Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 132 Fierce Battle (Part 2, please book in full!)

Chapter 132 Fierce Battle

Neither Bucky nor the Hydra soldier wearing the Zaku battle armor expected that they would encounter such a difficult enemy here.

Although Hydra has obtained some information about the laboratory, it is impossible for them to know everything in the laboratory.

Although this secret base is connected to the SHIELD headquarters, the experimental data in the base will not be sent back to the headquarters immediately.

Unless the experiment has achieved remarkable results, otherwise, the base will not send back all the data.

With his metal left arm and strengthened body, Bucky temporarily withstood the attack of the symbiote agent, and he didn't have to worry about being torn apart for a while.

Compared with him, the Hydra soldier wearing the Zaku armor is much more unlucky.

Two symbiote agents were eyeing him at the same time.

The sharp claws of the symbiont agent kept slicing across Zaku's armor, causing sparks and leaving obvious scratches on the armor.

In just over ten seconds, more than a dozen scars appeared on the fuselage of the Zaku battle armor.

To make matters worse, as the fuselage is destroyed, the defense of the Warframe is further reduced.

If it weren't for the machine guns and small missiles on the armor, the two symbiont agents could completely tear apart the armor in just ten seconds.

Just as Bucky and the Hydra soldier struggled to resist the attack of the Symbiote agent, two Zaku armor appeared in the aisle behind them.

The other two Hydra teams finally came.

After seeing the two of Bucky being frantically attacked by the symbiosis agents, the Hydra soldiers who had just arrived did not hesitate and began to support the two of Bucky.

The two undamaged Zaku battle armors rushed up first, crashing into the two symbiosis agents like heavy trucks rushing at full speed, knocking them into the air.

Afterwards, the two Zaku armors began to unleash their firepower frantically.

With the addition of reinforcements, the Zaku battle armor, which was almost torn apart by the symbiosis agent, also started to fight back.

The three Zaku battle armors unleashed their firepower at the same time, and fierce gunshots and explosions filled every corner of the aisle.

With the help of other Hydra soldiers, Bucky finally got rid of the symbiote agent who was stalking him, dodged the grenade gun from one of the Hydra agents, and moved towards the almost Dead his symbiote agents shot wildly.


Before Russell and Bakshi came to the aisle, they heard bursts of explosions coming from the aisle.

After hearing the continuous explosion, Russell and Bakshi increased their speed at the same time.

After dozens of seconds, they finally came to the aisle.

After seeing the fierce exchange of fire in front of him, especially after seeing the three symbiote agents who were seven to eight points similar to Venom, Russell frowned slightly.

It wouldn't surprise him at all that S.H.I.E.L.D. would produce Symbiote agents.

It's okay that Nick Fury, the Mage Falcon, didn't find the symbiote dragon. Once he finds the symbiote dragon and knows the symbiote's ability, he will definitely weaponize it.

He wouldn't be Nick Fury if he knew the symbiote's abilities and he didn't weaponize them.

What Russell really cares about now is not the three symbiote agents who are being hit by heavy artillery fire, let alone Hawkeye Patton and Natasha in the distance, but the appearance of these three symbiote agents.

Looking at the three symbiote agents who were almost carved out of the same mold as Venom, he had a feeling that he saw imitators.

Imitate, imitate!

But at least you imitate it a little bit.

Although the three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were possessed by the symbiote, it was obvious that they didn't understand the real usage of the symbiote.

Now they just turned into monsters, fighting like wild beasts.

This is not the fighting stance a symbiote should have!
This is simply an insult to the symbiote!
Seeing that the three symbiote agents were carrying the firepower of the Zaku armor with their bodies, and looking for an opportunity to attack like wild beasts, Russell decided to take action himself.

He came to the Hydra soldier next to him and took off the flash bombs on the Hydra soldier.

After getting the flashbang, without any hesitation, he pulled the ring and threw the flashbang at the symbiote agent in the distance.

The flash bomb exploded with a bang.

Dazzling glare and loud noise appeared at the same time.

Although the flash bomb cannot harm the symbiote, the noise produced during the explosion can cause the symbiote to have a certain stress response.

In game-lingo, the flashbang can briefly freeze the symbiote.

Russell experienced this firsthand when dealing with the Punisher.

Bakshi, Baki and the others were a little puzzled about why Russell used flashbangs to deal with the symbiote agents.

After seeing uncontrollable black tentacles involuntarily emerging from one of the symbiosis agents, they immediately reacted.

Not only Bakshi, Baki and the others didn't expect the flashbang to have a certain restraint effect on the symbiosis agents, even Barton and Natasha didn't expect it.

Although they knew that the symbiote was afraid of fire and ultrasonic waves, they never thought of using flashbangs against the symbiote.

Flashbangs are non-lethal weapons developed against humans.

Except for Russell, who has personally experienced the effect of the flash bomb, no one else would have thought of this at the first time.

As for the Punisher, he hit it purely by mistake.

Bakshi and Baki immediately ordered other Hydra soldiers to use flash bombs to attack, and Barton and Natasha also immediately issued orders to stop Bakshi and others.

Although blocked by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents such as Patton and Natasha, the Hydra soldiers threw out the flash bombs one after another.

Dazzling lights and loud noises continued.

While both sides in the war were avoiding the glare of the glare, Russell rushed directly in front of the three symbiote agents.

He used the ability of the serum symbiote to temporarily close his vision and hearing, ignoring the effect of the flash bomb.

Although he could not see or hear, this did not affect his attack on the three symbiote agents.

At this time, he launched an attack relying on the impression and instinct in his mind.

Although the blocking of vision and hearing would make him unable to evade other people's attacks in the first place, but with serum protection, he didn't need to worry about this at all.

Even without serum, his body can ignore most conventional bullet attacks.

With the serum, he doesn't have to worry about this.

Although he has not transformed into a superhero serum now, he is still under the protection of the symbiote without dead ends.

Whether it's the uniform on his body or the appearance of the American team, they are all changes from the symbiosis.

Although it doesn't look like it, there is not much difference between him and the serum agent form now.

 PS: Thank you for your big breasts, you speak 1500 starting point coins, thank you for your support~~
(End of this chapter)

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