Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 18 Tonight's Night Is Very Smooth (please collect, please recommend)

Chapter 18 Tonight's Night Is Very Smooth (please collect, please recommend)
"Pay attention to safety. He can survive until now, which means that his strength is not too bad. Don't underestimate the enemy."

Diana doesn't see a problem with Russell wanting to take out the Punisher.

Although killing people is not a good thing, it also depends on who is being killed.

Diana never had a so-called Heart of Mary.

Although Paradise Island's education method is a little behind, there is one thing that Paradise Island has done well, that is, only dead enemies are good enemies.

To show mercy to the enemy is not only playing with your own life, but also with the lives of your family and friends.

Although Diana has only been in this world for four years, she has lived in the human society in the DC world next door for decades.

She is not uncommon at all for the series of shit that happened because of the so-called human rights.

If Russell was going to kill an ordinary person who did no harm to society, Diana would stop him.

Clearly, the Punisher is out of this range.

On the face of it, the Punisher only strikes at the guilty.

But don't forget that as long as it is a violent act, there will inevitably be some uncontrollable collateral damage.

And those who suffer these collateral injuries are often ordinary people.

Aside from that, the fire at Russell's office is an obvious example.

If the police and firefighters hadn't arrived in time, Russell's office would not have been the only one burned.

After sharing what happened today with Diana, Russell patted Diana's flat belly without a trace of fat.

"After working all day, you should be a little tired. Take a shower and go to bed early!"

Russell's expression and tone were serious.

As soon as he finished speaking, Diana gave him a blank look.

They have been an old couple who have been living together for two years. Diana can figure out what he is thinking even with her toes.

Diana got up and left the living room and went to the master bedroom.

Not long after, there was the sound of running water in the bathroom of the master bedroom.

After hearing the sound of water flowing from the bathroom, Russell got up and went to the bathroom door.

The door of the bathroom was not completely closed, leaving a gap that wasn't too big but implied enough.

very good!

This is the tacit understanding between old husband and wife.

Without any hesitation, Russell pushed open the door and walked in.

In the bathroom surrounded by mist, there is a perfect body like the goddess Venus.

The mist slightly covered this delicate body like a work of art.

However, if it is looming and half hidden, it is easier for people to have the urge to see the true face of Mount Lu.

Tonight's night is very moist!


The next morning.

Russell, who was so busy that he didn't sleep until midnight, slowly opened his eyes, and gently pulled out the left arm that Diana used as a pillow.

After moving his slightly numb left hand, he couldn't help recalling the crazy scene from last night.

Compared with Diana, who has the body of a demigod, his extraordinary physique is obviously a little worse.

In the past, Diana was often the one who won the battle to the end.

But last night, relying on his steel-like tenacious will and the ability to control the adrenaline he just acquired, he finally sounded the horn of victory on the frontal battlefield and won the final victory.

Although they won their first victory on the frontal battlefield in the two years since they lived together last night, some small accidents still occurred during the battle.

He thought he had perfect control over the Venom symbiote.

But it turns out that his control is a little bit far from perfect.

In some extremely pleasant moments, the venom symbiote will still appear uncontrolled.

When the battle was at its most intense, some symbiotes unconsciously emerged from his body.

Although the symbiote just popped out of his chest, and only a few centimeters at that, he was nearly kicked out of bed by Diana.

If he hadn't reacted immediately and completely retracted the symbiote into his body, he would have left some indelible psychological shadows last night.

Although there were some unexpected episodes, I have to say that last night was a very good night, a night worth remembering.

Even thinking about it now, Russell is still a little excited.

Both psychological and physical agitation.

Thinking of this, he unconsciously turned his head to look at Diana who hadn't woken up yet.

Good-looking people look good even when they are sleeping.

The long black and smooth hair is scattered freely, not only does not give people a messy feeling, but also makes Diana, who is like a royal sister, look lazy and charming.

The jade shoulders are cut like a knife, with beautiful lines, and the skin is white, tender and delicate.

Down the jade shoulder is a beautiful arc.

It's a pity that this arc is now covered by a thin and soft quilt, making it impossible for people to feast their eyes on it.

Going down, most of the pictures that can be seen are still white quilts.

The only thing that was exposed was the somewhat restless left foot.

Long, straight, with perfect lines, and a good-touch left foot sticking out of the quilt.

Although there is only a part of it, it can already make people think about it, wondering what kind of seductive body is under the quilt.

Russell didn't wake Diana up, got up to wash, and thought about how to find the Punisher who didn't know where he was.

Now that you have decided to kill the Punisher, let's kill him as soon as possible to prevent him from causing any major incidents.

In the past few days, he has done enough things. If he continues to make a high profile, there is no guarantee that it will cause some unnecessary troubles.

While he was washing, Diana came to the bathroom sleepily.

Obviously she has pajamas herself, but Diana always likes to wear his white shirt, and she only wears the shirt, showing off those attractive legs unscrupulously.

Breakfast was still made by Diana.

While Diana made breakfast, Russell turned on the TV and checked today's morning news.

Sure enough, the exterminated textile factory became the headline today.

A seemingly mediocre textile factory that paid taxes on time suddenly faced disaster.

Although the police in New York wanted to deal with this matter in a low-key manner, they secretly investigated the murderer.

But those media with a keen sense of smell will not easily let go of this explosive news.

A vicious case that killed dozens of people!
In the eyes of the media, this is simply a golden mountain of traffic.

In just one night, these media dug up a lot of useful inside information.

For example, the seemingly ordinary textile factory is actually a notorious killer organization.

The Brotherhood's reputation in the killer world is not small, as long as they are willing to pay, it is not difficult to dig out information about the Brotherhood.

The killer organization hidden in the dark!
Unknown tragic Rush!
Dozens of deaths!

The combination of various factors has completely ignited the curiosity of the people.

Although there are usually some shooting incidents in New York, there are still not many cases in which the death toll has reached dozens of people.

The sudden big case not only aroused the strong curiosity of the public, but also attracted the attention of the New York branch of S.H.I.E.L.D.

 PS: Happy weekend~
  Tomorrow I will test the water push, the results of the test water push will determine whether there is any recommendation in the future...

  Seeking follow-up reading, recommendation tickets, this chapter says...


(End of this chapter)

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