Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 57 Half Step Bengquan (Please recommend, please follow up!)

Chapter 57 Half Step Bengquan (Please recommend, please follow up!)
Although there are many hand ninjas in the building, it is not troublesome to solve them at all.

Russell doesn't even need to use the power of the venom symbiote, he only needs to use the spear throwing technique and use a little bit of extraordinary power to easily deal with these crazy ninjas who can only chop people with cold weapons.

At this time, he held a modified Glock 34 in one hand and a samurai sword he picked up casually in the other, and beat down layer by layer.

Although his attitude was a bit arrogant, the Hand ninja who came to stop him had nothing to do with him.

The difference in strength is too great!
Not to mention stopping him, it is extremely difficult for these hand ninjas to get close to him.

His unreasonable spear throwing technique is already hard to avoid.

Even if he hides, he will be hacked to death when he comes to the front.

From the top floor to the 22nd floor, Russell walked easily without any trouble.

However, when he came to the 22nd floor, he finally stopped.

Not tired!

Rather, he saw his goal tonight.

Two of the goals!

Muramasa in a white kimono and Alexandra in a white suit appeared in his sight.

Around the two of them, there are more than 20 Hand ninjas wearing ninja uniforms of different colors.

Although Botu wasn't around, he couldn't complete the task at once, but he was quite satisfied to meet Muramasa and Alexandra at the same time.

He has a very clear understanding of his luck and knows that he is not some European emperor.

He even made plans to solve the five fingers of the Hand alone.

Muramasa and Alexandra didn't talk nonsense with him.

After seeing him come to the 22nd floor, without any hesitation, they directly ordered the ninjas around them to swarm up.

Do you look down on me so much?
Although it is a common practice to send your men up first to test the enemy's strength.

But the problem is that he can come here unscathed, which is enough to explain the problem.

Under such circumstances, Muramasa and Alexandra still chose to let the hand ninja take the lead, somewhat looking down on him.

Seeing the hand ninjas swarming in, Russell sighed helplessly.

When the Hand ninjas were running towards him, he dropped the katana in his left hand, and the Glock 34 in his right was also thrown back into the system space.

In the next second, a big and thick Gatling machine gun appeared in his hand.

Gatlin, who is in blue fire, appears again!

Without any hesitation, he decisively pulled the trigger.

Da da da da da da da da da...

Continuous gunshots and unique blue gunfire appeared at the same time.

A storm of bullets flew towards the Hand ninja at high speed.

Times have changed!

Although it is a good thing to stick to tradition, it is also necessary to keep pace with the times!

The immutable tradition will be eliminated by the times!
Russell is no Daredevil, and has no foolish plans to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Hand ninjas.

He never minded using hot weapons to deal with miscellaneous soldiers who could be dealt with with hot weapons.

Muramasa and Alexandra never imagined that Russell would pull out a Gatling with blue flames out of thin air.

When they came up here to stop Russell, they received information that Russell had only one pistol in his hand.

They did see the pistol, but they also saw Gatling coming out of nowhere, and it was a Gatling with blue flames.

At the moment when the gunshots sounded, Muramasa and Alexandra did not hesitate, and came to the passage next door decisively, so as not to die inexplicably in Gatling's strafing.

They hid in the passage next door, avoiding Gatling's strafing fire.

But the hand ninjas they sent out were not so lucky.

In just a few seconds, these Hand ninjas who rushed forward were smashed into a sieve by Gatling, and they all turned into ashes and disappeared, leaving behind cold weapons all over the place.

When the rushing Hand ninjas were all turned into ashes, Russell threw Gatling, who had just stopped spinning, back into the system space, and said loudly to Muramasa and the two hiding in the next passage: "Come out, I know You haven't left yet."

Russell ignored the cold weapon that fell on the ground, and walked straight towards Muramasa and Alexandra.

As if seeing that Gatling was no longer in his hands, Muramasa and Alexandra finally walked out from the next passage.

"Traveler, we should have never offended you, are you trying to make us a complete enemy?"

Muramasa held the expensive-looking samurai sword in his right hand, and said in a cold tone.

"Okay, since you know I'm a traveler, why bother to ask such nonsense."

"Someone pays for your lives, so I'm willing to pay!"

Russell looked at Muramasa and Alexandra, and said slowly.

On the surface, neither Muramasa nor Alexandra seemed like very powerful people.

But if you really think so, you are very wrong.

Being able to escape from Kunlun, and he has not been captured and killed by Kunlun until now, can explain the problem.

Russell didn't know if Muramasa and the others had obtained the graduation certificate issued by Kunlun.

But one thing he can confirm is that if Muramasa and the others were really so easy to solve, Daredevil and his party would have taken care of them long ago, and Jin Bing would not ask him to do it.

Apart from the fact that they have a group of crazy ninjas who are not afraid of death, the more important reason for the Hand Association's reputation in the underground world is because of the strength of the Hand Association's five fingers.

Without them taking care of those tough enemies, the Hand is just a killer group that can bully and bully ordinary people.

"You are going to look at me like this, Kunlun probably didn't teach you to kill people with your eyes?"

When they came to a place about five or six meters away from the two of them, Russell stopped and said to them.

After hearing him mention Kunlun, the expressions of Muramasa and Alexandra suddenly changed.

How can it be?

How did he know?
Muramasa and Alexandra exchanged a quick look.

He can't be allowed to leave here alive, absolutely not!
Under Russell's gaze, Muramasa slowly pulled out the katana sword that shone with cold light.

The moment the samurai sword was unsheathed, he shot towards Russell without any hesitation.

Although Muramasa and Alexandra do not have extraordinary physiques, their physical fitness is also far beyond ordinary people.

Iron Fist will be angry, so will they.

It's just that, unlike Iron Fist, their qi does not come from Kunlun's Shenlong Shou Lao, but from Lei Gong's training.

In the blink of an eye, Muramasa came in front of Russell, and slashed at Russell with the samurai sword in his hand.

Muramasa's speed was so fast that normal people couldn't react at all.

But unfortunately, Russell is not a normal person.

Just when the extremely sharp samurai sword was about to cut himself, Russell finally made a move.

He joined his waist and horse together, took half a step forward, and swung his right hand with lightning, striking Muramasa's chest.

Xingyi, half-step collapse fist!
The dull impact sounded like a war drum.

Russell came later, and his right fist hit Muramasa's chest first, knocking him flying.

 PS: Thanks to A Piece of Piece 2004 and Emotional Tianxin for their rewards, thank you for your support~~
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(End of this chapter)

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