Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 183 Alternate Plan for Kryptonian Bloodlines (Part 2, please book in full!)

Chapter 183 Alternate Plan for Kryptonian Bloodlines
"Well, then let No. 3 teach you!"

Although No. 3 is an artificial intelligence without entity, in Zhenglian, No. 3 is an omnipotent existence.

Whatever you want to do, schedule the 3rd to do it.

Even if No. 3 doesn't have suitable tools or a body that can be used now, he will find a way to make them.

If there is no No. 3, there is absolutely no way for Russell alone to develop Zhenglian and Octopus Industry to the present level.

Even if he can do it, it will take a lot of time and energy to do what No. 3 can easily handle.

The more new tasks were assigned to No. 3, the more Russell felt that artificial intelligence was a great invention.

The artificial intelligence approved by Russell is strong artificial intelligence like No. 3 and Jarvis.

Those artificial mentally retarded people on the market who can't even recognize photos with 100% accuracy are not counted.

After lunch with Hulk, Russell put on the endosymbiosis armor and returned to the office of the Octopus Headquarters.

He is back playing games!
He originally planned to hold a press conference after returning from Hawaii, announcing that Godzilla has officially joined the Zhenglian, and revealing some irrelevant information about the Titans to the outside world.

But a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing derailed his plans.

He just slapped the military committee in the face of the Capitol this morning, putting himself and Godzilla on the cusp.

Now is not a good time to hold a press conference, so he plans to postpone it for a while.

Time passed little by little.

Before you know it, night falls.

Looking at the darkened night outside the window, Russell put down the game controller and said to No. 3, "Arrange a Chinese restaurant with a better environment. I want to talk to Kara about something tonight."

"Okay, sir!"

Number 3 replied immediately.

After ordering number 3, Russell picked up his cell phone and dialed Kara's number.

After waiting for dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

"Where are you?"

Russell asked.

"I'm shopping, what's the matter?"

"Have you had dinner yet?"


"Wait a while on the 3rd and a restaurant address will be sent to you. Let's have dinner together tonight, and I won't pick you up."

If it was Diana, even if Diana said it was unnecessary, Russell would definitely pick it up.

But when it's Kara he's eating, he's a lot more casual.

Although Kara is also very good-looking, she is still not as good as Diana to Russell.

"Okay, I'll go over in a moment!"

Kara replied happily.

After hanging up the phone, Russell put the phone aside, leaned against the back of the chair, and began to think silently.

He and Kara have been "in love" for more than a month, but the system is still unwilling to admit that he is Kara's boyfriend.

Although his approach is indeed suspected of a card bug, but judging from the activation requirements of the reward, there is nothing wrong with his approach.

The activation requirement of Kryptonian blood only makes him Kara's boyfriend, and does not limit how he can become Kara's boyfriend.

Although he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did, but the system didn't approve of it, so he couldn't help it.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are no new rewards yet, he intends to try his best one last time.

If it still doesn't work, he can only use a backup plan.

Because the system has been slow to admit that he is Kara's boyfriend, he made another preparation in advance.

Possess Kara with serum, thereby replicating Kara's Kryptonian physique.

While he hasn't done any testing on this, it's theoretically possible to use the serum to replicate Kara's Kryptonian physique.

The only uncertainty is how long the serum needs to possess Kara to replicate the Kryptonian constitution.

Judging from the time it took to copy the negative energy with Mr. Venom Possession Negative, even if the serum is stronger than the venom, the possession time will not be too short.

One is the negative energy, and the other is the Kryptonian physique. It doesn't take much thinking to know that it will be more difficult to copy the Kryptonian physique.

In addition to this, there is a small problem.

It is true that the serum can copy the Kryptonian physique by possessing Kara, but obviously, the reward of "Kryptonian blood" given by the system will be better.

Russell confirmed this the first time he poisoned Sloan.

Although he copied the spear throwing technique from Sloan, the spear throwing skill reward given by the system is obviously better.

The rewards given by the system are indeed stronger than those copied by the symbiote, but if the system has not recognized him as Kara's boyfriend, he has nothing to do.

During the period of "falling in love" with Kara, he considered many possibilities.

For example, the system will only recognize that he has a real girlfriend, and if he wants to activate the Kryptonian blood, he must get rid of Diana.

Or maybe the system thinks that he and Kara are not really boyfriend and girlfriend yet.

Because there are things couples do, they don't do.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the system thinks he is having a card bug, so he refuses to send rewards.

No matter what the reason is, Gao Leng's system will definitely not tell him the answer, and he can only find a way to confirm it by himself.

Breaking up with Diana is absolutely impossible.

Not to mention that Russell didn't have such an idea, even if he dared to tell Diana, Diana would most likely kill him directly with the Vulcan sword.

In the eyes of others, he is as powerful as a monster.

But if Diana wanted to deal with him, there were ninety, if not a hundred, ways.

Unless he can get the Kryptonian blood rewarded by the system, or copy the Kryptonian physique from Kara, otherwise, he doesn't think that he will be Diana's opponent now.

Even if he called Grendel and Hulk and used all the armor at the same time, he wouldn't have much chance of winning.

Diana's strength is like the sea.

Standing on the coastline, you think that what you see is all of the sea.

But in fact, what you see is just this piece of sea that appears in your eyes.

Russell also thought that he had seen Diana's full strength before.

But Diana proved with facts that he thought too much.

When No. 3 made a reservation for the restaurant and sent the restaurant address to Kara, Russell put on the endosymbiosis armor and flew towards the restaurant that No. 3 had reserved.

After parking the Endosymbiosis Armor in the parking space at the entrance of the restaurant, Russell walked into the restaurant and came to the box.

While drinking Longjing, he waited patiently for Kara's arrival.

Carla didn't keep him waiting too long.

After only waiting for about 10 minutes, Kara, who had just finished shopping, walked in with the "trophy".

After entering the box, Kara put the large and small brand-name shopping bags aside, and sat down beside Russell.

"Is there something you want to tell me?"

Carla asked with a smile, looking at him with her big, shining Kaziran eyes.

"I have something to talk to you about."

While answering Kara, Russell poured a cup of tea for Kara.

"What's the matter?" Kara asked.

"About the fact that I have to become your boyfriend to activate new abilities."

(End of this chapter)

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