world number one pianist

Chapter 88 System Update

Chapter 88 System Update
In the next few days, He Shen completely fell into a leisure period.

After practicing the morning class every morning, I went to the Conservatory of Jiangzhou Normal University to practice the piano in my own private piano room, chat with the auntie in the piano room at the door, and then waited for Xi Shuwen to send Zhao Zitong to the school for class .

At night, when the door of the piano room is locked, I go back directly, practice for a few hours at home, and then go to bed.

He Shen felt as if he had returned to his previous college life. Every day besides practicing the piano, he practiced the piano. He could completely immerse himself in his own music world without caring about all the sounds around him.

He just needs to improve himself.

It is worth mentioning that the copyright fee in Jiangzhou Teachers College has finally arrived. The 3 yuan and the class fee that Xi Shuwen gave him before, all together, the price on his account is close to 5 yuan.

Therefore, after He Shen got the teacher's campus card, he charged [-] in it all at once.

Every morning, noon and night, he was settled at school. The subsidized super-cheap meals in the school made his diet gradually become regular.

Just when a new round of school season was about to usher in, He Shen's system that had been silent for a long time was suddenly updated.

[System update complete!If you want to check, you can read it silently to check the specific update details. 】

After He Shen had just practiced the basic skills for two hours in the morning, he suddenly found out that his system had been updated, and he couldn't help feeling a little excited.

He had been looking forward to the system returning to normal before, after all, he still had several works in the system.

A master class Chopin prelude, and a whole set of Chopin master class etudes.

If these works allow him to comprehend thoroughly, his level will be raised to a very high level.

Therefore, he silently said without any hesitation.


[This update is as follows:]

[New features: leaderboard, lottery bar, status bar]

[Fixed function: The task bar will provide three optional tasks at one time]

[Update Compensation: 1. You can convert any expert-level work into a pure expert-level work (the original price is two expert-level works)]

【2. The number of lucky draws +1】

He Shen was stunned for a moment, never expecting that there would be an update compensation, which would transform any expert-level work into a pure expert-level work...

In other words, do you have the right to choose?
Without any hesitation, He Shen recited silently.

"Transforming Chopin Preludes."

【Conversion completed】

[Your current inventory: 24 Chopin etudes, one pure expert work (you can choose arbitrarily)]

[It was detected that the host lacks physical strength, and Chopin's 24 etudes cannot be obtained at one time. Since Chopin's 24 etudes are a complete set, they are temporarily frozen, and the host is asked to improve his physical fitness]


Just as He Shen was about to open the 24 Chopin etudes, his hand suddenly stopped, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

What the hell?Why is not enough physical strength not allowed to study?What kind of garbage system is this?
[The current physical strength of the host can only support one year of retrospect. Chopin's 24 piano etudes have been written in the market for more than two years. The host is likely to fall into a coma in the middle of the study. In order to protect the host's physical safety and self-awareness, it is frozen]

[Ps: Please the host eat well, rest well, and strive to meet the physical standards of ordinary people (the quality standard of ordinary people is two years back)]


He Shen was full of complaints and wanted to say it, but he held it in his mouth, unable to say anything, so he couldn't help but sighed.

Forget it, so be it.

Anyway, if I throw this thing in my backpack, the system can't take it away, so I put it there first.

He Shen looked at the previous reminder.

This update updates the leaderboard, status bar, new task bar, and lottery bar.

These three functions...

He Shen opened the status bar first, and a tree-like branch diagram immediately appeared in front of him.

The first is the general framework.

[Baroque: Lv1 (not started)]

[Classic: Lv1 (not yet started)]

[Romance: Lv4 (Entry)]

[Modern: Lv0 (not started)]

[Classification: Lv0-2 entry level, Lv3-5 entry level, Lv6-8 professional level, Lv9-10, master level, LvEX,? ? ? 】

Four different periods, four different styles of music.

The baroque period, the classical period, and the modern era are all entry-level, and romance is the entry-level.

At the same time, the system updated the algorithm, thoroughly divided each level, and told He Shen what each level corresponds to.

The level corresponding to LvEX made He Shen a little strange, but he didn't think too much about it, after all, he also felt that barrier.

It is the lv10, the barrier for master level full-level works to be promoted.

But why... my total level is so low?

He Shen hesitated for a while, and reached out to open the highest entry-level romantic period.


The big tree spread out in an instant, and countless composers from the romantic period appeared in front of He Shen.

Chopin, Liszt, Brahms, Schumann, Schubert...

A pianist as vast as the sea appeared in front of He Shen, and He Shen instantly understood why his overall grade was so poor.

His Chopin is now Specialized Level Lv7.

If you click on Chopin, you can see his four ballades of Chopin, which have reached the master level of Lv10, the full level.

Then e minor is lv9, which is close to lv10.

Chopin's prelude is also lv9, but this lv9 is obviously a bit unstable, and it barely broke through at the time, and the gap with e minor is still quite large.

The other works are the stepped plunge, basically swaying between lv3-lv6.

The main reason why some works can have lv6 is probably because these works happen to be similar in connotation to the works that He Shen is good at, so they can reach the level of lv6.

After all these are combined, he can barely be regarded as a lv7 Chopin specialization.

But it's okay, if the progress of his other works is pulled up, it's quite easy for him to go from lv7 to lv9, but it's easy to go from lv9 to lv10...

He Shen shook his head, this thing is too far away.

As far as this lv10 is concerned, as long as there is one work that is lagging behind, there is a high probability that it will be difficult to upgrade from lv9 to lv10.

Therefore, this lv10 does not mean that many of your works have reached the corresponding height, and you will naturally go up, but it means that you have to thoroughly understand Chopin before you can reach lv10
The degree of difficulty of this is not generally high.

He Shen put this question to the back of his mind, and he didn't need to look at the leaderboard.

If he simply asks about a single work now, it may be very high, but if he asks Chopin...

"I am now Chopin's No. [-] Piano Concerto, and what is the ranking of Chopin as a whole in the world?"

[Chopin Piano Concerto No. 14: No. [-] in Jiang Province, No. [-] in Hua Country, No.[-] in the world]

[Comprehension of all Chopin's works: No. 17 in Jiang Province, No. 183 in Hua Country, No. [-] in the world]

Fortunately, I didn't go too far, Hua Guo directly fell below [-], and the whole world fell below [-].

This proves that there are not many people who specialize in Chopin.

But this 180 three...

According to the rules, this thing can't even enter the first round of the Chopin International Piano Competition...

He Shen was a little helpless for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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