Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 267 Temptation (please order in full!)

Chapter 267 Temptation (please order in full!)
Looking at the bank card in front of them, Wanda and Pietro were a little stunned.

They didn't expect that Russell would suggest that they go shopping.


Although Baron Sterak did not treat the two of them badly before, they have never left Baron Sterak's castle since they voluntarily became Baron Sterak's experiments.

"are you serious?"

Pietro asked in disbelief.

"Any questions?"

"After all, this is your first time in New York, don't you want to go out for a walk?"

Russell asked calmly.

Although this is only the second day of contact between him and Wanda, he has already figured out how to improve Wanda and Pietro's trust in him.

To put it simply, it is to corrupt them with the decadent capitalist life in the United States.

This isn't the first time he's done something like this.

When he first brought Petra to the detective agency as an intern, he used this routine once.

Although Wanda and Pietro are not Peter, they are a few years older than Peter, but compared with Peter, it is easier to seduce them with money and rich material life than to seduce Peter.

Peter grew up poor, but Peter grew up in the United States, and he is no stranger to the material life of the United States.

It's nothing more than not having experienced the life of the rich.

Wanda and Pietro are different.

Sokovia, while not particularly poor, is not at all rich either.

Especially for orphans like Wanda and Pietro who have lost their parents since childhood, their daily life is not at all beautiful.

This also means that if you tempt them with money and rich material life, the effect will definitely not be bad.

After hearing Russell's answer, Pietro did not immediately pick up the bank card on the desk, but exchanged glances with Wanda.

Then, he picked up the two bank cards on the table and handed one of them to Wanda.

"Are you sure the money in it is enough for me and Wanda?"

Pietro asked provocatively.

"As long as you don't plan to buy the Empire State Building or the Statue of Liberty."

Russell said with a smile.

"How much money is there?"

Pietro continued.

"Not a lot, the two together add up to [-] million US dollars."

Russell said lightly.

[-] million dollars?
After hearing the amount, Wanda and Pietro's eyes widened involuntarily.

They are not playboys like Tony who grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth. For them, [-] million US dollars is a number that can only appear in their imagination.

"Don't look at me with such eyes. If you feel sorry, just take this money as your salary for joining Zhenglian."

Seeing Wanda raised her right hand holding the bank card and trying to put the bank card back on the table, Russell said quickly.

"He's right, we don't need to be polite to him, we deserve it!"

Pietro stopped Wanda's plan to return the bank card to Russell.

After stopping Wanda, Pietro said to Russell: "Since you are so enthusiastic, we can't be too disrespectful to you."

"However, Zhenglian headquarters is a bit far away from the urban area. You don't mean to let me use my superpower to go there!"

"The cars in the garage, except for the black old Porsche, you can use other cars."

Russell said calmly.

"Why not the old black Porsche?"

Pietro continued.

"Because only Diana and I can sit in that car, if you don't want to be chased down by Diana with a sword, I advise you not to have any wrong thoughts!"

After hearing Russell's words, Pietro decisively dismissed the idea of ​​driving that old Porsche.

Although he didn't know Diana before, after reading the reports about the Battle of New York, he knew that Diana was not only Russell's live-in girlfriend, but also a superpower who was no weaker than Russell.

In fact, when he saw Diana in the living room of Zhenglian yesterday, he felt an indescribable pressure, and the image of himself facing a strict female teacher when he was still in school flashed in his mind involuntarily.

In his feelings, Diana was that extremely strict female teacher.

"Okay, don't waste time, go and experience the beauty of New York!"

As soon as the words fell, Russell opened the portal to the garage, raised his right hand, and gestured to Wanda and Pietro.

After seeing his move, Pietro stood up first.

Then, pulling up Wanda, who was still a little tangled, walked into the portal without looking back.

When they walked through the portal to the garage, Russell immediately closed the portal, and at the same time said to No. 3: "Look at the two of them, arrange a few white fighters to follow them, don't let some blind guys Disturbed their interest."

"Okay, sir!"

Number 3 replied immediately.

Russell wasn't worried about the lives of Wanda and Pietro, nor was he worried that they would provoke the New York police.

He was just worried that the gangsters and hooligans in New York would have some wrong thoughts after seeing Wanda and the two.

Although those gangsters and hooligans are unlikely to pose any threat to the two of them, they will affect their interest to some extent.

Russell didn't want his plan to seduce Wanda and his wife with the decadent life of capitalism to die before it even started.

After ordering No. 3, Russell temporarily put aside the matter of Wanda and Pietro, thinking about the matter of another Hydra.

The matter of the Hydra branch has now been dealt with in sevens and eighties.

Although the Hydra branch hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D. has not yet reached the end of the mountain, Russell doesn't mind dealing with the orthodox Hydra led by Gideon Malik in advance.

After browsing through the materials submitted by Bakshi, as well as the materials collected by himself on the 3rd during this period, he quickly made a decision.

"Number 3, contact Gideon Malik directly in my name, and say that I want to meet with him to talk about the hive!"

Russell said calmly.

"Okay, sir!"

The voice of No. 3 immediately sounded in the study.

Although Gideon Malik doesn't have any high-level combat power, and there are not even many superpowers, Russell still intends to act first and then fight.

Unlike Baron Struker, Gideon Malik's pursuit of an orthodox Hydra is much simpler.

They have no intention of conquering Earth, or rather, they won't until they get the Hive back from the Death Star.

In addition, Gideon Malik's public identity is much higher than that of Baron Straker and others.

In addition to Pierce who has already died, Gideon Malik is the one with the highest status of Hydra in human society.

Gideon Malik is not just a billionaire and capitalist, but a former World Security Council member who oversaw Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although he is no longer a member of the Security Council, he still has an extremely large network of contacts.

However, for Russell, who has never been very conformist, Gideon Malik's vast network and wealth did not help.

After asking No. 3 to contact Gideon Malik, Russell left the study and walked towards the training room where Skye usually trained.

He is about to deal with Gideon Malik, an orthodox hydra, which means that he is about to deal with the hive known as the first alien in history.

Now that we have to deal with the alien, Hive, maybe we can try to activate the reward from Skye.

Having said that, since he merged the two rewards of Kryptonian blood and Wonder Woman's blessing into the evolution reward Fantastic Superman, Russell has never received a new reward.

Counting it, it has been a long time.

After coming to the indoor training room, Russell saw Skye who was being "beaten" by Perkins again.

Although Skye has worked hard to learn fighting, but because of time, she is still no match for Perkins.

Unlike yesterday, after coming to the training room this time, Russell did not sit down on the chair next to the ring, but went straight to the side of the ring.

"Pause first, I have something to say to Skye."

After hearing Russell's voice, Perkins, who was "beating" Skye, stopped immediately.

After nodding to Russell, the iceberg beauty Perkins left the ring.

Skye didn't leave the ring like Perkins, but just like yesterday, he took off the headgear and gloves, sat on the ring, and looked at Russell suspiciously.

"You come down too."

Seeing that Skye showed no signs of getting up, Russell said again.


Skye replied silently.

Afterwards, he walked down from the ring with the removed headgear and fist gloves.

Seeing Skye, whose delicate and fair face was stained with sweat, Russell frowned slightly.

Although he has many subordinates now, in terms of strength, Skye is undoubtedly the worst one.

Before awakening the shock wave superpower and completing Perkins' combat guidance, Skye was an ordinary woman without much self-protection ability.

Looks like it's time to put Skye's awakening of superpowers on the agenda!

Russell silently made a decision in his heart.

"What do you have to do with me?"

After getting off the ring, Skye asked directly without any hesitation.

"I have something to deal with next. If you have nothing else, I want you to go with me."

Russell said slowly.

"whats the matter?"

With a puzzled expression on Skye's face, he asked again.

Although she is now a member of Zhenglian, Skye knows very well that she is an ordinary person now.

Not to mention dealing with any crisis, she couldn't handle even ordinary external operations.

"It's just to meet some people, you don't need to do it."

"In addition, I will let the White Jue symbiote temporarily possess you to ensure your safety."

Russell said calmly.

Although Gideon Malik doesn't have any high-level combat power, who knows if this guy will suddenly have the crazy idea of ​​dying together.

"What is the White Absolute Symbiont?"

After hearing Skye's words, Russell remembered that he had never introduced the Baijue Warrior to Skye.

"The Baijue symbiosis is an alien creature. You should have seen the Baijue soldiers in the Battle of New York. They are special forces members possessed by the Baijue symbiosis. Perkins also has the Baijue symbiosis on him." Possession."

After hearing Russell's words, Skye first showed his original expression.

Then, he frowned, shook his head and said, "I don't want to be possessed by the Baijue symbiote, it's too ugly!"


Russell did not expect that Skye would choose to refuse for this reason.

"Just being possessed by the Baijue symbiosis will not turn into that monster-like appearance. Only after entering the Baijue form will it become that way."

Russell explained.

However, Skye still chose to refuse, shaking his head fiercely.

After seeing Skye's current actions, Russell sighed helplessly.

"Since you don't want to, then don't possess me!"

Without Bai Jue's possession, Skye might encounter some unnecessary accidents.

But this is not a very troublesome thing for Russell.

Even if Skye is really injured, he can use the healing power of King's Serum to heal Skye.

More importantly, under his nose, the possibility of Skye encountering an accident is not high.

"Then when do we leave?"

Although Skye didn't know what Russell was going to take her to do, she was quite curious about the next move.

"I can't decide yet. I'll let you know when the time is determined."

Russell is not sure when to start now.

Although No. 3 sent a message to Gideon Malik, Gideon Malik has not responded yet.


Skye replied silently.

"Okay, there's nothing else to do, you can continue training!"

After speaking, Russell left the training room and walked towards the room of the levitation cloak.

He thought that Gideon Malik would give a reply soon, but it turned out that he was overthinking.

Until noon, No. 3 did not receive a reply from Gideon Malik.

Not only that, when No. 3 contacted Gideon Malik for the second time, No. 3 suddenly discovered that the contact information that Gideon Malik was still using in the morning had been discarded.

After hearing No. 3's report, Russell, who was playing a game with the levitation cloak, put down the gamepad and frowned.

Judging from Gideon Malik's direct abandonment of contact information, he obviously misunderstood something.

"Call all channels and dig out Gideon Malik."

"If necessary, hack into the S.H.I.E.L.D. database for possible hideouts of Gideon Malik."

"Okay, sir!"

After ordering No. 3, Russell lost the mood to continue playing the game, left the room of the levitating cloak, and returned to his study.

After returning to the study, he thought for a few seconds.

Then, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Natasha's number.

(End of this chapter)

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