Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 151 Creatures like Babies

Chapter 151 Baby This Creature
Have a baby?

Russell didn't expect that Diana would speak such a hot topic in such a calm tone when they were dating.

Although he already knew Diana very thoroughly, and could even be said to know the bottom line, he still didn't expect that Diana would say such a thing at this time.

He knew that Diana liked human cubs, but Diana had never raised the issue of having children with him.

Not long after they lived together, they had an interesting discussion.

That is human cubs or animal cubs, which one is cuter?

When the discussion first started, Diana was adamant that human cubs were cuter.

Especially baby girls.

The reason is that the baby girl is not only cute, but also can dress her up as she likes, wear all kinds of cute little skirts for her, and play all kinds of fun games with her.

When you are bored, you can also pinch the baby girl's round and soft face full of collagen.

In order to prove the point that human cubs are cuter, Diana cited many examples and even showed Russell a lot of photos and videos of human cubs.

However, the end result is Russell convincing Diana that animal babies are cuter than human ones.

He didn't give many examples, just one case.

If you were on a long-haul flight, would you rather have a human baby or an animal baby sitting next to you?
Diana did not expect that Russell would refute her from this angle.

After thinking about the environment for a while, Diana came to a conclusion that human cubs are cuter than animal cubs if they don't cry.

But it's clear that asking a human baby not to cry is an unrealistic thing to do.

Although they are all noises, the sounds of meow and woof are always better than harsh sounds.

In that discussion, Russell won.

But at the same time, he knew one thing, that Diana liked children very much.

After calming down the somewhat shocked mood, Russell put down the red wine glass in his hand, and said slowly to Diana: "Are you serious?"

"Of course!"

Diana also put down her wine glass, and replied with the serious attitude of the queen issuing a royal decree.

Seeing Diana's expression now, Russell sorted out his thoughts, and said again: "That...you should know that neither you nor I are ordinary humans."

"Although I don't particularly dislike creatures like babies, I even quite like the previous production process."

"But you have to know that this is not a creature that can be changed if you are not satisfied. He is not the same as pets like cats and dogs."

"Babies are creatures that can't communicate at all; once ordered, it will take nearly 10 months to arrive; a bare machine, without any instructions; the standby time is extremely short, and the power consumption is astonishing after 2 hours of charging; it cannot be returned for replacement. Three packs, you need to buy a lot of accessories; the ringtone is also very broken, and you need to slowly install the voice system and operating system..."

"Are you sure you really want it?"

Russell carefully hinted to Diana that now is not a good time to have children.

"I know babies are troublesome, but that's for normal people."

"I don't think the problems you mentioned are problems."

"Or, you don't intend to have a child of our own with me at all?"

"Or, are you planning to have children with other women?"

Diana's eyes became a little sharp, like a queen examining a minister who made a mistake.

Although eyes are not something that can be actually touched, Russell now feels that Diana's eyes are sharper than the Vulcan sword in the closet at home.

After swallowing involuntarily, he considered his tone and words, and said slowly: "You think too much. If I have a child, the child must be born by you. Absolutely, must, and beyond doubt!"

Maybe it's because Russell is being very sincere now, or maybe Diana doesn't intend to pursue these issues any further.

After giving Russell a coquettish look, Diana picked up the red wine glass and took a sip.

The bright red wine, like blood, flowed from Diana's alluring red lips into her mouth.

The swan-like slender jade neck raised slightly, the throat moved slightly, and the red wine in the mouth was swallowed gently.

Although he was used to seeing Diana's various gestures, it had to be said that after seeing Diana's seductive appearance raising her glass to drink, Russell felt a little thirsty.

After gulping down the red wine in the glass, Diana looked at Russell and slowly said in an unquestionable and rebuttal tone: "Son, I'm destined to be born, you work so hard!"


For a moment Russell didn't know how to answer better.

After a few seconds, he said slowly: "No problem, I will work hard!"

Having said that, he has actually worked very hard.

In addition, as long as the two of them stayed together, there was never a case of non-cooperation.

But having children is a kind of metaphysics.

Some people want to have children, but they can't conceive anyway.

Some people don't want to have children, but children come one after another.

After ending the topic of having a baby, tonight's date finally returned to the normal flow.

After dinner, Russell and Diana headed back to the apartment in a Porsche with autopilot function.

After returning to the apartment, Diana threw the windbreaker on the sofa and turned to look at Russell.

Although Diana didn't speak now, Russell saw what she meant.


Diana fully demonstrated what it means to be a Paradise Island warrior.


It shouldn't be the female warrior of Paradise Island, it should be the princess of Paradise Island, and the future queen of Paradise Island.


the next day.

Russell slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the time, he showed a helpless smile.

It is now two o'clock in the afternoon.

Looking at Diana who was sleeping soundly beside her, Russell got up gently.

After putting on a nightgown casually, he came to the bathroom in slippers.

After washing up, he came to the kitchen and began to prepare "breakfast" for Diana.

Although it is already two o'clock in the afternoon, Russell has no plans to make dinner.

Just as he was preparing breakfast for Diana in a happy mood, the doorbell rang suddenly.

Before he opened the door, the door was opened.

Then, Kara, who was wearing a professional OL outfit, came in.

(End of this chapter)

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