Gu Longguo did not have such strength.

And Guo Kai directly said that Sakura Country likes to plagiarize.

The audience was in an uproar whether online or at the scene.

Chengping Saburo's face turned red: "Nonsense, in the last 150 years of modern civilization development history of our Sakura Kingdom, we have far surpassed the progress of the Dragon Kingdom. Those technologies are all accumulated by ourselves. How can there be plagiarism?"

Guo Kai scorned: "It's not that I haven't been to the Cherry Blossom Country, I've been there many times."

"Let's say last year, I stayed in a hotel in Kyoto and provided kimchi lunch boxes."

"The lacquerware lunch box was put on the table, filled with some kimchi, and the manager also introduced that it was the traditional breakfast of Sakura Country."

"Many unsuspecting Longguo tourists even took pictures."

"Unfortunately, anyone who understands history should know that the Sakura Kingdom does not have a tradition of lacquerware dinner plates, while our Dragon Kingdom has used metal lunch boxes since 500 years ago, and lacquerware lunch boxes since 2000 years ago."

"Even your cherry blossom country lunch box is a copy of the shape of the nine-color storage box in Shu."

"And your anime. In the first hundred chapters, you always like to borrow the names of people and places from our classic classics of Dragon Kingdom. After you have passed the early stage and entered the long story, you deny the so-called tribute."

"Since denying the tribute, it is plagiarism!"

The audience burst out laughing.

The barrage also exploded: [ Well said! 】

[There is indeed such a phenomenon. 】

Under the stage, Lin Xuan was also raising his head. No matter what parallel world, the people of Sakura Country are always like this.

On the surface, it looks humble and moral, but in fact it is easily stimulated and crazy, and is extremely egoistic, and especially likes to reverse black and white.

The same is true for Dixing, who named the character Sun Wukong, and later asked fans to deny that his name is Sun Wukong, and said Kakarot.

If you are capable and don't go crazy, why don't you call him Monkey King from the beginning?

All kinds of comics, banana fans and gossip stoves.

Many animations also directly copy the martial arts movements of Baguazhang and Bajiquan as fighting, which can be seen by experts at a glance.

Cerebral palsy fans have been whitewashing.

I like anime, that's right.

There is nothing wrong with borrowing.

But if you borrowed it and denied it, even refused to pay tribute verbally, wouldn't it be [-]% stealing, plagiarism?
On the stage, Cheng Ping Saburo's face was very ugly, his neck was reddened, and finally he shouted angrily: "Baga..."

Ok?The faces of all the audience at the scene turned cold.

Guo Kai, who is already in his 60s, had a calm state of mind, but now he showed a disdainful expression: "Annoyed? Did you hit the pain point?"

At this time, Lin Xuan walked onto the stage, looked at Cheng Ping Saburo, and smiled lightly:
"Mr. Chengping Saburo, we respect your achievements in the field of architectural design."

"However, what the show requires you to do is, from your professional perspective, to examine whether what I said and what you saw is illogical and false."

"It's not for you to use the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman, and use your extremely poor moral level to question whether the monarchs of the Dragon Kingdom will build the Great Wall for unequal benefits."

"You are not a psychologist, nor a humanities and social scientist, and everyone has no time to listen to your nonsense in this regard."

"If you can't find the loopholes in the field of architecture, there are only two possibilities. One is that you have little knowledge, and the so-called masters are just trying to gain fame."

"The other is the Great Wall, which is real, and my identity as a traverser is real."

"Only one of the two is true. Which one do you think it is?"

The more Cheng Ping Sanlang listened, the more angry he became, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and he stared at Lin Xuan fiercely.

He didn't expect that Lin Xuan would be so reckless and use such a tricky angle to make a problem.

 I am the group number of the traveler book friends: 875645493.

  Group number: 875645493
  Group number: 875645493
  Group number: 875645493
  Welcome everyone to join the book club! ! !
  In addition, thanks to the librarian for becoming the first elder in this book, I owe Chapter 3 an update!
  Friends, do you just watch him occupy all the milestones by himself? () Friends who are excited, move! →. →
  But the librarian, I am optimistic that you will push it to the leader~( ̄▽ ̄~)~
  ( ̄▽ ̄)/


(End of this chapter)

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