Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 141 I'll Give You Two Choices

Chapter 141 I'll Give You Two Choices
Gnar's affairs are settled for the time being, but what Russell has to deal with is not completely over yet.

After putting the coffin-like metal box back into the system space, he turned his head to look at Grendel who was pretending to be dead, came to Grendel's big head, and kicked Grendel's big black head.

"Get up, I know you're awake!"

Russell changed the helmet of Unit [-] into a low-key form where he could see his face, and said to Grendel, who was pretending to be dead.

After hearing his words, Grendel raised his huge head, which was bigger than his body, and looked at him with a "kind" expression.

"Gnar's matter is settled, now it's time to talk about your matter."

Russell said calmly.

Grendel nodded, understanding.

"Now, I give you two choices."

"Number one, you continue to be free-spirited Grendel."

Having said that, Russell paused on purpose.

Because he saw Grendel's big white eyes revealing his desire to choose this option.

"You can continue to be a free Grendel, but for the safety of the human beings on Earth, in view of your past performance, I will directly kill you, lest you endanger other people."

Grendelton's eyes widened for a moment, and he shook his head immediately.

Although Grendel didn't speak, Russell saw what he wanted to express.

"Very good! Personally, I don't really want you to choose this option."

After seeing Grendel's current performance, Russell nodded with satisfaction, and then continued: "Second, you follow me, I will guarantee your safety, supervise your behavior, and when I need you, you must be there for me. Contribute."

"In return, you can live safely on Earth, and I will provide you with shelter and food."

Although what Russell said is a bit complicated, the core meaning is one point, that is, Grendel will become his subordinate.

If Grendel disagrees, he will directly kill Grendel in the name of maintaining the safety of the earth.

Although Grendel has been frozen for a long time, his IQ has not declined due to the long period of freezing.

He made a decisive choice.

"I choose the second one!"

Grendel spoke.

"Very well, I like your current attitude."

After speaking, Russell hooked his fingers towards Grendel, motioning him to put his head down.

Although Grendel didn't know what Russell was going to do, he obediently followed Russell's instructions and put his huge head down.

When Glendra put his head down, Russell released the fully intelligent liquid metal in his right hand, revealing his right hand.

Then, a white tentacle flew out of his right hand and rushed into Grendel's big head.


Instead of attacking Grendel, Russell begins to heal Grendel.

Use the extraordinary healing power of the serum symbiote to heal the original symbiote dragon Grendel.

I have to say, this is a very different experience.

In fact, even if he doesn't help Grendel heal, Grendel can gradually recover.

However, for the sake of the next plan, Russell decided to heal Grendel in advance.

While he was healing Grendel, the system popped up a system message that only he could see.

"Evolution Reward: King's Serum; Status: Activated; Activation Condition: Defeating the Symbiote Dragon Grendel; Activation Effect: Serum evolves into King's Serum; Evolution Times: 2 times!"

Except that the state has become activated and there is an additional note that the number of evolution times is 2, other information is exactly the same as last time.

After reading the system information, Russell frowned slightly.

The reward was activated, but the system did not explain what kind of power the King Serum had.

The system is as cold as ever!
It seems that I have to find out by myself again!
Russell turned off the system page and concentrated on healing Grendel.

Although Grendel's size is a bit huge, it is not difficult to heal.

He himself has extraordinary recovery ability, Russell just provided him with more energy and accelerated the process.

In less than a minute, Grendel, who was still dying, became alive again.

When Grendel recovered, Russell retracted the white tentacles on his right hand, restoring the right hand of Unit-[-] to its normal appearance.

Grendel raised his huge head and looked at Russell, who was far smaller than him, respectfully.

"Your injury has healed, and now I need you to do something."

"Master, you just order, your order is Grendel's mission!"

Grendel said with a serious face.

Although his words sound very respectful, but with his appearance, his words give people a huge sense of contrast.

Russell didn't care about this little detail, and continued: "In the base of S.H.I.E.L.D., there are several second-generation symbionts that split from your body."

"What I want you to do is simple."

"Go to the base of S.H.I.E.L.D. and bring back all those second-generation symbionts, including the three I imprisoned before."

Although it's no big deal to leave these second-generation symbionts to Hydra.

But since it has been decided to eat black and eat black, of course it must be completely clean.

It is better to keep the symbiont in his hands.

"No problem, Master, I'll go right away!"

Grendel replied quickly.

"Okay, then you can go there now, I will wait for you a hundred kilometers east of the base!"

After finishing speaking, Russell activated the flight engines of his feet and flew towards the S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

When he lifted off, Grendel waved his huge wings without any hesitation, and followed behind Russell.

Norway, Finnmark, S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

Relying on the various recovery symbiote agent equipment prepared in the early stage, Natasha, Barton and others successfully locked up the runaway second-generation symbiote.

After imprisoning the six symbiotes that had gone berserk under the influence of Gnar's consciousness into special equipment, Natasha and Barton took a look at the messy laboratory, panting heavily.

Although they successfully subdued these second-generation symbionts, they still paid a considerable price.

More than twenty S.H.I.E.L.D. agents died at the hands of the runaway second-generation symbiote.

"Has the support from the headquarters not arrived yet?"

Barton put away the folding bow in his hand, and asked Natasha beside him.

"Hurry up, they will be here in about ten minutes!"

Natasha replied slowly.

The moment the base was invaded, the base sent a distress signal to headquarters.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. could not send personnel from the Tricurved Wing headquarters in Washington, they could send personnel from other bases in northern Europe to support the base.

"They better get there sooner, I have a bad feeling."

Barton looked at Natasha and said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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