Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 96 Dead Sea Scrolls (Part 2, please subscribe!)

Chapter 96 Dead Sea Scrolls (Second update, please subscribe!)
Justice League?

After hearing Diana's words, Russell froze for a moment.

What the Justice League is, of course he knows very well.

Although this is not the DC universe that Diana is in, how could he not know anything about the DC universe that is as famous as the Marvel universe.

It is precisely because of understanding that he now feels that something is wrong.

If he remembered correctly, when Diana traveled here, the Justice League hadn't been formed yet.

So the question is, why did Diana say the name of the Justice League without hesitation.

"What's wrong, is there something wrong with the name Justice League?"

After seeing the puzzled expression on Russell's face, Diana asked softly.

"There's nothing wrong with the name of the Justice League, it sounds nice, but I'm a little curious, why did you choose such a name?"

Russell asked Diana.

"I didn't come up with the name, it was Bruce's."

"After Clark's funeral, Bruce told me he wanted to form a superhero team, and that's when he said the name of the Justice League."

"I think it's a good name, and it's a good fit for your current superhero cleansing plan."

Diana explained briefly.

When she finished explaining, Russell showed his original appearance.

Then, slowly said: "Then call it the Justice League!"

After talking about this topic, Russell and Diana continued their post-dinner walk, slowly walking along the river bank.

During the walk, they talked about some of the things they had experienced with each other during the month of separation.

There is nothing to say about Russell's side. Diana knew it when she was still investigating the Dead Sea ruins.

After all, Russell at that time would call her every now and then.

However, Russell didn't know much about what Diana and the others found in the Dead Sea ruins. He only knew that Diana and the others found some ancient documents in the ruins.

Diana hesitated for a few seconds before slowly saying: "After preliminary analysis, it is now confirmed that the documents we excavated are also part of the Dead Sea Scrolls."

The Dead Sea Scrolls refer to ancient texts written in Hebrew that were excavated from ancient caves along the coast of the Dead Sea.

These volumes fall into three main categories.

The first category is the Old Testament books.

The second category is biblical commentary, commentary, commentary, apocrypha, apocrypha, etc.

The third category is non-biblical literature.

In non-biblical literature, there is a large portion of prophecies about the end of the world.

Although Russell is not an archaeologist, he has still heard of the name of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

In the spring of 1947, the first Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered by accident.

It is the oldest Jewish manuscript ever unearthed, and the Dead Sea Scrolls get their name from this accidental discovery.

However, Russell knew that the Dead Sea Scrolls had nothing to do with the Dead Sea Scrolls of archaeology.

He knew about the Dead Sea Scrolls and became interested in them purely because of a classic anime from the Neon Kingdom.

"Anything new to discover?"

Russell continued to ask.

"Most of them are no different from the Dead Sea Scrolls unearthed before..."

Having said that, Diana paused for a moment before continuing: "However, some ancient scrolls are very strange."

"Although those ancient scrolls were also written in Hebrew, they were obviously encrypted. What is the encrypted content has not yet been deciphered."

Russell: "..."

No way?
Since 1947, new Dead Sea scrolls have been unearthed, but so far, no ancient scrolls have been heard of being encrypted.

I don't know if I was thinking too much, but the classic animation of Neon Kingdom appeared in Russell's mind unconsciously.

Will not!
This is the Marvel world, how could something like an apostle appear, impossible!



Russell did not continue to ask Diana about the Dead Sea Scrolls, and accompanied Diana to continue walking along the coastal streets.

Finally, they returned to the parking lot near the Chinese restaurant.

Just when Russell was about to start the car and return to the apartment, Diana suddenly grabbed his right hand on the car gear handle, and put his right hand on her thigh with perfect lines and texture.

Although Diana didn't say anything now, Russell understood what she meant in an instant.

Russell didn't speak, and quickly looked around the surrounding environment.

very good!

No one around and no cars!

When Russell and Diana returned to the sky apartment, it was already two hours later.

The interior space of the Porsche 911 is not particularly spacious, but Russell and Diana have long been used to this.

After Diana returned from a business trip, Russell's life finally returned to normal.

Now he no longer has to sleep alone with his arms around the pillow.

No matter how soft the pillow is, it can't compare to a real person with fair and smooth skin.

Days go by like this.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

After more than half a month of hard work, No. 3 and Peter finally built the four sets of Zaku armor needed by the general, allowing Russell to successfully obtain the follow-up 3 million US dollars.

After delivering the Zaku armor to the military, Russell did not immediately ask No. 3 and Peter to make the twenty sets of Zaku armor needed for Hydra.

He intends to hand over the twenty sets of battle armor to the newly established Octopus Arms Company.

On the surface, it does.

But in fact, it is still No. 3 who actually makes the armor.

With the supporting processing plant, No. 3 programmed various programs overnight, transforming the processing plant that originally required a large number of skilled workers into an unmanned factory.

As for Peter, Russell sent him to develop new weapons.

On the day of the opening of the Octopus Arms Company, General Ross took the stage for the opening of the company as agreed.

Not only that, General Ross also brought several military orders and several military bosses, fulfilling his original promise.

In addition to the Octopus Monster Arms Company, the star charity organization under the name of Russell is also on the right track.

Although Russell did not let Diana join the arms company and laboratory, Diana offered to take a position in the star charity organization.

For Diana's request, Russell agreed without thinking about it, making Diana the person in charge of Star Charity.

It is worth mentioning that Peter's beautiful aunt is now Diana's second-in-command.

For Diana, Star Charity is just a sideline business, and museums are her main business.

When Diana is away, Peter's beautiful aunt is in charge of the charity.

It wasn't until Diana became the head of the charity that Russell saw Peter's beautiful aunt again.

However, this time, he discovered that a job that can make him feel joy and happiness from the bottom of his heart really makes people exude a completely different charm.

He had thought that Peter's pretty aunt, May Parker, was at least four or fifty by now.

After questioning, he found that Peter's beautiful aunt was much younger than he thought.

Little Peter is only 16 years old this year, and his beautiful aunt is only 36 years old this year.

For a woman at the age of 36, she has already spent a good time in her life, but people are different.

No wonder Tony, who is used to seeing beautiful women, would give Peugeot this evaluation when he saw Aunt Peter for the first time.

Not everyone can make Tony, a seasoned prodigal son, give such an evaluation of Peugeot.

To be honest, when Russell saw Peter's beautiful aunt again in the office building of the charity organization, Russell had a bright feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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