Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 226 Checking Learning Results (Part 2, please book in full!)

Chapter 226 Checking Learning Results

After feeling Peter's expectation, Russell did not refuse, but agreed with a smile.

After suppressing physical qualities such as strength and speed to a level similar to that of Peter, the battle between Russell and Peter kicked off.

Hulk decisively came to the edge of the training ground and became a spectator.

"Let me see what you have learned these days?"

Russell did not take the initiative to attack, but raised his right hand and hooked his fingers at Peter.

Peter didn't speak, and looked at Russell very seriously, pulling himself together.

Russell thought that Peter wanted to find his flaws, so he didn't come here.

But it turns out that he was thinking too much.

Peter was not looking for his flaws, but was guarding against his attacks.

Although he only personally guided Peter once on the day Peter awakened the spider superpower.

But it was the only guidance that left an indelible psychological shadow on the underage Peter.

Get up again and again, get knocked down again and again!
Peter couldn't even remember how many times he was knocked down by Russell's punch that day.

The only thing he remembered was the understatement and casualness Russell showed when he knocked him down.

"Since you don't choose to take the initiative to attack, then let me do it!"

As soon as the words fell, Russell crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and appeared in front of Peter like a flash.

Just as Russell approached, Peter's not yet fully proficient spider sensor "rang" like an alarm clock, reminding him to stay away from Russell immediately.

Although the spider sensor gave a reminder, Russell's attack speed exceeded Peter's expectations.

Before his legs had time to exert strength, Russell's fist had already come in front of him.

After seeing the pair of white "eyes" on the headgear shrinking rapidly like pupils, Russell slightly accelerated his punching speed.

Without any suspense, Russell's fist hit Peter's head and knocked him flying.

After punching Peter, Russell did not start to chase, but stood still and frowned.

"If this is what you have learned in the past few days, then I will reconsider letting you join Zhenglian."

Russell said in a displeased tone.

Judging from the exchange between Peter and Hulk just now, Peter's performance shouldn't be so bad.

But obviously, when the opponent of the exchange was changed from Hulk to him, Peter was a little timid before fighting.

This is not a good habit!

After hearing Russell's words, Peter, who had just landed on the ground, stood up with an unhappy face, and looked at Russell angrily.

"I got angry when I was said a word, so this is Spider-Man!"

Russell continued to "mock" Peter.

Although he was very unhappy, Peter's IQ did not drop because of anger.

He knew Russell was trying to provoke him on purpose.

After taking a deep breath for a few seconds, and suppressing the unhappiness in his heart and the fearful thoughts in his mind, Peter looked at Russell again.

Then, decisively launched an attack.

Peter raised his hands and decisively shot the spider web at Russell.

Although both hands were firing the silk at the same time, Peter did not fire the same kind of silk.

Quick shot with right hand, spider web grenade with left hand!

Peter is getting serious!

The spider silk projectiles in the rapid fire mode flew towards Russell like bullets.

Although the speed is not slow, for Russell, it is not difficult at all to dodge these spider silk bullets.

Not to mention just spider silk bullets, even real bullets, he can easily dodge them.

I saw Russell kept turning sideways, as if predicting the attack angle of the spider silk bullets, dodging the spider silk bullets fired by Peter one by one.

He didn't dodge all the silk bombs.

When Peter fired the last spider silk bullet, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed the spider silk bullet smaller than a golf ball.

Then, with a little force on his wrist, he threw the spider silk bullet towards the spider web grenade that followed him.

A not-so-loud explosion sounded suddenly.

The spider web grenade instantly turned into a large spider web.

At the moment when the spider web grenade exploded, Russell's figure disappeared again.

The next second, he appeared in front of Peter.

"Much better than before, but not enough!"

While speaking, his right fist hit Peter again.

Although his punching speed this time was exactly the same as before, but this time, Peter was not hit.

As soon as he raised his right hand, Peter showed agility beyond ordinary people and dodged to the side.

While dodging Russell's right punch, Peter began a melee fight with Russell.

This time, Peter finally perfectly displayed the learning results of the past few days.

Although he still lacks some actual combat experience, compared with just now, Peter's current progress is not so great.

When Peter started attacking, Russell finally got a little more serious.

Soon, there was a seemingly "stalemate" battle on the training ground.

Peter's fists and feet hit Russell like a storm.

Not only that, Peter also gave full play to his own flexibility advantages, like a top gymnast in the world, making all kinds of unimaginable dodge and attack moves.

Although Peter has put his mentality in order and has exerted all the strength he can exert now.

But unfortunately, in front of Russell, he is still a little too immature now.

Even if the physical fitness is suppressed to the same level as Peter, the difference in experience alone will doom Peter to no hope of winning.

From the beginning of contact with combat to the present, Peter has only practiced for four days.

Compared with Russell, who has been a killer for two or three years, Peter's combat experience is as simple as a blank sheet of paper.

After playing with Peter for more than ten minutes like a master checking his apprentice's learning results, Russell decided to end this battle whose outcome was doomed early on.

After defusing Peter's fist, Russell leaned forward, blocked Peter's roundabout kick, and hit Peter's head with a punch, causing Peter to have an intimate contact with the ground.

This time, he used a little more strength.

"Okay, let's stop here this time!"

Russell said to Peter who was just about to get up, and at the same time stretched out his right hand to pull Peter up.

"it is good!"

Peter shook his dizzy head and said slowly.

After checking Peter's learning results in the past few days, the three of them came to the restaurant together and enjoyed the skills of the robot chef.

After dinner.

Russell came to the open-air balcony of the bedroom alone, and continued the "sunbathing" that was interrupted in the morning.

Feeling the strengthening of the sun, Russell, who was lying on the sofa, showed a satisfied smile.

As the saying goes, full and warm.

After lying on the sofa and basking in the sun for more than an hour, Russell suddenly felt that he missed Gwen a little now.

Then again, he and Gwen haven't seen each other for several days.

Unlike Kara, who would appear at the Octopus Headquarters from time to time, Gwen seldom came to the company.

Unless Russell hasn't looked for her for too long, Gwen will take the initiative to go to Russell's office in a Spider-Woman uniform.

 PS: Thank you book friends 2020***6420 for your reward, thank you for your support~~
(End of this chapter)

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