Open Traveler: Culture Invasion Parallel Blue Star

Chapter 254 People (End of the book)

Chapter 254 People (End of the book)
Lin Xuan on the stage looked in the direction of the camera: "Or... that's not quite accurate."

"It should be said that the story begins with the ancient single-celled organisms that gnawed through organic rocks many billions of years ago."

"On Earth, after billions of years of primitive Earth, organic matter is everywhere in nature."

"Many years later, coelomates were born."

"Cartilaginous fishes, bony fishes, amphibians, sea reptiles, real beasts, dragon beasts, generation after generation of overlords have written their glorious history on Earth and Planet."

In the camera, the creatures that once ruled the planet Earth appeared one by one.

Creep, seaweed, odd shrimp, Dunkleus, megalodon, mosasaur, cenodont, heterodon, spinosaur, tyrannosaur.

Like the classics of mountains and seas, big fish swallow small fish, and wild beasts swallow small beasts are constantly emerging.

The size of animals on Earth Star is getting more and more exaggerated.

The body structure of various organisms is also constantly evolving.

From photoreceptor cells, to primitive vision monocular, to compound eyes and real eyes.

From the lumen for fluid transport, to the differentiation of blood vessels and gut.

From the whole body respiratory system to the evolution of the true respiratory system.

From the depths of the ocean, landed on the earth again and again.

From mudskipper-like ancestors on the beach to terrifying behemoths.

The first drake-like creature to soar in the sky, an insect so large that it could smash through trees.

Titan pythons straddling the earth, and deinosaurs jumping out of the water to crush boulders.

A tiny mouse-like creature that lives underground.

In the Tyrannosaurus rex hunting scene, a primitive primate hides among the branches.

The small dinosaurs of the ancestors of birds climbed trees, the demise of primitive primates.

The new primate is climbing the tree again.

On land, mammals span all ecological niches, starting with the mouse.

The primates on the tree kept getting bigger, stronger, and more flexible, and their fingers kept separating.

The picture flashed by, and the degraded sense of color and light in order to adapt to the night returned to the eyes of the primate ancestors.

Until, it...

The screen stopped abruptly.

Lin Xuan chanted those terms that most netizens are not familiar with: "The last generation of earth star overlord."

"Neomura - Eukaryota - Unikonta - Opisthokonta - Holozoa - Filozoa - Animalia - Eumetazoa - Parahoxozoa - Planulozoa - Bilateria - Nephrozoa - Deuterostome - Chordate - Craniate - Vertebrate - Gnathostomata - Eugnathostomata - Teleostomi - Teleostoma Osteichthyes - Sarcopterygii - Tetrapodomorpha - Tetrapoda - Reptiliomorpha - Amniote - Synapsida - Mammaloids (Mammaliaformes)-Mammalia-Eutheria-Placentalia-Boreoeutheria-Euarchontoglires-Euarchonta- Primatomorpha - Primates - Haplorhini - Simiiformes - Catarrhini - Hominoidea - Hominidae - Homininae-Hominini-Hominina-Homo-Homo sapiens-Homo sapiens sapiens."

"That's us."

"Back in time to 300 million years ago."

"A group of australopithecines, like their ancestors millions of years ago, are gathering fruit from trees to eat."

"They don't realize that the crisis is creeping in."

"They don't even realize that everything their ancestors have honed since the age of dinosaurs will help them embark on an epic journey of exploration."

"On foot, the world!"

"The weather is getting drier, the forests are receding, and the grasslands are eating up the land in large numbers."

"Australopithecus began to descend from the tree and stood up."

"In the evolution of millions of years, it is difficult for you to tell whether the australopithecus was able to stand up and walk on the branches like some primates in the trees, or was forced to descend from the trees in the face of terrible changes in nature, and then Learned to walk upright."

"When the ancestors of humans descended from the trees, their range of activities was here."

For the process of human expansion and evolution, the blue star and the earth star are the same, and the two sides only began to diverge 8000 years ago.

This is a popular science course that most netizens will not read.

"On the prairie, standing upright, they can see farther, and their early warning of crisis is far superior to other creatures."

"After they stand up, their free hands start to be free, and they can use their dexterous arms and fingers to use tools while moving."

"They become them when a certain tipping point comes."

"During this evolution, when they stood up, their body structure changed rapidly."

"Nature's survival of the fittest started to cause a huge change in their body structure."


The thumbs of apes are very short, so the tiger's mouth is about the size of a human's tiger's mouth without an index finger.

This structure allows for easy gripping of tree trunks.

However, the grasping ability is much lower than that of the human state hand.

In many states, the terrifying gorilla looks weak in its finger muscles, which is why.

In human hands, the thumb is getting longer, and the jaw is getting smaller, which is more suitable for grasping.

On human feet, the five thumbs are rapidly shortening, and they can stand for a longer period of time. When there is no ape's thumb that grows backwards, when all five toes are on the toes, running begins.

"This is the era of the weakest body structure in the history of humans and even primates."

"They gave up so much to be self-reliant."

"However, they freed their hands and quickly brought them the best and most unique abilities."

"Knock the bone and suck the marrow!"

That's right, the source of human beings, starting from breaking every bone and sucking bone marrow.

"There is no animal that can eat the bone marrow of other animals, but Homo habilis, who can hold stones and break bones, is the first creature that can eat bone marrow."

"They relied on scavenging for the first steps towards protein and fat supplementation in a miserable drought environment."

Carrion is not as good as fruit.

However, with a large amount of protein and fat supplements, the amount of calories a person can obtain increases rapidly.

And the countless energies have nowhere to be used in the human energy-saving mode.

A large amount of energy began to gather towards the brain.

CPU, began to evolve.

Stupid than dead.

The more treacherous and intelligent, the more qualified to give birth to offspring.

"When one day, a capable person discovered that after the stone was broken, the sharp edge could cut objects, and an arms race of more than 200 million years began."

"When people with primitive stone tools with sharp primitive spearheads between wooden sticks appeared, they began to have ambitions."

"They, Homo erectus."

Homo erectus is the first primitive human being to leave Feizhou on a large scale in history.

Carrying the craftsmanship of spears and the skill of preserving natural fire, they walked out of the vast grassland and into the Eurasian continent.

"Yanjing ape man, cave man, Flores man."

"Have you ever thought about how the ancient humans of this era went global?"

Except for a few knowledgeable people on the barrage, most of them are [don't know].

However, the savvy barrage can't be seen at all, so it is covered up.

Lin Xuan took a step forward: "My step is about [-] centimeters, half a second."

"If you drift off while walking, it's almost one meter per second."

"It takes me 1000 seconds to walk 7 meters, which is less than [-] minutes."

"That's already the speed of a human strolling and walking."

"When the ancestors of Homo erectus had the hunting ability, the number of humans that can be supported in an area is still limited."

"When a family has too many people, it will be separated, let alone a tribe."

"These tribes spread out from the center of the circle irregularly. One mile a year, the journey of 8 miles around the world only takes [-] years."

Behind Lin Xuan, the video started playing again.

"Our ancestors had the most blessed bodies in nature."

"When the frail state of just falling off the tree gave birth to upright walking, our physical hardware has entered the era of supercomputers directly from counting chips."

An australopithecine walked like squatting on a toilet with numb legs and walked forward with its arms outstretched.

When the femur and spine are completely in a line pattern.

The human butt began to super-evolve.

The most perky butt in history was born.

The powerful thighs, buttocks, and lower back muscles are completely in a straight line.

A new running mode was born.

"Human bipedal running, under the same weight and load, consumes 60.00% of the energy consumed by quadrupedal running."

"Powerful cooling system, low energy consumption, super high energy supplement."

"Created the most powerful body in the history of this planet."

Netizens on the Internet are always discussing which animal's body is so strong. In fact, they all have a high-species biological mentality similar to the mentality of a big country.

Animal body if it can be distinguished by functional parts.

It can be divided into running ability, waist and abdomen strength, sensitivity, pure strength, and endurance.

For cats of the same weight, [-] points for sprint ability, [-] points for long-distance running ability, [-] points for waist strength, [-] points for sensitivity, and [-] points for pure strength.

For a canine of the same weight, it has [-] points in sprint ability, [-] points in long-distance running ability, [-] points in waist and abdomen strength, [-] points in sensitivity, and [-] points in pure strength.

For amphibians of the same weight, [-] points for sprint ability, [-] points for long-distance running ability, [-] points for waist and abdomen strength, [-] points for sensitivity, and [-] points for pure strength ([-] points for explosive power but [-] points for sustained explosive power).

What about humans?
The sprint ability is sixty points, which surpasses most animals and is only weaker than mammals. It is the most hip-pulling part of human beings.

However, the long-distance running ability is [-]%.

The strength of the waist and abdomen is [-]%.

Eighty percent sensitivity.

Eighty percent pure strength.

Moreover, humans have something that other animals do not have, the sensitivity of hands, all other animals are zero, and humans are positive infinity.

For endurance, all other animals failed, horses got [-] points, and humans got [-] points.

For intelligence, all other animals fail, primates, dolphins, and higher mammals pass, and human beings are infinite.

Human body parameters are the best in the world.

In the video, two shirtless black brothers appeared.

Neither of them had any weapons, and each had a bag.

"This is a springbok whose top speed is close to [-] kilometers per hour, and can run out of the range of human vision in a single swipe."

"These are two ordinary people from the primitive tribe of Feizhou."

A day and night hunting activity began.

The first thing the springbok did when they saw them was to run.

Then, they chased behind at a constant speed.

It took only 20 seconds for the springbok to reach what they thought was safe.

Two minutes later, the two humans were in the danger zone again.

The springbok ran 30 seconds this time.

The humans behind continued to chase and reached the danger zone 4 minutes later.

The springbok was stopping to graze. Seeing that the two ghosts that could not be shaken off came again, they turned around and ran away.

This time, the springbok ran for a full 10 minutes and almost collapsed.

An hour later, the two humans who were almost lost came again.

Five hours, eight hours, 24 hours.

32 hours.

The springbok, which had escaped countless times from the cheetah, could not get rid of the two humans.

Until, all internal organs fail, and all blood vessels in the lungs burst.

The springbok died on the road.

The two humans, who had done nothing but chase, lifted the springbok, put it on their shoulders, and stared at the next prey.

"The most primitive human beings are like this, chasing their prey and running until they run away alive to death."

This is already the most running animal in nature.

Ordinary herbivores have a dead end in front of terrifying humans.

The screen switched, and the original stone tools began to change.

The human's mao is getting longer and longer, and the tail of the mao becomes tapered.

Javelin, was born.

Homo erectus is almost at the top of the food chain on this land.

Except for creatures such as cave bears and saber-toothed tigers, humans are almost invincible.

"However, Homo erectus in this period still has very big flaws."

"A Yanjing ape-man went hunting in the morning and didn't come back at night. He met a saber-toothed tiger and died outside."

The picture is too cruel.

However, this time out of Feizhou, it failed.

"This body has the highest configuration in nature, but it still hasn't been able to become a global hegemon."

"They traveled across three continents, relied on the dry seabed of the Ice Age, and even landed on a large number of islands in Southeast Asia."

"However, the glaciers receded and the jungle moved south again."

In the environmental change, the advantage of Homo erectus weakened.

you can run, can you?Try running in the mountains?
"The humans who stayed in the place of birth, a new generation was born at this time."

"Heidelbergian (late Homo erectus)."

"Their descendants in Feizhou evolved early Homo sapiens."

"Their continental descendants evolved into Neanderthals."

"The Dane evolved from their descendants in Aland."

Almost everyone who surfs the Internet, although they don't know history, should know that they belong to Homo sapiens.

"10 years ago, the climate changed again, and the subtropical high pressure belt moved toward the North Pole."

"The abundance of rain poured like crazy."

"The Sahara Desert has become the Sahara Swamp."

"The ancestors of Homo sapiens once again walked out of Feizhou."

"This time, they were greeted by their close relatives, Neanderthals."

In the picture, a family of three short and stout Neanderthals walked into the cave wearing a fur coat and holding a sharp stone grass.

Half a minute later, a brown bear was dragged out by two adult Neanderthals.

The juvenile Neanderthal was grinning while sharpening his stone knife.

[I wipe! 】

[This family solved the brown bear in half a minute? 】

[Is it so fierce? 】

Lin Xuan: "Neanderthals had more brain capacity than modern Homo sapiens, and a can of Coke space, and their IQ was higher than modern Homo sapiens."

"Their adult males are about 1.5 meters to 1.6 meters tall."

"But their skeleton was 20.00% to forty wider than Homo sapiens."

"The physical strength of an average Neanderthal is about the same as the strongest man you can see in a gym."

"In their group, those with good physical talents are all at the level of world weightlifting champions."

If you insist on comparison, probably, the average Neanderthal is the captain of the United States.

"The ancestors of Homo sapiens who walked out of Feizhou ran into the Neanderthals head-on. They didn't even see the appearance of the Dan people, and they were all wiped out."

This is the second time in history that it has stepped out of Feizhou.

During this period, Homo erectus was almost finished, and the three major descendants of the Heidelberger straddled Europe, Asia and Africa, each carrying out its own super-evolution.

However, a Homo erectus came to the furthest point of their journey to conquer the world.

Homo Flores, dwarfs whose adult males are one meter tall and females are eighty centimeters tall, face the ancestors of the Komodo dragon on the island of Java.

The ancestor of the Komodo dragon at this time was 50.00% larger than the modern Komodo dragon in the natural environment.

Body length four meters five.

These things are similar to dinosaurs lying on their stomachs.

In the picture, these dwarves are confronted with these 'dragons'.

This confrontation is 20 years.

Islands make mammals smaller and birds and reptiles larger.

This kind of battle, like the world of Lord of the Rings, lasts 20 years.

Until now, the Flores have been defeated.

"It's a pity that Homo erectus traveled as far south as Java Island, as far east as the Dragon Kingdom, and as far north as Northern Europe."

"Their global journey, failed."

"But they are better than early Homo sapiens."

[It can’t be said that, the early Homo sapiens bumped into the Neanderthals, who can bear it! 】

[I suspect that if Neanderthals were in the Jurassic period, dinosaurs were just moving proteins. 】

[I remember that we are descendants of Homo sapiens, did we beat Neanderthals? 】

Lin Xuan smiled: "Neanderthals were indeed strong, but they had a fatal weakness, that is, they lived in family units rather than groups."

"A 20-year-old adult can be expected to have 30 years of physical fitness."

"After 30 years, they began to decline. After 50 years, they will die. After 70 years, Huawei will die."

"But the wisdom of a 20-year-old adult can be passed down for 1, 10, or 100 million years."

"The super high IQ of Neanderthals allowed many independent individuals to go through the super-evolution from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age alone."

"Unfortunately, they can't pass on what they know to others."

"As for us Homo sapiens, it took 6 years to sharpen our knives."

【...A tragedy, a Neanderthal has completed the 6-year evolutionary journey of Homo sapiens in his lifetime, but nothing has been handed down. 】

In the archaeological world, the things produced by Neanderthal archaeological remains can be said to be mixed.

The awesome Neanderthals were equipped with the most advanced stone grass, catapults, bows and arrows, and spear throwers, which were more advanced than Homo sapiens tens of thousands of years later. They wore the best clothes and used the most advanced predictably. The fur made by craftsmanship has more than three abilities to make fire with bare hands.

And some Neanderthals didn't even know how to fire, and they used elementary stone tools that were millions of years ago, and they didn't know how to make bows and arrows.

Inside the Neanderthals, it was like playing a stand-alone game. Some people hung up at LV1, and some people cleared all the maps within their sights at LV99 for decades.

And what about Homo sapiens?

"10 years ago, a gene of Homo sapiens mutated, and a new gene was born."

"This gene made the language ability of Homo sapiens advance by leaps and bounds."

Super high intelligence, super language ability, super group life.

Nothing can stop Homo sapiens anymore.

Especially, when a super-large natural disaster tens of thousands of years ago almost wiped out Homo sapiens in the entire Feizhou, leaving only a group of 2000 to [-] people.

Everything began to take a decisive turn.

From this moment on, the knowledge of Homo sapiens began to be shared.

As long as the weapons in everyone's hands improve a little, in less than ten days, everyone's weapons will be updated.

"The ancestors of Homo sapiens carried the world's most sophisticated language, the best stone tools, and the best team combat tactics. For the third time, they walked out of Feizhou."

"This time, Grandpa will set foot on the whole world, go to the universe, and travel countless light years."

Human hardware facilities have been updated to the latest version of the current version.

The replacement speed of human software facilities began to soar geometrically.

And the Neanderthals of a generation stronger than Homo sapiens' hardware facilities relied on the most primitive drive and Homo sapiens equipped with W10, to fight.

This seeded player who might once dominate the world failed quickly.

"Modern Homo sapiens is a nearly pure-bred Homo sapiens."

"And Eurasian Homo sapiens have two to four percent Neanderthal genes."

"In addition to the Neanderthal genes, the modern yellow race also has one percent of the Danish genes."

This is why there is obviously only one race of humans in the world, Homo sapiens, but they are divided into three colors, and the differences between each group are comparable to the cross-genus differences of other species.

Neanderthals and Danes were more intelligent and stronger, but not as explosive as Homo sapiens.

The descendants also almost completely inherited these characteristics.

"Many people have so-called modern diseases, and some people advocate the so-called stone age eating method."

"Virtually every modern disease existed tens of thousands of years ago."

"And the ancestors of the Stone Age all ate meat. Except for the occasional fruit to relieve boredom, they didn't look down on whole grains at all."

"Including diabetes, depression are things that are unique to the Dane Neanderthal genetics."

Asthma is also a special gift left by Neanderthals to white people.

The expansion of humanity has begun.

The new Homo sapiens went north and quickly entered the European Arctic Circle, then walked eastward along the sea to the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, and then spread a large amount of radiation from the Dragon Kingdom to the surroundings again.

"Some people entered the sea by boat in South Asia, and some of them went east, returned to Feizhou, and reached Madagascar."

It is true that Madagascar belongs to Feizhou, but there are not black people on it, but yellow people.

After humans spared most of the world, they turned around and found this land.

"The other group of people are rapidly breeding and spreading in the Dragon Kingdom."

"A saber-toothed tiger went out to hunt in the morning, but didn't come back at night, met Homo sapiens, and died outside."

Homo erectus, the ancestor of human beings, was beaten by saber-toothed tigers. If it was in an older era, the relationship between the top of the food chain and the second layer of the food chain may take tens of millions of years to change.

But it only took tens of thousands of years after the earth-star bug of human beings appeared.

"Some people reached North America through the frozen Bering Strait."

An arrow moves crazily on the ground, accompanied by the silhouette of killing. This time, it took human beings thousands of years to complete the second half of human beings walking around the world.

"This is a land animal with a shoulder height of more than two meters or a weight of more than [-] kilograms on the planet before Homo sapiens walked out of Feizhou."

On the screen, all kinds of strange and large beasts are densely packed.

"This is a terrestrial animal with a shoulder height of more than two meters or a weight of more than 5000 kilograms when Homo sapiens reached the southern tip of South America [-] years ago."

Very few.

There are three kinds in total.

Elephant giraffe hippopotamus.

The process of Homo sapiens completing superevolution is the fastest mass extinction in the history of Earth and planets.

However, the process of homo sapiens dominating the world is also the fastest in history.

It is also the only time that civilization has developed.

Because Homo sapiens soon realized that if he continued to kill like this, there would be no animals on Earth and planets.

[Our ancestors did walk the world on foot! 】

[If you count from the first time you walked out of Feizhou, it took 200 million years, and if you count from the third time, it took 5000 years. 】

[No, the journey of a Homo sapiens has not been explained clearly. 】

It's true that I didn't make it clear.

The camera moves to Tuao on the map, New Zealand.

"Does anyone know what color skin the aboriginals in Tu'ao have?"

[Yellow species. 】

[No, it's black. 】

Lin Xuan: "The aborigines in Tu'ao have black skin. They are descendants of Homo erectus, which have long been extinct."

"And the New Zealand aborigines next to Tu'ao have yellow skin."

"2 years ago, Homo sapiens set off from the coast of South Asia and arrived in Madagascar at the same time as another branch arrived in Hawaii."

"The Homo sapiens who arrived in Hawaii continued to sail on the sea with ancient canoes."

"Kayaks tend to capsize, so add balance."

"A single canoe is not enough to carry people, so two canoes are connected in parallel."

"The space is still not enough, then connect two canoes in parallel, then build a platform in the middle, and move on."

"2 years ago, a group of about 30 people set off, passed through thousands of sailing routes, and began to land on many islands in the Pacific Ocean."

"Until 800 years ago, the last Homo sapiens landed in New Zealand."

"5000 years ago, descendants of Southeast Asian navigators discovered Tu'ao and found it a barren land. They left behind a few dogs and left."

"And these dogs killed the entire Tu'ao ecosystem."

"It wasn't until 800 years ago that the last seafaring Homo sapiens came to New Zealand from another route."

"So far, human ancestors spent 4 years traveling all over the five continents."

800 years ago, the sea ships of the Southern Song Dynasty had spread all over the coast of Asia.

The huge warship is hundreds of meters long.

At this time, the last conqueror of mankind finally landed in New Zealand.

As for the later so-called great geographical discovery, it is nonsense.

In a country in South America, in a class.

A teacher said that in [-]XX, someone climbed the mountains of South America and saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time. He is considered to be the first person to see both the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean on land.

A student asked if all 'Indians' were blind?
The student was scolded to get out of class and made to stand all day.

But by this time, Lin Xuan no longer needed to hurt the white people.

Because it has been lost countless times in the past three years.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, there were only 1000 human beings left, almost extinct."

"Today there are seven billion people in the world."

"But we all live on Earth, and Blue Star has made very little progress in spaceflight."

"A volcanic eruption almost wiped out Homo sapiens tens of thousands of years ago."

"Now tens of thousands of years later, if the volcano in Yellowstone Park erupts, it can still wipe out Homo sapiens."

"Millions of years ago we ate rot, so it can be said that we were in the same ecological niche as today's raccoons and other small animals that dig through garbage."

"Now we've moved out of niches, occupying every niche, into socio-environmental models."

"But the ending that may be destroyed at any time is still unavoidable."

"An asteroid impact can destroy dinosaurs, and it can also destroy Homo sapiens."

"A volcanic eruption can destroy Homo sapiens."

"An earthquake above magnitude [-] can destroy Homo sapiens."

"A super-powerful solar eruption can destroy Homo sapiens."

"A single supernova blast could wipe out Homo sapiens."

"At this time, above our heads, our Milky Way is colliding with the Andromeda Galaxy. No one knows to what extent this galactic fusion will bring disaster to mankind."

"A cosmic gamma ray can sweep across hundreds of millions of light-years of space, and who knows if a radiation burst has occurred within [-] million years within our [-] million light-year range, and it is madly advancing toward us."

"Homo sapiens ancestors have already walked the globe."

"So who will be the first explorer to complete the ring of the observable universe?"

"We are so small, but our will is passing on. We have established a civilized system from the time we used to drink blood, and we have at least maintained restraint from the immersion in world wars to the present."

"We used to look up at the starry sky, and now we can barely touch the starry sky."

"Our history has had too many beautiful moments."

"It's the same for the earth star, isn't it the same for the blue star?"

"If someone lands on Mars, his journey will be thousands of times that of the ancestors of Homo sapiens walking around the world."

"And this is just a short step of a future descendant of a space traveler."

"But we're also privileged to be a part of making that history, right?"

Since the end of this issue of "I am a time traveler" with such a lengthy declaration, no one on the Internet has dared to oppose extraterrestrial exploration.

Netizens can shred everything.


2032 is the tenth year of "I Am a Traveler".

The 34-year-old Lin Xuan is already a global opinion leader, and his every word will be regarded as the bible by countless people.

The only thing that feels a bit strange is, why hasn't the stock value of Dixing Group increased after ten years?

The deep blue group is rising every day, but I heard that after landing on Mars, the Mars base project and the Jupiter exploration project started, and it will cost hundreds of billions.

Powerful Americans will not talk about this, because they are no longer American.

They went to Europe, to the country of Dragon, and money from the United States was lost in all walks of life.

The decade that the United States was stolen seems to be just the beginning.

On this day, Lin Xuan and the pregnant An Luyao stood on a street.

This is 2022, and this is Earth and Planet.

An Luyao looked up: "Is this your hometown?"

How many years have passed, but Lin Xuan can still return to the day of Earth and Star through the system, no matter how long he lives, he can return to the origin.

Who knows how many years Lin Xuan spent with An Luyao on the show and in Earth Star.

However, the two have never been to Lin Xuan's hometown.

But recently, Lin Xuan may not be able to bring An Luyao here often, because An Luyao is pregnant with a baby.

In the future, Lin Xuan doesn't want to spend long time traveling in the show, because now Lin Xuan only wants to live his own family life.

Moreover, no one knows if An Luyao stays here for a long time, if the baby is born here, it will make the time travel of the system messy.

After An Luyao became pregnant, her smile became more and more beautiful: "Actually, this place is the same as Blue Star."

Lin Xuan hugged An Luyao: "Yes, it's actually the same."

If there is a difference, then there will be no more.


"Retire, there is nothing to talk about in the future." Lin Xuan: "My mission is complete."

I remember that in the first issue, Lin Xuangao recited the poems of Shixian.

In the second period, Li Bing was born in water and died in water.

I also remember the ice waterfall in Jiuzhai that year.

In the past ten years, Lin Xuan has done too many programs, which are as wonderful as dozens of other people's lives.

Now, it's time.

Long Street, sunny.

The wind is still there.

--season finale--


Finish this testimonial:

Finally, it's over!

Thanks to the book friends who have been with me until this chapter, thank you! ! ! !

There are not many people reading the new book, and it is a bit difficult to test the water and push it. So the state of writing the book is not good recently, but I have written all the things I want to express.

This book was written very quickly at the beginning, and now it is probably expected to finish with about 100 million words.

I didn't expect it to be so accurate...

This is similar to the subject matter of a unit drama. Subscriptions are dropped a lot, and it is also difficult to write. It is impossible to use life details or boring plots to fill in the words.

Fortunately, there is everyone's support, otherwise it may be difficult to make ends meet.

To be honest, the environment for writing books is very bad now. I will stick to the new book and hope this is not the last testimonial.

The new book may have more descriptions of human nature and stories, without such a flashy and wide-ranging aspect, but the story should be much better than this book.

This "Open Traveler" is a book that I also particularly like. I often re-examine what I wrote while reading everyone's messages, and I also feel the differences of many friends.

Hope these help the progress of Mudstone.

See you all on the new book! (There is another book under the same author's name, just click on it to see it.)

Flowers are over! ! ! ! ! !
 new book signpost

(End of this chapter)

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