Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 298 Knowledge Is Power

Chapter 298 Knowledge Is Power
"As I said just now, I don't like people looking at me like this."

Russell put the Vulcan sword back into the system space, and said to Yvette who just got up.

"What exactly do you want?"

Although she was very upset, Yvette knew that now was not a good time to provoke Russell.

"Didn't you hear it already, I want a book that records the knowledge of divine power."

"Although it doesn't look like much, I am a person who loves to learn."

Russell said calmly.

It was rare to come to Vanaheim, and he planned to bring some spoils back for himself.

The divine power book of the Warner Protoss is a very good trophy.

knowledge is power!

For those who want to awaken their divine power, or who have already awakened their divine power, learning relevant knowledge of divine power is a good way to improve their own divine power.

Of course, not every divine power awakener likes this method of promotion.

Take Saul for example.

Although Russell also likes to improve his own strength through fighting and training, he also does not reject improving his strength through learning.

Speaking of which, this has a lot to do with him being accepted as a student by Gu Yi.

If Gu Yi hadn't accepted him as a student, he wouldn't have discovered that he had a magical talent that came out of nowhere, and he wouldn't have liked this method of improving his strength through learning.

Learning makes progress!

Especially for mages and power awakeners.

"That's why you came to Vanaheim?"

A hint of doubt appeared on Yvette's delicate fair face.

"Of course not, the book of divine power you want is only incidental."

After answering Yvette, Russell turned his head and looked around.

"Your bodyguard won't be back for a while, go sit and wait inside!"

Russell pointed to the hall behind him and said.

Although he didn't mind standing among the corpses, the smell of blood would affect his mood somewhat.

After speaking, he took the lead to walk towards the hall of the tower behind him, not worried at all that Yvette would take the opportunity to escape.

Even if Yvette wants to escape, she must have the strength to do so.

Even if Russell told her to run for 1 minute first, it was impossible for her to escape.

Even if there is a teleportation magic circle leading to Nootong, the imperial city of the Warner Protoss, in Storm's End.

When Russell randomly found a place to sit down in the hall of the tower, Yvette reluctantly walked into the hall.

Then, he sat down two or three meters away from Russell.

"Didn't your father already agree to cooperate with Thanos, and Thanos didn't send anyone to assist you?"

Russell asked Yvette.

"Thanos' daughter has left Vanaheim, and our cooperation has also been cancelled."

Having said that, Yvette looked at Russell with dissatisfaction.

"Don't tell me that I caused it. I don't have that much ability."

Russell said calmly.

"You are quite humble at this time!"

"Our cooperation with Thanos has been cancelled. Although it's not entirely because of you, it has nothing to do with you."

Yvette said slowly.

"Isn't it just that an Ebony Throat died, what a big deal!"

"If your cooperation is canceled because of Ebony Maw's death, it can only show that your cooperation is unreliable."

Although Ebony Throat is one of Thanos' most valued subordinates, he is only one subordinate.

To put it simply, the life of Ebony Maw is nothing in the eyes of Thanos.

Except for Gamora, Thanos doesn't pay much attention to the lives of other people.

In other words, even Gamora's status in Thanos' heart is not as high as that of Infinity Gems.

Otherwise, Thanos in the movie universe would not do the thing of exchanging Gamora's life for the soul gem.

Although Thanos looks quite simple and honest, he is a person who does everything he can to achieve his goals.

Even if it was his own life, he wouldn't take it too seriously.

"The death of Ebony Maw is just one of them. Thanos canceled the cooperation because he recognized you."

Yvette continued.

"Just because Thanos recognized me and Ebony Maw died, the cooperation between you was cancelled?"

Russell asked suspiciously.

"This is part of the reason, and the main reason is that my father took the initiative to cancel the cooperation with Thanos."


"Because my father knew about Thanos sending troops to attack New York."

Yvette frowned slightly, and looked at Russell with a complicated expression.

Although the Vanir Protoss does not travel to the earth from time to time like the Asgardians, they know no less about the earth than the Asgardians.

If nothing else, there are still a small number of Vanir Protoss living in seclusion on the earth.

They may be the spies of the Warner Protoss hidden on the earth, or they may simply travel to the earth because they are bored.

After hearing Yvette's answer, Russell did not continue to ask.

Although Yvette didn't go into details, he could roughly guess the reason.

The reason is very simple, that is, the Lord of Storm's End feels that Thanos' army is not as strong as the legend says.

When the strength of the partner is not as strong as I imagined, it is normal to cancel the cooperation.

The reason why the Lord of Storm's End cooperated with Thanos was to seize the opportunity to gain a higher status and greater rights by provoking an all-out war between Asgard and the Warner Protoss.

However, the premise of all this is that Thanos can provide him with enough support.

Otherwise, the Lord of Storm's End would not take the risk of offending Asgard and the Warner Protoss at the same time and initiate a full-scale war.

He does desire power and status, but he has not yet reached the point where his ambition has completely overwhelmed him.

"It doesn't matter if the cooperation is cancelled, Thanos is not a reliable partner. In the future, you will definitely be grateful for this decision."

Russell said to Yvette.

Yvette didn't speak, but looked at Russell with a complicated expression, and the atmosphere of silence began to spread in the hall.

Time passed little by little.

After a few minutes like this, Russell asked again: "What's the name of your bodyguard, bodyguards who have awakened divine power are rare."

"His name is Francis. He was my father's subordinate in the army. He later left the army and became a bounty hunter."

"When he came to Storm's End to carry out his mission, my father found him and let him stay in Storm's End in the form of a long-term entrustment."


After listening to Yvette's introduction, Russell became more interested in Francis.

Francis is a retired veteran, which means that he only awakened his divine power after retiring from the military. He does not have a divine power book in his hand, which also confirms this from the side.

Otherwise, the Warner Protoss army would never agree to his retirement so easily.

In this regard, Yvette's father is a good example.

Also awakened divine power, Yvette's father was the lord of the twelve main cities of Vanaheim.

Even if Francis's hurricane power is not as good as that of Yvette's father, it is impossible to be reduced to the point where he is a bounty hunter to support himself.

The Huaner Protoss would not treat their clansmen who had awakened their divine power like this!

"A long-term entrustment made a high-level combat force who had awakened his divine power become his substantive subordinate. Your father is quite good at business."

Russell said with a smile.

"It's not a business. He agreed because my father saved his life."

Yvette said with a displeased expression.

Obviously, Yvette is starting to respect her father.

Russell saw through Yvette's thoughts at a glance.

However, he didn't intend to expose Yvette.

The ghost knows whether the Lord of Storm's End saved Francis' life before, and even if he didn't, he has no way to prove it now.

After waiting in the hall for a while, Francis in golden armor flew back to the tower with a big bag.

Although Francis has awakened his divine power, he still does not have such a convenient storage item as a space ring.

Not only did Francis not have it, but Yvette didn't seem to have it either.

After returning to the hall, Francis threw the bag full of divine power books forward, so that the bag just landed in front of Russell.

"Here are all the divine power books in the City Lord's Mansion!"

Francis said with a gloomy face.

"it is good!"

As soon as the words fell, Russell cast his mage's hand, opened the bag on the ground as if fetching something from the air, and took out a brick-thick book of divine power from inside.

After flipping through a few pages casually, he nodded with satisfaction.

Although the Huaner Protoss and the Asa Protoss have many similarities, it is obvious that the cultures of the two sides are not exactly the same.

Even though the strength systems of both sides are dominated by divine power, they also have their own focus on the research direction of divine power.

To give a simple example, most of Asgard's divine power books focus on the divine power in the field of lightning.

Because Odin and Thor both hold the authority of the lightning field, Asgard has a deeper research on the divine power of the lightning field.

And Vanaheim's god king is Niord, the god of the ocean, so Vanaheim's research on divine power is more inclined to the divine power domain controlled by Niord, such as ocean, storm, and summer.

To put it simply, the divine power field of the god king determines the research direction of divine power.

But think about it, this is also a very normal thing.

After all, compared with studying other divine powers, it is undoubtedly much easier to study the divine power possessed by one's own divine king.

What's more, in the process of research, you may even get the personal support and help of your own god-king.

After confirming that what Francis brought was indeed a book of divine power, Russell put the bag full of books of divine power into the system space in front of them.

Seeing the bags on the ground disappear out of thin air, both Yvette and Francis frowned.

With their eyesight, of course they can tell at a glance that this is a means of space storage.

But the problem is, they didn't see the corresponding storage props on Russell.

Russell had no intention of explaining the system space to Yvette and Francis, and said to Francis, "Since you brought the book of divine power, Yvette will return it to you."

After speaking, Russell who was sitting in the hall disappeared instantly.


At the beginning, he really planned to take Yvette as his second target.

But the attitude shown by Yvette and Francis made him quite satisfied, so he planned to let Yvette go temporarily.

When Russell's figure disappeared, Francis quickly came to Yvette and said to Yvette: "Miss Yvette, it is not suitable for you to stay on the front line now, I will send you back now."

Before Yvette could answer, Francis unleashed the power of the hurricane, surrounded Yvette with a whirlwind, and let her fly under the entanglement of the whirlwind.

Then, he raised his right hand to point at the giant sword outside the hall door, and made a gesture of grabbing from the air.

Under the blessing of divine power, the huge sword inserted obliquely on the floor flew out of thin air and flew towards his right hand.

After taking back the giant sword, Francis left the hall with Yvette without any hesitation.

Russell didn't care where Francis would take Yvette. After casting the flash magic and leaving the hall of the tower, he first cast an invisibility spell on himself, and then flew towards the city at top speed.

Although the siege battle on the city wall has not yet reached a fever pitch, Russell decided to do Sol a small favor just to be on the safe side.

Destroy the teleportation magic circle connected to the Warner Protoss imperial city Nuotong!

In this siege battle, the Asgard side had no numerical advantage.

If Nooton's reinforcements come to Storm's End through the magic circle, it will undoubtedly make things worse for the Asgardian army that is attacking the city.

Although Storm's End hasn't asked Noot for help yet, destroying the magic circle in advance can fundamentally solve this potential hidden danger.

Not long after, Russell came to the sky above the giant teleportation magic circle.

After observing the magic circle with complicated patterns on the ground, he landed directly in the center of the magic circle without any hesitation.

After landing on the ground, he lifted the invisibility magic on his body, and his right hand was shining with golden magic light, and he pressed it on the ground.

There are two very simple ways to destroy this giant teleportation magic circle.

One is to directly apply physical damage to the magic circle.

For example, completely destroy the ground where the magic circle is located.

The other is to apply magic damage to the magic circle.

To be precise, it is to use magic power to destroy the internal link of the magic circle, so that the magic circle cannot operate normally.

In normal times, Russell would use simpler and more brutal physical destruction.

But now, he intends to use softer magical destruction.

The reason is simple, because he is very interested in this giant teleportation magic circle.

When observing the magic circle in the air, he had already memorized the lines and spells of the magic circle.

But with only textures and spells, he couldn't reproduce the magic circle perfectly.

Therefore, he needs to let his magic power run in the magic circle for a period of time, and figure out the energy running route and some key nodes in the magic circle.

These things cannot be seen with the naked eye.

As soon as Russell landed, the Warner Protoss warriors stationed around the magic circle saw him.

After seeing the golden magic light shining from his right hand, these Warner Protoss warriors ran towards him without any hesitation.

Russell didn't pay too much attention to these Vanir protoss fighters. He raised his empty left hand, cast spells with one hand, and instantly cast several defensive spells to protect himself airtight.

(End of this chapter)

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