Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 87 Anxious Gwen (Part 5, please subscribe)

Chapter 87 Anxious Gwen (Fifth update, please subscribe)

new York.

Octopus Laboratory.

After showing the true form of the endosymbiosis armor in front of Tony, Russell did not change the No. [-] machine back to the Zaku form.

Although Zaku's form is pretty good-looking, compared with the endosymbiotic form, Zaku's form is a bit rough.

He does not regret that he showed the true form of the endosymbiotic armor in front of Tony.

He can't always let the first machine appear in Zaku form.

Anyway, the endosymbiosis armor will show up sooner or later, and it doesn't matter if Tony knows it earlier.

In doing so, one can prevent this guy from saying that he copied his armor in the future, and two, it can also plant the seeds of curiosity in Tony's heart.

As long as Tony sees the true form of the endosymbiotic armor, with this guy's personality, he will definitely find a way to figure out what the endosymbiotic armor is all about.

Russell is not afraid that Tony has ideas, he is afraid that Tony has no ideas.

After returning to the laboratory, he put Unit [-] back into the system space.

Then, sitting on the sofa chair, looking at the ceiling boredly.

He originally thought that meeting and competing with Tony this time would somehow activate another reward.

However, it turned out that he was thinking too much.

Tony does have rewards that can continue to be squeezed, but how to activate them is a question worth thinking about.

Judging from the current situation, if you want to activate rewards from Tony, Banner and others, simple contact will definitely not work.

So far, the only way that seems more reliable is to have a major impact on their fate.

Like stopping Tony from turning into Iron Man because of the kidnapping incident.

change destiny?

After thinking for a while, Russell decisively gave up and continued to think about this question.

Although the system's rewards are pretty good, sometimes the rewards given may not be satisfactory.

For example, the reward called "Power of Hate" that Bronski activated.

After resting in the office, he transformed into a serum agent, opened the window of the office, and left the laboratory with tentacles.

Do good deeds every day!
Although this is just the daily prestige task of the serum, idleness is idle, and it is not a bad thing to go out to brush up the prestige.

New York is as peaceful as ever.

Not long after leaving the laboratory, Russell completed today's task of doing one good deed every day.

He stops a robbery, knocks out a guy who is robbing a convenience store, and turns him over to the police.

After taking care of this little robber with no lofty ambitions, he was just about to go to other places to see if there was any chance to continue doing good, when a familiar figure appeared in his sight.


At this time, Gwen was wearing a spider uniform that fully accentuated her figure, and she was moving quickly among tall buildings with her spider silk dangling.

After seeing Gwen's slightly hasty figure, without any hesitation, he shot his tentacles towards the building next to him, and followed Gwen in the same special way as Gwen.

After coming all the way from Queens to Manhattan, Gwen finally stopped on the roof of a building, standing on the edge of the roof, overlooking the street below.

After seeing Gwen stop, Russell did not go directly to the building where Gwen was located, but to the roof of the opposite building.

Looking in the direction Gwen was looking down, Russell saw the situation on the street.

There was an overturned escort car on the street.

Not far behind the escort vehicle was parked a police car that had been shot.

There was a group of police officers around the police car, and three of them were already lying on the ground.

Judging from the rescue actions of the surrounding policemen, the three policemen lying on the ground are not dead yet.

Russell was still looking at the police on the street, and the siren of an ambulance came from a distance.

After hearing the siren of the ambulance, Russell turned his gaze away from the policeman on the street, and looked at Gwen in the opposite building.


What about people?

Gwen had already left the opposite building, and she didn't know where she went.

Although he didn't know where Gwen had gone, but after thinking about it, he decided not to waste this good opportunity to gain reputation.

I saw him shooting white tentacles towards the building next to him, and then quickly landed on the street.

As soon as he landed on the street, before he could speak, enthusiastic citizens surrounded him and quickly explained what happened at the scene.

Simply put, this is a very common robbery.

These enthusiastic citizens did not know what the robbers had stolen.

However, these enthusiastic citizens provided a useful intelligence.

The escort vehicle is escorted by a police car.

The messy police car that was shot was escorting the escort vehicle.

Robbed an escort van with a police car escort, and it worked!

This group of robbers is interesting!

"Which direction did the robbers go?"

After hearing Russell's words, these enthusiastic citizens immediately pointed out the direction in which the robbers escaped.

Russell glanced at the direction in which the robbers were fleeing, and just as he was about to shoot out the white tentacles, he stopped.

Chief Stacey?
Gwen's father is here?

Russell walked out from the crowd, came outside the cordon, and looked at the three injured policemen.

While he didn't deal with Gwen's father, George Stacy, he had seen pictures of George.

In the investigation report sent back by the private detective, there is a photo of George.

It was really Gwen's father!
Seeing George lying on the ground, shot at least five or six times all over his body, and completely passed out, Russell finally understood why Gwen was so anxious.

After thinking for a while, he stepped forward and came to George.

The surrounding policemen glanced at him and did not stop him.

That's what a good name does!

Looking down at George who had almost stopped breathing, Russell sighed.

Count your luck!

Who gave you a beautiful daughter!
Russell is also a master of guns. After seeing the wounds on George's body, he knew that George was going to die.

Under the watchful eyes of the surrounding policemen, Russell squatted down and put his right hand on George's chest which was not rising very much.


The white symbiote entered George's body along the palm of his hand.

The warhead that stayed in George's body was squeezed out.

At the same time, George's damaged internal organs began to repair rapidly, and the wound began to heal rapidly.

In less than five seconds, Russell used the power of the serum to heal the dying George.

The surrounding policemen looked at the scene in front of them in shock, some couldn't believe what they saw.

Not only the policemen didn't think of it, George didn't think of it either.

Just now, the revolving door of life began to appear in George's mind.


George, who had fully recovered, touched the place where he was shot in disbelief.

After seeing George sitting up, Russell didn't say anything, and shot white tentacles towards the building next to him, swinging the tentacles and chasing after the robbers in the direction they left.

 PS: Thanks for the reward from the Silent King, thank you for your support~~
(End of this chapter)

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