"The last disciple of the Zodiac has finally appeared."

Magneto and Professor

"Let us start a new era of new mutants." Professor X's eyes moved slightly, and he took out the Gemini switch to transform.

After Magneto responded first, all the twelve constellations of the zodiac used the constellation switches to activate the transformation of the small universe.

Ryder, Mindy, and Dave on campus felt the boundless and huge cosmic energy falling from the starry sky, and their expressions were horrified.

"After gathering the zodiac disciples, they will indeed make big moves, but I didn't expect it to be so fast," Minty said solemnly, with obvious worry on her face.

"I just don't know what they want to do. It's hard to imagine the destruction that such a powerful and continuous cosmic energy can accomplish." Ryder also looked sad.

Dave said weakly: "Actually, the principal and the others are not like those evil villains who want to destroy the world and rule the world."

"Just go and take a look and you'll find out." Mindy said.

"Fourze, meteor (meteor), comet (comet), we don't have time right now to play house games with you, so just watch from the sidelines." Professor Ryder, Dave, and Mindy spoke.

He raised his fist towards the three people and blasted it out from the air.

"Fantasy Demon King Fist"

The three people who were waiting were not actually attacked, but they were in a daze, as if they saw the galaxy exploding in front of their eyes. As if there were stars pressing on their hearts, their thoughts were extremely sluggish and obscure, and their bodies were completely unable to move.

The three of them could only watch helplessly as the twelve star disciples responded to the infinite cosmic energy and manifested huge corresponding stars. A huge landmass the size of New York City rose from the ocean out of thin air, gathering endless stardust to build twelve A palace of grand ideas.

"Is this?..." Dave looked at the scene in front of him that could be described as moving mountains and reclaiming seas, and was astonished.

"The Stardust Sanctuary will also be the core of the new world in the future, the holy land of new humanity." Professor X's voice revealed a slight weakness, but revealed great excitement.

"The Sanctuary will continuously draw energy from the universe. All humans can go to the Sanctuary to awaken the small universe, gain superpowers, and bring about a world of new mutants." Magneto opened his hands as if to embrace something.

"A new era has come."


In the experimental base lounge.

Susan was startled and woke up from her dream: "My son?"

Recalling the boy who appeared in his dream who made him feel affectionate for no reason, he unconsciously touched the extra bracelet on his wrist and was slightly startled.

"Is everything I dreamed about true?"

Susan's expression was uncertain. The bracelet that her son, a boy from the future named Franklin, gave to her that appeared in her dream, and that had the power to purify nebula gases, were all real.

So, the crisis that Pandora's Box will lead to the destruction of the earth will come sooner or later? !
"In order to avoid the influence of the nebula gas that Susan sent to the nebula, he sent his mother the power to purify the nebula gas from the future through sleepwalking?" After observing the power that Franklin gave to Susan from the future, Tan Daoyi was full of emotions. Smile and talk to yourself with interest.

"It's unexpectedly what I wanted."

Franklin's ability is to travel through time and space at will, but it is inevitably limited only in matters related to Susan, the mother who gave birth to him.

In fact, Franklin's biological father can be different in different parallel universes, but his mother must be Susan, the invisible woman.


A huge roar echoed through the sky.However, under the attacks of Ax and Star-Lord, the Slammer, who was already at the end of a powerful crossbow with a square head, was suddenly hit by a stream of light. Not only did he recover, but his size also increased dramatically.

"Who?!" Akers was punched away by the gigantic slammer, and he looked warily towards the direction in which the streamer flew out.

"Why can't you just be your superheroes and just defeat the Slugger honestly? You have to work hard to get to the bottom of it." Nick Fury sighed slightly in his heart.

"Crocodile! Torn! Swallowed! Crushed! Crocodile in Rogue! Oraa!"

Accompanied by sound effects.

Rogue, dressed in purple armor, stepped out of the shadows.

"Finally, the organization behind the use of nebula gas to transform the human body has appeared." Aix looked at Nick with hostility.

"We will definitely stop your behavior of conducting experiments on humans." Star-Lord said.

Nick Fury shook his head and said in an indifferent tone: "It's too pedantic... The wall of the sky has arisen and the nebula gas has appeared. This is an inevitable reality. A new era has arrived. Those who cannot keep up with the trend of the times can only It will be eliminated by the times, and humans must master the power of nebula gas."

"Nonsense, this is not the reason for you to use innocent people as victims and conduct human experiments." Akers rushed towards Nick Fury angrily.

"As the times progress, there will inevitably be individuals who are eliminated. The best will survive and the weak will be eliminated. This is a natural law and inevitable." Nick Fury's punch filled with purple light met Ax's flying kick.

After a moment of stalemate, he suddenly exerted force and knocked Aix back.

"I want you to say hello this time. It seems that we really can't reach a consensus..." Nick Fury shook his head slightly and spoke in a helpless tone.

"There is absolutely no way we can reach any consensus with you." Aix's words were very firm.

Nick Fury looked at Ax preparing to attack him and said calmly: "Your opponent is not me."

"A friendly reminder to you, this attacker has been injected with an excessive amount of nebula gas. If he cannot be hit as soon as possible, he will be completely assimilated by the nebula gas. If he is defeated at that time, the humans in it will also follow. Die together." Nick Fury reminded him leisurely.

One sentence made Ax stop his plan to show off with Nick Fury.

We can only team up with Star-Lord first, the block smasher at home.

There was a loud boom, but Star-Lord was slammed into the ground by the giant slammer, and was crushed heavily.

"Damn it!!" Star-Lord struggled to withstand the powerful force of the giant attacker, and was in a very embarrassed state.

"Flying Eagle" "Gatling"

"Best match"

"Rioters in the Sky"

X switched to the flying eagle Gatling form, flew up nimbly and quickly, and continued to fire and harass around the attacker.

Relieving the pressure on Star-Lord, he was able to launch a counterattack.

Neither Star-Lord nor X dared to delay time, and launched an all-out attack on the Slammer in order to defeat it in the shortest possible time.

After watching for a moment, Nick Fury summoned a cloud of mist and disappeared into it.

(End of this chapter)

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