Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 181 Undersea Temple

Chapter 181 Undersea Temple
After coming out of the hearing hall, Russell walked to the square of the Capitol and waved to the reporters and onlookers who were stopped outside.

Then, amidst the cheers of the onlookers, he put on the endosymbiosis armor, soared into the sky, and flew towards New York.

"No. 3, check the profile of that female officer. I'm a little curious about this serious female officer!"

Russell said to No. 3.

"Okay, sir!"

No. 3 replied immediately without any hesitation.

Hawaii, Oahu.

Temporary camp.

Jonathan, who was sitting in the big tent, looked at his phone with an unhappy expression.

Although he did not return to New York, he watched Russell's live broadcast of the hearing on his mobile phone.

After watching Russell's performance at the hearing, he felt more and more that Russell began to replace him as the representative of New York superheroes.


Can't go on like this!
Although he didn't have much affection for General Hagrid and others, and felt that what Russell said at the hearing was quite reasonable, but in order to maintain his identity as a New York superhero representative, he decided to do something.

However, before he could think of any way to attract the attention of the media, the Invisible Woman Susan came before him.

Susan looked at Jonathan with displeasure, and said bitterly, "Everyone is busy, don't you think it's not good to be lazy by yourself?"

After hearing Susan's words, Jonathan raised his head and looked at his own sister who was a bit shorter than himself but not weaker than him.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to help!"

After speaking, Jonathan got up and stood up.

Just when he was about to leave the tent and go out to help Reed collect the biological samples of the male Muto, he suddenly stopped, looked at Susan seriously, and said slowly: "How are you and Reed recently, that nerd Still afraid to confess to you?"

As soon as Jonathan finished speaking, a transparent glass-like force field enveloped him, making him stand upright like a terracotta warrior.

"What do you want to do again?"

Susan frowned.

As Jonathan's own sister, she knows Jonathan's personality and character very well.

"No, just to care about your sister's recent relationship status."

Jonathan tried to resist the energy field generated by Susan, but unfortunately, in front of Susan's energy field, his physical strength was a bit too weak.

"Honestly, what are you planning on doing?"

Susan manipulated the energy field, causing the transparent glass-like energy field to squeeze on Jonathan.

"Don't squeeze, I say that's it!"

After feeling the oppression brought by the energy field, Jonathan said hastily.

After hearing his words, Susan withdrew the energy field and looked at Jonathan with a frown.

After moving his limbs, Jonathan said slowly, "Sister, what do you think of Russell? Does it suit your taste?"

"If you think he's not bad, I don't mind you falling in love with him."

Just as Jonathan finished speaking, the transparent energy field enveloped him again, squeezing him like squeezing toothpaste.

"what are you saying!!!"

Susan gritted her teeth and said.

"No, what I mean is, that nerd Reed wouldn't dare to confess his love to you anyway."

"Such a cowardly man is not worthy of your sister's liking. You can consider other people."

Jonathan said quickly.

He thought that Susan would withdraw the energy field after hearing his words.

However, it turned out that he was thinking too much.

Not only did Susan not remove the energy field, but the energy field further oppressed Jonathan.

In the end, Jonathan, who couldn't bear the pressure of the force field, used his superpower and transformed into a burning man.

In Pyro's form, he has more power than usual.

Taking advantage of Susan's inattention, he forcibly got rid of the energy field, and flew out without looking back.

Seeing Jonathan fly away, Susan snorted dissatisfied.

Then, leave the tent and continue to assist Reed in collecting biological samples from the male Muto.


new York.


The office of the chairman of the Octopus Headquarters.

After leaving the Capitol, Russell didn't go anywhere else and flew directly back to his office.

Although he has temporarily settled the matter of the hearing, he can tell with his toes that the Senate Armed Services Committee will never let Godzilla go easily.

After thinking for a few minutes, he made Number 3 connect to the communicator on Grendel.

To be precise, it should be the communicator on Godzilla now.

Grendel has already possessed Godzilla, and there is no way to continue to wrap the communicator in his body.

However, he thought of a new way of dealing with it.

He created a small nodule of symbiotes behind Godzilla's large head, and placed the communicator inside.

Although this requires him to maintain the existence of this little pimple 24 hours a day, it is not difficult for him.

After hearing the connection signal from the communicator, Grendel responded immediately.

"Your Majesty, your most loyal, reliable and trustworthy Grendel is always waiting for your dispatch!"

After hearing Grendel's voice, Russell in the office frowned slightly.

As the king of the original symbiote, Grendel has now licked dogs to the point of no dignity.

"Where are you now?"

Russell asked Grendel.

"Godzilla's home...uh... According to human beings, it is deep in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean."

"Your Majesty, if you have time, you can come here yourself. There is a lost temple here, a magnificent temple."

"You would never have thought that Godzilla still has believers, and its believers built this temple for it!"

Grendel said excitedly.

Although Grendel was excited, the Russell he was talking about knew about it early on.

If everything develops according to the plot in his memory, Godzilla's home will last until the first takeaway "nuclear rice" for it.

"How are you communicating with Godzilla now?"

Russell continued to ask.

"It's okay, but it has a bad temper and doesn't like to talk very much."

"But it doesn't matter. I can directly read its consciousness and have a spiritual dialogue with it. The communication is not bad so far."

Grendel said thankfully.

"Very good! Then you continue to communicate with it, I may need it to show its face after a while."

"In addition, I will send a few evolved second-generation symbionts to your side. You can take a look first. If you want to become white, I can let you evolve as well."

After talking to Grendel, Russell ended the call directly.

"No. 3, help Grendel remake a contactor, which is more resistant to radiation."

When he was talking to Grendel just now, he heard some noise that shouldn't have come.

Although the communicator Grendel is currently using is already top-notch, its reliability is even far superior to that used by the military and S.H.I.E.L.D.

But in Godzilla's home full of radiation, some small problems inevitably appeared in the communicator.

"Okay, sir, I'll arrange it right away!"

 PS: Thanks for the rewards of Xinyixiangyi aa, Houshangshushu, and Yi, thank you for your support~~
(End of this chapter)

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