Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 149 Bai Jue (Part 1, please book in full!)

Chapter 149 Baijue

Fangs and claws, a red tongue, and orange-red eyes with huge black shadows around them.

Although transformed into a "serum" form, Natasha's serum form is still somewhat different from Russell's.

Natasha's femininity was preserved.

For example, the conspicuous alluring arc on the chest.

From a certain point of view, Natasha now looks a bit like wearing a tight white uniform.

However, this tight uniform made her look a bit like a white monster, and she also grew more than ten centimeters taller.

Natasha in normal human form is only 170 centimeters tall, weighs 59 kilograms, and her measurements are...

Russell personally measured and checked these data last night.

But now, Natasha seems to weigh more than 80 kilograms, and her height has also grown to 1.8 meters.

After transforming into a serum form, Natasha stood on the metal experimental table, looking down at Russell with those eyes shining orange-red light.

In the next second, she heard Russell's order.

"Your Majesty!"

Russell didn't like the feeling of being overlooked very much, so he spoke directly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Natasha in serum form knelt down on one knee, and her aura suddenly changed, from tyrannical to submissive.

Although the second-generation symbiont in Natasha's body has evolved into a "serum", it still cannot resist the "absolute command" of the king's serum.

After looking at the serum Natasha who was kneeling on the experimental table, Russell said again: "Remove the transformation!"

While Natasha looks stronger in her serum form, she's also uglier.

Russell still prefers Natasha in human form.

After hearing his voice, Natasha, who was kneeling on the experimental table, immediately canceled her transformation without any hesitation, and turned back into a beautiful spy with a good face and an attractive figure.

When Natasha changed back to human form, Russell frowned and thought.

Although the second-generation symbiote in Natasha's body fused negative energy and evolved into a "serum" without the weakness of ultrasonic waves and flames, Russell didn't want to use serum to call this evolved second-generation symbiote.

The name Serum has already been used by him.

If the second-generation symbiont fused with negative energy is called serum, it will make him feel like he has hit his name.

After thinking about it for more than ten seconds, he decided to give the symbiote fused with negative energy a new name.

White absolutely!

He was incapable of naming, so he borrowed the name of a character from a certain Neon Kingdom anime.

In the Neon Kingdom anime, Bai Jue has many clones, which can be fused with each other, and can also be attached to other people.

More importantly, Bai Jue can form an army.

Such a happy decision!
These symbionts that incorporate negative energy are called Baijue.

Although there is only one symbiosis fused with negative energy, there will definitely be more and more in the future, so Russell decided to use the form of "white + number" to make a specific distinction.

For example, the second-generation symbiont on Natasha is Baijue No. [-].

When Natasha was about to get off the test bench, Russell stopped her and let Bai Jue No. [-] on her body leave Natasha's body.

Then, he let the eighth second-generation symbiote possess Natasha.

A few minutes later, Baijue No. [-] was born.

After creating two white zealots, Russell did not continue to make a third zealot.

Only the remaining second-generation symbiote needs to cooperate with Natasha to carry out the plan to return to S.H.I.E.L.D. as a spy.

He did not continue to manufacture Baijue No. [-], but began to test the abilities of Baijue No. [-] and Baijue No. [-].

After testing, he found that the abilities of Baijue No. [-] and No. [-] were basically the same as serum.

Except that all abilities are a little weaker than the serum, what the serum can do, Baijue No. [-] and No. [-] can also do.

From this point of view, Bai Jue is a bit like a low-profile version of serum.

Although there are some gaps, this is also normal, after all, the serum on Russell's body evolved from venom.

Among other things, the negative energy of serum fusion alone is more than that of Baijue No. [-] and No. [-].

After testing the abilities of Baijue No. [-] and No. [-], Russell let Baijue No. [-] leave Natasha's body.

Afterwards, let No. 3 prepare separate "rooms" for Bai Jue No. [-] and No. [-].

Although Baijue No. [-] and No. [-] squeezed into the same container would not have any objections, but Russell is not the kind of leader who doesn't consider the feelings of his subordinates.

It is nothing more than preparing two more containers, which is not a problem for him who is rich and wealthy.

After ordering No. 3, Russell took Natasha and left the laboratory.

three days later.

Natasha left Zhenglian headquarters with the only remaining second-generation symbiont.

After dealing with Bai Jue's affairs, Natasha could have left Zhenglian headquarters and started the mission of returning to S.H.I.E.L.D. as a spy.

But Russell didn't let her leave immediately, but experienced all kinds of knowledge that Natasha learned from the red house at Zhenglian headquarters.

Learn the new by reviewing the past, you can be a teacher!
After Natasha reviewed and practiced the knowledge she had learned in the red house several times, Russell let Natasha leave Zhenglian headquarters with some reluctance.

I have to say, the taste of female spies is really good!

Especially when the female spy still said that she would obey everything.

After these three days of experience, Russell finally knew why the beauty trick was so successful.

You can't blame the cadres for not being able to stand the test, you can only blame the enemy for being too "cunning"!

After Natasha left Zhenglian headquarters, Russell had no plans to stay at Zhenglian headquarters.

However, before leaving, he asked No. 3 to get two chimpanzees, and let Bai Jue No. [-] and No. [-] possess the chimpanzees.

Baijue No. [-] and No. [-] have indeed evolved, but they haven't evolved to the point where they don't need a host.

In order to facilitate the actions of the two of them, and mainly to prevent Hulk from staying alone at the Zhenglian headquarters, Russell let Bai Jue No. [-] and No. [-] possess the chimpanzee, let them guard the Zhenglian headquarters, and act as Hulk at the same time. sparring.

Bai Jue No. [-] and No. [-] have no objection to his arrangement.

However, Hulk was slightly dissatisfied with his arrangement.

Hulk felt insulted by letting himself train with two Baijue No. [-] and No. [-] who were not as tall as his knees.

However, when Hulk got into a fight with Baijue [-] and [-], Hulk changed his mind.

Baijue No. [-] and No. [-] possessed on the chimpanzee are indeed "little", but after the fight, Hulk found that Baijue No. [-] and No. [-] can be called unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

Not only that, but the beast-like fighting styles of Baijue No. [-] and No. [-] are also in line with Hulk's taste.

After just one fight, Hulk readily accepted the existence of Baijue No. [-] and No. [-], and according to his own habits, named Baijue No. [-] and No. [-] as Dabai and Xiaobai.


The headquarters of the Octopus Monster Group.

Office of the Chairman.

After leaving Zhenglian headquarters, Russell returned to the office wearing the No. [-] machine.

After returning, he first called Diana and briefly explained his experiences in the past few days.

He didn't hide anything from Diana about Natasha and Grendel, he told Diana exactly.

After knowing these arrangements of his, Diana didn't say anything, but told him a few words, telling him to keep an eye on Grendel and Baijue No.[-] and No.[-].

Although Russell can now use the "absolute command" of the king's serum to control Grendel and Baijue No. [-] and No. [-], they are creatures from alien planets anyway.

Who knows what trouble they'll get into if they're not kept under close watch.

(End of this chapter)

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