Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 136 Gnar, the God of Symbiosis

Chapter 136 Gnar, the God of Symbiosis

In the eyes of Natasha, Barton and others, Russell is an Earthling who is dressed exactly like Captain America Roger, looks exactly the same, and is also an Earthling in uniform with a classic American buttocks.

But in Gnar's eyes, the Russell he saw was completely different.

First of all, he saw that the uniforms covering Russell's body were transformed by the symbiote.

As the creator of the symbiote family, Gnar still has this vision.

But soon, he realized something was wrong.

On the surface, Russell is now possessed by the symbiote, and using the symbiote's ability to transform, he disguises himself as another person.

But Gnar soon noticed the difference.

Russell does not have the symbiont he created.

Now Russell, in Gnar's eyes, looks like both a symbiote and a human.

In other words, it is a human being with the ability of symbiosis.

Seeing Russell, who was completely different from other symbiotes, Gnar in Grendel became puzzled.

Has the current symbiont family evolved to this level?
Gnar remembered that the Grendel he possessed was frozen, but he didn't know how long Grendel had been frozen.

After Grendel was frozen, he fell into a deep sleep.

It wasn't until Grendel woke up that he woke up again.

After looking at Russell several times, Gnar decided to figure out what was going on in the scene before him.

Under his control, the amazing Grendel moved.

He didn't let Grendel leave the place, let alone let Grendel fly.

Five or six black tentacles sprang out from Grendel's huge body like a hill in an instant.

These black tentacles came to SHIELD agents and Hydra soldiers instantly like the tentacles of an octopus.

Without giving these S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and Hydra soldiers time to react, the thick black tentacles of adults' arms bound them tightly.

In the next second, the black tentacles like octopus tentacles joined with these people.


Although Gnar is an evil god, he can only use Grendel's own abilities when he has only a soul but no body.

When the black tentacles attached to these people, Gnar read their memories for the first time.

Within a few seconds, Gnar figured out what the scene in front of him was all about.

S.H.I.E.L.D., Symbiote Agents, Hydra, Superhero Serum...

In the memory of those Hydra soldiers, Gnar found information related to Russell.

Russell did not hide his identity when he set off from New York.

Although he didn't speak to these Hydra soldiers, they still recognized his identity.

It doesn't matter if you don't recognize it.

For the past few months, he had been the man of New York, no, not just New York, but the whole of America.

Superhero Serum, Founder of Octopus Industries and Laboratories, Inventor of Zaku Armor...

Russell's reputation in human society now far surpasses the prestige he spent several years building up in the underground world.

But this is also normal, after all, normal human society is the mainstream society.

When the black tentacles gushed out of Grendel, Russell knew what Gnar was planning.

The possession of the black tentacles directly proved this point.

Not to mention Gnar, an evil god who has been sleeping for so many years, even an ordinary human would try to figure out what was going on right away when he woke up and found a strange scene in front of him.

After seeing Gnar read the memories of those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and Hydra soldiers, Russell came to Bakshi and said slowly, "Get ready to run, this big guy in front of you is very difficult to deal with!"

"Run away?"

Bakshi did not expect that Russell came to his side just to say such a sentence to himself.

Just when Bakshi was about to ask what to do next, Russell made a move that left him dumbfounded.

After talking to him, Russell turned and ran without any hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the laboratory.


Seeing that Russell turned and ran without any hesitation, Bakshi gave the surviving Hydra soldiers an order to retreat.

Although he didn't know why Russell ran away, he knew one thing very well, that is, if Russell said that this symbiote dragon was difficult to deal with, then this symbiote dragon must be very difficult to deal with.

Bakshi did not have much combat experience, but he was not stupid.

After Russell left the laboratory first, Bakshi and others also left the laboratory, leaving very simply.

After a while, only Natasha, Barton and the others were left in the laboratory, as well as those unlucky guys who had been possessed by Grendel.

The people of Hydra can retreat as soon as they say they retreat, because they are invaders in the first place.

But Natasha, Barton and others can't.

Just when Natasha, Barton and others were planning to use the method of recovering symbiosis agents to deal with Grendel who suddenly woke up, Grendel waved the pair of huge wings.

With just a slight wave, a hurricane-like gust of wind appeared in the laboratory.

At the same time as the strong wind surged, Grendel's huge body flew up.

Gnar didn't immediately attack Natasha, Barton and others.

Instead of attacking them immediately, Gnar now wants to leave this huge laboratory that makes him feel depressed.

For humans, this laboratory is too huge, it looks like a football field.

But for Gnar, the lab was a little too small.

If Gnar is controlling his own body now, he won't feel oppressed.

But the problem, what he is controlling now is Grendel's huge body like a hill.

The solid ceiling is as fragile as a cake in front of Grendel's huge body.

Without much effort, Gnar controlled Grendel to fly thousands of meters into the air.

After leaving the lab, Gnar severed the five or six black tentacles that were attached to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and Hydra soldiers, transforming them into second-generation symbiotes.

Under the action of gravity, these S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and Hydra soldiers fell towards the ground like meteorites.

While falling extremely fast, their bodies changed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just two or three seconds, they transformed into a venom-like appearance.

When those black tentacles transformed into the second-generation symbiotes, Gnar just wanted to use the spiritual connection to order these symbiotes, and he recalled some not-so-good pictures.

He recalled the scene of Grendel, who was possessed by him, being violently beaten by the Asgardian with long blond hair, a hammer in his hand, and lightning wrapped around his body.


(End of this chapter)

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