Open Traveler: Culture Invasion Parallel Blue Star

Chapter 32 The puzzle of pyramid construction! !

Chapter 32 The puzzle of pyramid construction! !
Yilunt looked at Lin Xuan: "Judging from the geological structure, there are no huge rocks nearby. If I had to guess, I would guess that there is no place to get raw materials within a hundred kilometers."

"I guess there should be a big river nearby, and the boulder mining site should be a hundred kilometers away."

Guo Kai nodded: "Well, I think this guess is correct."

Cheng Ping Saburo: "This is a small problem, the key is how many people need to complete it?"

"There is a river in that direction." Lin Xuan smiled and waved his hand: "This is the topographic map. The mining site is here. This is the distance scale from the Nile River."

The three of them glanced at each other and started counting.

Chengping Saburo calculated half of the calculations and came up with vague figures. It would take 160 million people 30 years to build this building!
Cheng Ping Sanlang's eyes rolled: No, the people of Sakura Country are short and weak, Guo Kai and Yi Lunte must not have so much.

Well, let me change it and calculate by multiplying the average male strength of our Sakura country by [-].

Chengping Saburo calculated and rounded it up, then smiled: "It will take 130 million people and 30 years to complete."

Ylendre was surprised: "I calculated that it would take 110 million people and 30 years to complete it."

Cheng Ping Saburo felt as if he had eaten a dead mouse, and his whole body was not well.

Guo Kai figured it out, and said, "It should take 30 years for a million people to figure it out."

Ylente was puzzled: "Did you make a mistake?"

Guo Kai: "I calculated the labor force of a person based on the number of people who built several water conservancy projects and ancient buildings in ancient my country, and then calculated the total labor demand of this building. The calculation is correct to be one million people."

Yinent thought for a while and said, "The climate of the ancient Dragon Kingdom was relatively stable, and the food production was more than that of the ancient Europeans. The ancient Europeans were shorter, and the ancients of the Dragon Kingdom had 100 million, which is about the same."

The average height in ancient Europe was just over 1.4 meters.

The average height of men in Dixinglong Kingdom has been above 1.6 meters 1.7 since the Han Dynasty, and the average height of some dynasties has reached [-] meters [-].

The history of Blue Star Dragon Kingdom is not too far behind.

After the three of them finished their calculations, Chengping Saburo was in a bad mood.

Guo Kai: "It is absolutely unreliable for a million people to spend 30 years building it. Even in the era of slavery, it is impossible for a huge empire to spend millions of slaves to do this kind of thing."

"You said this is a tomb. If you guessed correctly, every king of ancient Egypt should have his own pyramid, right?"

Lin Xuan nodded: "To be precise, it's an Egyptian pharaoh."

Guo Kai: "That's right, every few years, ten years at most, several decades, the repeated projects are definitely impossible to consume such a large amount of manpower."

"So, the ancient Egyptians must have mastered simpler modes of transportation."

Guo Kai and Yilunt looked at each other: "Come on, go back to the studio, let's do some experiments."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Xuan brought the five of them back to the studio.

Elent: "I need bricks, chopsticks, string, give me some more."

Guo Kai: "Well, I need these too."

Cheng Ping Sanlang put his hands in his arms, thinking: "I think it's a human deadlift."

Lin Xuan: "Since Mr. Cheng Ping Saburo doesn't need to do experiments, let the two masters, Yilund and Guo Kai, conduct this part."

[I don’t know what kind of solution Murphy Ylendt and Guo Kai can think of. 】

[It is very simple to come up with a modern method, the key is can the ancients complete it? 】

[How much material does this need? 】

Ylendt has already started to calculate: "I observed it. The stones of the pyramid weigh about [-] to [-] tons."

"If it is carried by manpower, it will be very difficult, and it will cost too many people."

"I guess they used it that way."

Saying that, Ellent put ten chopsticks on the ground, and then put a brick on the chopsticks.

"Using wheels, it is possible to reduce rolling friction resistance."

"Before the wheel was invented, humans should have observed that the round shape of trees can be easily rolled."

"The wheel should have been invented in ancient civilizations 5000 years ago, so..."

Ellent dragged the bricks with a string: "It's probably going forward like this."

Ylente smiled: "Dr. Guo Kai, if you think about it this way, how do you think the ancient Egyptians overcame the problem of height difference and transported the boulder up step by step?"

Guo Kai smiled: "Simple."

Guo Kai put three bricks into a ladder shape.

Then place the chopsticks on the lower steps and drag the bricks in the same way.

Then place two chopsticks at a slant between the two steps.

Then continue to drag: "Although dragging up this level is a little heavier, if only a lot of manpower is consumed here, it will also greatly save manpower costs."

"Or, the ancient Egyptians invented the pulley block more than 4000 years ago. If this is the case, then the ancients on Earth were really amazing!"

Yinent began to calculate with satisfaction: "So, now we need 20 people, and the construction can be completed in 20 years."

This is a full 30 times less manpower than a million people in [-] years!
Lin Xuan smiled: "This is also a stupid way."

Lin Xuan took out the mold that was made in advance.

"The ancient Egyptians built a river between the mouth of the river and the location of the pyramid."

"Then tie an inflatable sheepskin on the boulder... Don't doubt it, people from the four ancient civilizations invented sheepskin rafts a long time ago, and canoes have a history of at least tens of thousands of years in the history of the earth and stars."

The ancients of Earth Star traveled across the ocean and landed in Australia and the Pacific Islands by canoe.

Sheepskin rafts, that is, inflated to bring buoyancy, have long appeared.

Lin Xuan tied small inflatable skin bags to the boulder one by one: "Then, only two people are needed to drag one or even ten boulders forward."

Yilunte and Guo Kai looked at each other.

【Is it possible? Is it theoretically possible? 】

[Why is it not feasible? It's too simple. You only need the buoyancy to be [-] times the weight of the boulder, and dragging the boulder is no different from dragging a box. 】

[Didn't our Blue Star have trackers dragging big boats forward in ancient times, isn't that the reason? 】

Lin Xuan smiled: "This one can save 10 people's labor for 19 years."

"And transport it up the steps..."

"Using your method, it takes 10 people and 20 years of labor."

"If it's a pulley block, it will take 5 people and ten years of labor. It's barely feasible, right?"

"The use of human power on this scale, the ancient Egyptians could not have afforded it."

Yilund heard Lin Xuan's voice-over, and hurriedly asked, "Could it be that the ancient Egyptians still had a way to further save manpower?"

Lin Xuan took out a cup and put it in the sink, the cup was filled with water.

Then buckle upside down in the water, and then slowly lift the cup out of the water.

And the water in the cup did not fall because it was above the water surface.

Because of the strong atmospheric pressure, the water in the cup was locked tightly.

As long as the mouth of the cup is not completely exposed above the water surface, the water level in the cup is higher than the water level!

Lin Xuan: "The ancient Egyptians could build a waterway leading directly to the height of the pyramid."

"Then seal the top with a gate."

"Then push the boulder tied with the sheepskin raft into the waterway.

Then open the valves of each layer step by step.

When the last valve was opened, the sheepskin raft had already carried the boulder to the height it needed to reach. "

Cheng Ping Saburo exclaimed: "Impossible! The atmospheric pressure is terrifying!"

"Building this kind of thing, under atmospheric pressure, the internal water seepage will be very serious, and it is inevitable to leak into the pyramid!"

"It's just something you, a layman, made up."

"You really are not a time traveler!"

Lin Xuan looked at Cheng Ping Saburo, then turned to look at the screen behind him.

A schematic diagram appeared on the screen.

There is an upward waterway on one side of the pyramid.

There is a dark passage in the middle of the waterway, which leads directly to the bottom of the pyramid.

There is an open and close door in the dark water channel at the bottom of the pyramid.

And before the valve was switched on, another waterway led to the high place on the opposite side of the pyramid.

The height difference is the same on both sides.

Lin Xuan: "As an architect, can you tell me that this method can offset water seepage?"

Cheng Ping Saburo was dumbfounded.

In front of the computer, the water conservancy experts who were watching the live broadcast laughed: "This brat actually went to discuss water conservancy issues with Lin Xuan, it is simply ignorant."

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(End of this chapter)

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