Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 28 Endosymbiosis Armor (please collect, please recommend~)

Chapter 28 Endosymbiosis Armor (please collect, please recommend~)

I don't know if he was afraid that Russell would be bored, but Sean actually put a few magazines and newspapers on the desk in the office.

Magazine is an adage magazine published exclusively for male readers.

In the same category as Playboy Magazine.

The only difference is that Maxim Magazine is a little more restrained than Playboy Magazine.

At least they didn't publish the female photos directly.

There are several proverb magazines on the table, but without exception, they are all from the past, and none of the current issues.

Like magazines, newspapers were published a few days ago, except for the current day.

Although the landlord Sean is a big spender, when it's time to save, this guy is not an ordinary saver.

Because there was no commission to deal with, Russell directly picked up the newspaper on the table and browsed it with a bored expression.

"The truth about the arrest of the villain Rhinoceros, the birth of a new hero!"

"Looking for a new hero, who is the mysterious female swordsman?"

"The rise of female power! Invisible Woman, Spider Woman, Mysterious Swordswoman or form a new team of heroes!"


What Russell is looking at now are various reports about the arrest of the Rhinoceros.

The Rhinoceros, who was supposed to be the protagonist, was reduced to the background board without any suspense in front of the mysterious heroine.

The headlines in the newspapers became more exaggerated, and the contents became more explosive.

One of the newspapers swears that the one who defeated the Rhino was not a new heroine at all, but a man with a transvestite.

Transvestite man?

As expected of a media person, for the sake of traffic, he can say anything.

Although there are many related reports, there is no useful information in them.

Even Rhino, who had fallen into the hands of the New York Police Department, couldn't tell what the man who defeated him looked like.

After reading the newspaper on the table, Russell picked up the motto magazine on the table.

Maxim magazine is indeed a men's magazine, and most of the content in it is very suitable for men's tastes.

Especially the choice of cover girl and female model.

What Russell is holding in his hand now is the December issue of last year.

The above cover girl is a pair of blond twins with protruding figure and charming appearance.

At the beginning, he was attracted by the twins.

However, when he took a serious look at the figure and appearance of the twin girls, he suddenly remembered something.

Maxim Magazine...Twin Ladies...December Issue...

and many more!

Wouldn't that be a home run for Tony Stark's Maxim magazine cover girl?
Thinking of this, Russell turned on the "second" computer prepared by the landlord Sean, and searched for Tony Stark's name on the Internet.

He is obviously a genius inventor, but when he searches for Tony Stark's name, all kinds of gossip about him come up first.

Female celebrities... female models... female entrepreneurs... female secretaries...

Russell is not interested in knowing that Stark has recently dated that female celebrity or female model.

So, he changed the search term and started to search for Stark Industries news.

After changing the search term to Stark Industries, he quickly found the information he wanted.

"Stark Industries has received a new order from the military, and the US military base in Afghanistan will soon be equipped with 'Jericho' missiles!"

"Terrorist's nightmare! Stark Industry's 'Freedom' series top product 'Jerico' missile is officially on sale!"



This guy Tony Stark is going to Afghanistan to sell missiles again!

Not long after traveling to this world, Russell knew that this was not the well-known movie universe.

However, that doesn't mean the fate of superheroes will be very different.

Take Captain America, for example.

Apart from being scooped up earlier, Steve Rogers' life trajectory hasn't changed much.

At least from the current point of view, it is like this.

Rogers was still the Brooklyn kid injected with the super soldier serum, the biggest contributor to defeating Hydra, and was finally frozen for decades.

If the turning point of Rogers' fate was the conscription medical examination that night at the Stark Industries Expo, then the turning point of Stark's fate was the kidnapping in Afghanistan.

Stark wouldn't be Iron Man if he wasn't kidnapped.

A certain parallel universe has already proved this point with facts.

After browsing the news that Stark Industries was going to sell Jericho missiles to the US military base in Afghanistan, Russell closed the page.

Although he knew that Tony would soon be kidnapped by the Ten Rings Gang, he had no intention of intervening.

Not only that, he was even thinking about whether to take this opportunity to short the stocks of Stark Industries to earn a "small" extra money.

Just when he was considering whether to contact his stockbroker, a message popped up in the system.

"Reward: Endosymbiosis Armor; Status: Inactive; Activation Condition: Prevent Tony Stark from becoming Iron Man due to the kidnapping incident; Activation Effect: After activation, get the Endosymbiosis Armor!"


The endosymbiosis armor is the armor worn by Tony in the comic "Ultimate Iron Man". It is also called the symbiosis armor, or the white tank armor.

This is the only set of silver-white armor among Tony's many armors, except for the unpainted Mark 2.

The endosymbiotic battle armor is made of all-liquid intelligent metal, and the way of dressing is instant solidification and combination.

Compared with other armors that need to rely on technical elements for initial binding, the symbiote armor is much more convenient in the way of dressing.

What's more, the Symbiote Armor can be activated telepathically.

The basic material extracted from the symbiont also has a certain repair ability, similar to the self-repair similar to the nano armor Mark 50 and Mark 85.

Because of the chrome plating, the armor looks shiny, high-profile and "sexy".

Sexy as hell, that's how Tony himself describes it.

Russell has reservations about this.

Although the endosymbiosis armor is not the most powerful set among Tony's many armors, it is definitely the most special set.

Because this is the armor worn by the renegade villain Tony!

Although I don't know how the system will send out the reward of the endosymbiotic armor, but the activation conditions for the reward have been activated, and Russell will never let this armor go.

White endosymbiotic armor, black venom symbiote!
Black and white, perfect!

After closing the reward message that popped up in the system, Russell took out his mobile phone and booked a first-class ticket to Afghanistan tomorrow.

After booking the ticket, he contacted the Continental Hotel in Afghanistan through the Continental Hotel in New York.

Book a room, book a vehicle, book guns and ammunition, maps of US military bases in Afghanistan...

People haven't set off yet, but Russell is ready to spend a few days in Afghanistan.

There are many ways to prevent Tony from becoming Iron Man because of the kidnapping incident.

Kidnapping Tony ahead of time...stopping the Ten Rings' kidnapping...rescue Tony and Ethan before Tony builds the Mark 1...

As long as Tony didn't meet Ethan, or Ethan didn't die, he wouldn't become Iron Man because of the kidnapping.

 PS: Thanks to Alex for being frozen and wanting to eat hamburger, thank you for your support~~
  Ask for a recommendation ticket, collect it, deduct 1...

(End of this chapter)

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