Open Traveler: Culture Invasion Parallel Blue Star

Chapter 251 Hiking around the world (finale part 1)

Chapter 251 Hiking around the world (finale part 1)

Yanjing, a studio that has been built for three years, has long been abandoned.

Now, Lin Xuan is broadcasting live in Gongti.

Because, every issue of "I am a time traveler" will have fanatical fans from all over the world requesting to be present.

And they don't just come to watch the show.

They come to Longguo to appreciate paintings, classical music, and modern music.

Watch the latest movies and play the best outdoor activities.

They listen to Peking Opera here, as well as opera and drama.

They will also go on a pilgrimage in Yanjing, to visit the headquarters of various companies under the Dixing Group, and to visit the Dixing Museum.

6 people entered the stadium in an orderly manner and took their seats quietly.

When the bearded Lin Xuan stepped onto the stage, the loud cheers could be heard three streets away.

The whole stadium was shaking.

Lin Xuan bowed slightly with his chest protector: "Good evening, audience friends, this is the No.30 issue of "I Am a Time Traveler"."

"Our theme today is "Around the World."

A middle-aged man stood up: "Hi everyone, I am Wu Nanguo, a historian you are familiar with."

In the No.19 issue of "I Am a Time Traveler", which is the second year of this program, Tang Yun, a world-renowned historian, suffered a cerebral infarction and became paralyzed.

Although the treatment was carried out quickly, Tang Yun was no longer suitable for participating in the program.

So his student, Wu Nanguo, a new generation of historian, took over his position.

Wu Nanguo's knowledge may not be inferior to Tang Yun's, the key is that he is handsome, so he was quickly accepted by the audience.

"Let us welcome Master Li Yu who is on the jury panel."

"Welcome Professor Lucas, Social Scientist!"

The two also greeted each other in turn.

"Today, the judges who participated in the recording of the program also include Mr. Miles, a famous researcher on the history of Earth and stars."

"Famous extreme athlete Wang Chen."

"The famous explorer, Mr. Simon Rowe, who is walking the global challenge."

The three also finished greeting the audience.

Lin Xuan smiled on the stage at this time: "Now, Mr. Simon Luo, who is the first Bluestar to take the global challenge on foot, is here. Let us first ask how long and how far Luo's journey has been. What are the conditions for global achievement."

Simon Luo, obviously a Chinese, looks about 60 years old, but he should be 37 years old.

Simon Luo: "Hello everyone, I am a Chinese born in Italy, so in fact my ID card has the name of Longguo, and my name is Luo Yuanshan."

"Speaking of which, you still inspired me, Mr. Lin Xuan."

Lin Xuan was a little surprised: "Huh?"

Luo Yuanshan: "In the beginning, I saw the program "I Am a Time Traveler". At that time, netizens said that Earth Stars have an adventurous and challenging spirit. I was not very convinced."

"That's why I decided to walk around the world to prove that the Blue Stars also have an adventurous spirit!"

Lin Xuan smiled and applauded: "Support!"

Luo Yuanshan: "I also know a few unconvinced people who are similar to me."

"The one who sailed around the world has completed the challenge."

"The one who traveled the world in his car is almost at the end of it."

"The motorcycle tourer has completed 80.00% of the goal, but he is sick. It is estimated that it will restart in a month and can be completed within half a year."

"For me, at first I thought it would take ten years to complete the challenge, but now I feel that it may be about 20 to 30 years."

"My initial thought was to travel to at least five continents."

"Then I thought maybe I should have been to each country at least once."

"Now, on this basis, I hope to visit more places related to the history of Blue Star, so my challenge may last a lifetime, without end."

Lin Xuan nodded: "Very true."

Sailing around the world is the simplest, only need to cross a few oceans, and it's over.

Traveling around the world by car is not difficult, it takes time.

Hiking is the most difficult. There is no fixed rule to say how to complete traveling around the world.

Lin Xuan: "On Earth, 90 years ago, there was a chef named Pan Deming who became the first human being to walk around the world."

"Today, we will follow his perspective and travel around the whole planet."

"He traveled around the world on foot with the belief of avenging the sick man of East Asia and fighting for the glory of the world."

"At the very beginning of the story, Pan Deming didn't start off with a backpack. The first thing he did was to exercise and learn foreign languages."

Following Lin Xuan's voice, the video viewers saw began to change.

Lin Xuan has arrived at Earth Star 90 years ago.

And a handsome young man was right in front of Lin Xuan.

This young man was talking with foreigners. Although he stuttered, he was not afraid at all and spoke the foreign language very confidently.

"After Pan Deming learned how to communicate in simple English, he decided to open a western restaurant."

"Of course there will be a large number of foreigners visiting the western restaurant, so that he can learn more foreign languages."

"In three years, Pan Deming has mastered four foreign languages."

"His language talent is very high, and he learns languages ​​​​very quickly."

During this process, Pan Deming was still doing physical exercise.

It was this year that Jinling City held the National Games.

On the sports field, a group of people are trying to jump high.

But in the face of the so-called intercontinental high jump record at that time, no one could touch it.

Pan Deming originally took the time to find a foreign referee to learn German, but he happened to pass by and said, "It doesn't look too high."

The high jumper next to him choked: "You can do what you want."

Deming Pan happily said, "Come on."

Chef Pan Deming, wearing a suit and leather shoes, jumped over the bar with ease.

[I wipe, are you so sloppy? 】

[Intercontinental record?However, the high jump was not standardized at that time, and now many sports students can jump at this height. 】

[It depends on the age, this was in that era, but the fork is broken! 】

At this time, Pan Deming learned something.

There are seven progressive youths who formed the Longguo Youth Asia Hiking Group, and want to go on foot to the Turkey Chicken Country at the junction of Asia and Europa.

After Pan Deming heard the news, he knew that his long-awaited opportunity to hike around the world had come.

So, Pan Deming set off for Shanghai.

Unfortunately, when he arrived, the Asian hiking group had already set off. Pan Deming followed them all the way, and finally caught up with them by the West Lake in Hangzhou.

Pan Deming was going to explain his well-made resume to the team leader in detail.

Pan Deming believes that with his cooking skills, there is no reason for the hiking group to refuse him to join.

As a result, the leader didn't even look at it, and agreed without saying a word.

Because one of the people in the team has already backed down and quit.

So with Pan Deming, there are exactly seven people.

And the seven of them headed towards the southeast coast together.

Just after entering Hu Jian Province, a fierce conflict erupted in the Asia Walking Group!

Because the funds for the entire hiking group are sponsored by La.

At present, [-] ocean sponsorships have been drawn, and [-] have already been spent!

There are three hundred of them, and there is no need to spend them at all.

As a result, the two extravagant members left the group directly.

The "progressive elite youth" who live in a rich life simply can't stand a life without spending money.

The remaining five people, including Pan Deming, continued to set off together.

This time, five people arrived at Yue Mansion.

Right here, the hot summer gave them a sap, and two more members withdrew.

The Asia Walking Group, which claimed to represent the progressive youth of the Dragon Kingdom, represented the elite intellectuals, but it fell apart before they even reached the port or started applying for passports!
[No way...]

[This is such a bullshit! 】

[Don't worry, look at the follow-up development! 】

[I believe these three people can go a long way. 】

After applying for passports, the hiking group arrived at the nearest port in Vietnam by boat and began to advance on foot.

At this time, the whole of South Asia has no concept of country, and all places are colonies.

Therefore, all the Chinese here are of Dragon Kingdom nationality.

They heard that there was a hiking group from China who wanted to go on foot to the junction of Europe and Asia, and they were very happy.

The major newspapers repeatedly reported.

The Chinese business team provided a subsidy of [-] yuan to the hiking group.

In this era, a car costs 3 oceans, and an airplane costs more than [-] oceans.

Twenty thousand oceans is money that an ordinary person can't earn in a lifetime.

A three-entry courtyard house in Yanjing Hutong is more than 1000 oceans at this time.

The head of the group and another girl are communicating with these Chinese businessmen every day, asking for more money.

Pan Deming felt a sense of worry, so he approached the head of the group: "Boss, when are we going to leave?"

"Our destination is the distant junction of Asia, Africa and Europe where there are no Chinese businessmen. Isn't it good to waste time here all the time?"

Team leader: "Pan Deming, you are stupid, you really want to go to that place where there are no Chinese businessmen?"

"We have already got more than 2 oceans here. Give me ten days, and then we will get [-] oceans. Each of us with [-] yuan is enough to return to China and enjoy ten lifetimes."

Only then did Pan Deming see the true face of the 'elite intellectuals'.

(End of this chapter)

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