Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 223 Recasting the Glory of the Melee Mage (Part 2, please book in full!)

Chapter 223 Recasting the Glory of the Melee Mage

In addition to wanting to see who is crazier between himself and Thanos, Russell is also curious.

He wanted to see whether Thanos with the Eternal Titan physique was more powerful in military boxing, or he with the Kryptonian physique was more powerful in the Flower Planter martial arts.

If you can really have a bare-handed contest with Thanos, it will definitely be a very enjoyable battle.

Russell began to look forward to this scene happening.

Although he had some interest in fighting in the past, it was far from as strong as it is now.

More importantly, if he had a hand addiction in the past, he could talk to Hulk at any time.

But now, after he turned into a magical super, the rough-skinned Hulk began to be unable to resist his brute force.

Although he still looks like an ordinary earthling, in fact, he is even more monster than the monster Hulk.

He can lift even Godzilla, which weighs more than 9 tons.

And that's when he's only been in the sun for a few hours.

Since basking in the sun has become his daily activity, his sun exposure time has exceeded [-] hours.

After lying on the sofa and being nourished by the sun for an hour, Russell stood up, came to the desk and sat down, and took out the magic book called "A New Book of the Universe" from the system space.

Although it is a magic book, it is a magic book with excellent physical attack ability.

Being hit on the head by this book is no less than being slapped on the head with a brick.

After taking out "A New Edition of the Universe" from the system space, holding it in his hand and estimating the weight of the book, a joke about the melee mage Gandalf suddenly flashed in Russell's mind.

"How does the mage add points? Wait online, urgent!!!"

"The attribute points are full of stamina and life, the skill points are one-handed sword, two-handed sword, block, crit, charge, whirlwind dance, beheading, armor-piercing points are full, and the magic point is just a holy light."

"Thank you!"


Although there is no melee mage Gandalf in this world, after taking out this "New Universe", Russell's mind automatically showed the heroic image of melee mage Gandalf rushing towards the enemy.

If Gandalf knew that in other worlds outside Middle-earth, there were also a group of mages who liked close combat like him, he would definitely sigh that I am not alone, and then perform a war dance with a one-handed sword and staff.

But having said that, if Russell has mastered magic, he will most likely become a melee mage, and a melee mage crazier than Gandalf and the Ancient One.

Although Gandalf and Ancient One can fight in melee, it is obvious that their physique is far from being comparable to that of Russell.

It is my duty to reforge the glory of melee mages!

Although there were some weird pictures of melee mages in his mind, Russell still opened the thick and outrageous "A New Book of the Universe".

Although he has never learned magic, the evolutionary reward of "Fantastic Superman" has helped him a lot.

Although he didn't have the super intelligence of Superman Clark that can master the knowledge of 28 galaxies, he has gained a good learning ability.

To be precise, it is an amazing learning ability.

Superman Clark can master a new foreign language in just a few seconds of conversation, and he can also read all published medical books in 5 minutes, mastering the knowledge that ordinary people need to learn in 10 years.

Although Russell's current learning ability is not as terrifying as Superman Clark, but compared with ordinary people, his learning speed is also incredible.

In just a few minutes, he memorized the thick and ridiculous "New Edition of the Universe" verbatim.

Although it was just rough rote memorization and he didn't fully understand it, he was still very satisfied with his current learning speed.

Understanding this matter can be done slowly later.

As long as you memorize all the content, it is only a matter of time before you fully understand it.

After reciting "The New Edition of the Universe", he also took out the remaining "Book of Sight", "Supreme Code" and "Solomon's Key".

Then, the rote memorization began again.

It took him about 15 minutes from sitting down at the desk to memorizing all the contents of these four books. On average, it only takes about 4 minutes for one book.

If it was before, let alone memorize a magic book that is older than a brick in 4 minutes, even if he is given 10 minutes, he may not be able to do it.

The more he develops the Kryptonian physique he now has, the more satisfied he is with the evolutionary experience of "Fantastic Superman".

It is indeed an evolutionary reward obtained by combining "Wonder Woman's Blessing" and "Kryptonian Bloodline", and it is comfortable to use.

After memorizing all the contents of the four books, he put the four books back in the system space.

Then, go back to the sofa in the reception area and lie down, while receiving the nourishment of the sun, while digesting the content in your mind.

Just like what Gu Yi said, these four magic books are just the compulsory subjects for Master Kama Taj.

Although there are many contents that are diametrically opposed to "science", it is not difficult to understand.

To put it simply, as long as the scientific concept of the material universe is broken in the mind, then the understanding of magic will become a matter of course.

In order to let Doctor Strange understand this point, when Gu Yiyi met, Strange was allowed to experience the existence of the multiverse, thus successfully breaking the inherent impression in Strange's mind.

Although they were all his students, it was obvious that Russell would not receive the same treatment as Strange.

But it doesn't matter, even without the help of Gu Yi, he still knows what the multiverse is all about.

When Strange and Gu Yi met, he was a neurosurgeon who couldn't control his trembling hands and was at the bottom of his life. He was once famous in the New York medical circle.

When Russell and Gu Yi met, he had mastered extraordinary power for many years.

More importantly, when he first traveled to this world, he knew that this is a world where science can be scientific at all.

Russell was lying on the sofa receiving the nourishment of the sun, and slowly digesting the magical knowledge in his mind.

At this moment, his blond female secretary Allie, who had a strong sense of professionalism, knocked on the door of the office suddenly.

"Come in!"

Russell didn't get up, didn't even open his eyes, and said while lying on the sofa.

After obtaining his permission, Ellie, who was a secretary, pushed open the door of the office, stepped on expensive big-name stiletto heels, swayed a seductive snake waist, and walked in with the documents that needed to be reviewed by Russell.

Seeing that Russell was not "working" at the desk, Ellie walked towards the reception area and saw Russell lying on the sofa.

"Sir, do you need to review and sign these documents?"

The blond female secretary Ellie opened her bright and seductive red lips, and said in a soft voice.

After hearing Ellie's voice, Russell slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ellie who was less than one meter away from him, wearing a black OL suit with a short skirt and black silk.

(End of this chapter)

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