world number one pianist

Chapter 82 Champion, He Shen!

Chapter 82 Champion, He Shen!
"Contestant No. [-], prepare outside the hall, the awards are about to begin!"

The staff member suddenly opened the door, and the first thing he saw was Zhou San's handshake with He Shen, he was stunned, he took two steps back, and glanced at the sign at the door again.

Take a look at the sign, look at the scene inside, and look at the sign again.

After confirming that I read it correctly, I stuttered and continued to read.

"Uh, um, contestant No. [-], um... the last contestant has finished the performance, um, uh, we are going to go to the stage now, the stage has been rearranged almost, and the media eh, hiss ,that……"

The staff became more and more nervous, and he didn't even know whether he should leave now, or say hello to the Wednesday judge first?
Before the competition was over, the judges came over to shake hands with the contestants. Is this because the results have already been announced in advance?
Could this No. [-] player be the final champion?

Turning his head and glanced at the staff next to him on Wednesday, he immediately withdrew his hand, touched his own Mediterranean cheerfully, and said to He Shen.

"Okay, then I'll go first, but you don't need to call me Principal Zhou in the future, just call me Wednesday, there's no need to be so pretentious."

"See you on stage!"

After all, without waiting for He Shen to reply, he hurriedly left the room first, and He Shen didn't wait too long, then took a few bananas from the dressing table and chewed them, and when he had something in his stomach, Then he followed the staff directly to the hall.

At this moment, countless people gathered in the passageway in the backstage of the concert hall, making this place extremely crowded.

From contestant No. [-] to contestant No. [-], they have all arrived. They are all casually chatting with their acquaintances, waiting for the start of the award ceremony.

However, they don't expect to be first and second, third and fourth, or other outstanding sonata awards, and they will be satisfied.

He Shen walked into the crowd, kept silent, and waited quietly.

Soon, the sliding door of the stage opened, and a group of staff came out.

"Okay, the stage has been set up, please come to the stage in an orderly manner, all contestants!"

A person dressed differently from the other staff suddenly appeared, shouted at everyone, and gave way to open the sliding door, gesturing to everyone.

"No, hurry up, everyone, finish early, rest early, it's getting late."

"it is good……"

Everyone nodded. Contestant No. [-] walked out first. After verifying his identity with the person standing at the door, he walked to the edge of the stage, followed by No. [-] and No. [-].

Soon, the eight contestants returned to the stage, waiting for the announcement of the final ranking.

However, in fact, everyone knows their approximate rankings.

Soon, with a cold face, Zhao Sheng led a large group of judges to the side of the stage.

He Shen suddenly noticed that Zhou San, who was standing in the farthest corner, blinked at him, but when he noticed, Zhou San put on an extremely serious look.

After Zhao Sheng confirmed that everyone was there, he turned to the audience and said in a low voice.

"Now, for the Golden Piano Awards, the Year of Piano and Violin, the final results of the piano group have been obtained. After careful consideration by all our professional judges, the following rankings have been obtained."

"No.4, Chuanzhou, Chuanzhou Conservatory of Music, Yu Tanhang!"

Yu Tanhang was completely stunned. After confirming twice with other people around him that he was No.4, he immediately jumped up and quickly ran to Zhao Shengang, taking the medals and certificates from the staff.

No matter how hard you hide the smile on your face, there is no way to erase it.

He really didn't expect that he could get No.4!

Zhao Shengang just glanced at him, said congratulations lightly, then took out the next piece of paper and continued reading.

"No.3, Zhongzhou, Huaguo Conservatory of Music, Wang Kai."

Wang Kai also came out. Although he looked much calmer, the corners of his mouth still raised unconsciously.

Except for those two inexplicable big demon kings, his actual performance is equivalent to the first among these six people.

This is simply a surprise!
Wang Kai pretended to be very calm and walked in front of Zhao Shengang, took the trophy with both hands, and pinched it vigorously. After feeling the edges and corners on it, he could no longer hide the smile on his mouth, and immediately bowed vigorously to Zhao Shengang .

Zhao Shengang still gave him a sideways glance, and said calmly, "Keep working hard."

After finishing speaking, he turned the piece of paper in his hand to the next page and announced some unimportant small prizes.

Everyone got an award, no matter who it was.

Bi He Shen won the best ballad, and Yue Li won the best sonata.

These are small awards, and the small awards that no one pays attention to are not as exciting as the third and fourth awards before.

Finally, after all the awards were awarded, Zhao Shenggang opened the last piece of paper with a bored expression, and said casually without any expression on his face.

"The final award, Golden Piano Award Piano Group No.2 is..."

All the audience, all the players, all pricked up their ears.

They are all curious about who can get this No.2 result.

Is it Yue Li or He Shen?

Yue Li clenched his hands tightly and began to sweat nervously.

He knew that he might not be as deep as He Shen, but maybe?Maybe there is a chance?

There is always such an extremely small chance that you can get the first place?
Unfortunately, in the next second, his thoughts completely collapsed.

Zhao Shengang just cast a glance at Yue Li and said indifferently.

"No.2 in the Piano Group of the Golden Piano Award, Yue Li."


Yue Li let go of his hand, and this time he didn't give any extra hope.

He walked directly in front of Zhao Shengang, bowed to him, took the certificates and trophies from the staff next to him, forced a smile, showed them to the media responsible for taking pictures, and quickly retreated.

Although I had expected it a long time ago, it is a pity...

When I get my No.2, I will still be a little disappointed, I am only a little away from the championship...

If there is no He Shen, I will definitely be the first, who else will be better than me?
no, no...

Yue Li quickly put this idea aside.

Even if there is no He Shen, then there will be He Shallow, How Urgent, How Slow and so on.

In the final analysis, my own strength is still not enough, so I must work harder!

None of the others noticed Yue Li, and all their eyes were on He Shen.

Since Yue Li is the second, needless to say, the first is He Shen!
After all, among those present, no one had the confidence to feel that he was stronger than He Shen.

Zhao Shengang looked at He Shen, stepped back slightly, and made a way out of the crowd, and a familiar figure walked out of the way.

Zhou Renguang walked up to He Shen with the most distinctive trophy and a certificate written on it, and nodded slightly at him with a smile.

"He Shen, congratulations! Golden Piano Award, the overall champion of the piano category!"

"Thank you!"

He Shen smiled and reached out to take the trophy and certificate from Zhou Renguang's hand. The media reporters who had been surrounding the stage rushed over in an instant and captured this moment in the camera.

At this time, the Golden Piano Award, which lasted for several days and represented the highest level of the younger generation in Huaguo, came to an end.

[Ding, the mission is completed! 】

(End of this chapter)

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