world number one pianist

Chapter 70 This voice is wrong!

Chapter 70 This voice is wrong!
"Visitor? Rehearsal? Application?"

The old man inside raised his slightly narrowed eyelids a little, without any movement, looked at He Shen and Zhao Zitong behind him, pointed to the registration form in front of the window with his mouth, and said casually.

"No, if you're rehearsing for the Golden Piano Awards, sign your name first, then go straight inside, in the innermost large rehearsal hall."

"Okay, thank you."

He Shen reached out and took the pen on the side, wrote down his name on the visitor record form, and wrote it for Zhao Zitong by the way, put the pen back in its original place and straightened it, and took Zhao Zitong along the passage to walk inside.

In fact, you can find the direction directly without the help of the gatekeeper outside.

The whole house is that big in total, with only a few rooms, and there is only one very narrow passage from the gate.

When you come in, you can only walk in along the passage.

There are many small rooms on both sides of this passage. The doors of the small rooms are written rehearsal room and piano room, which seem to be used for band members to practice.

Through the windows on those small doors, He Shen and Zhao Zitong could also see messy music scores and open piano boxes in some rooms.

The two ignored these small rooms and walked towards the end of the passage. At the end of the passage was what the old man at the door said, the large rehearsal hall.

The reason why He Shen knew that this place was a rehearsal hall was because they heard very loud voices before they entered.

Just listening casually with his ears, He Shen could hear Beethoven's "Fifth Piano Concerto-Emperor" coming from the rehearsal hall.

It seems that there should be a contestant who chose to use Beethoven's "Fifth Piano Concerto-Emperor" as his competition repertoire during the competition.

He Shen nodded silently, led Zhao Zitong, and the two walked along the passage to the entrance of the concert hall, then opened the door and looked inside.

That rehearsal hall looks small from the outside, but it is actually very large from the inside. The entire concert hall is in the form of stairs, from top to bottom.

The door that He Shen and the others pushed open is in the middle of the concert hall.

The performers of the Jiangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra were all in the bottom orchestra pit, playing their works.

Beethoven's Fifth Piano Concerto.

He Shen just listened casually, and he could tell from the prelude of these music that the strength of this band is very strong, no wonder it is called the most powerful band in Jiangzhou.

Perhaps, this is why the Golden Piano Awards chose Jiangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra as their designated orchestra instead of other orchestras.

He Shen didn't say anything, took Zhao Zitong along, found a seat at random, sat down quietly in the back and listened to the performance of the player in front, explaining to Zhao Zitong from time to time.

It was almost 12 o'clock when the band stopped playing. The conductor standing at the front nodded to the contestants sitting on the side and spoke.

"Okay, today's rehearsal is like this, you can just pay attention to our conductor on the stage later, don't worry too much."

"Okay, thank you, everyone, for your hard work."

The contestant in front got up and bowed to the conductor and everyone in the orchestra, and then left the concert hall without noticing He Shen and the two sitting on the side.

However, the conductor who had been standing in the center of the concert hall noticed He Shen's existence when He Shen came in.

He didn't know how long he stayed in this rehearsal hall, and he knew the scratches on every chair inside, not to mention He Shen and Zhao Zitong who sat at the back.

And the reason why this conductor knew He Shen's name was because he had met this He Shen in the semi-finals and knew what He Shen looked like.

Seeing that He Shen had come early, the conductor immediately greeted the band members nearby, walked up to He Shen, nodded to him, and stretched out his hand.

"Hi, my name is Wang Jianguo, the chief conductor of the Jiangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra. I've heard people mention your name before. It's better to meet you than to be famous."

"He Shen, now I'm a piano accompanist teacher. I just listened to your emperor, and he played very well."

"Really? Thanks for the compliment."

The conductor smiled, and He Shen took out the music score that had been put in it from his pocket before, and asked the conductor.

"Since the previous one is over, when will we start rehearsing?"

"We can rehearse now if you want, but you'll have to pay us extra for lunch."

Wang Jianguo made a joke casually. He didn't look at the notation-filled score in He Shen's hand, but shook his hand casually, ready to greet the members of the orchestra and let them go to eat first.

Unexpectedly, He Shen nodded and said in the next second.

"it is good."


Wang Jianguo never expected that He Shen would agree to his request. He scratched his head in a daze and couldn't help laughing wryly.

"No, I was just joking, don't take it seriously, everyone wants to eat like this, right? Let's have a meal later and then rehearse, okay?"

"Okay, but I was also a joke, isn't it funny?"


Looking at He Shen's serious look, Wang Jianguo and Zhao Zitong couldn't imagine that he was joking, so they couldn't help but smiled at each other awkwardly, pretending nothing happened, and walked outside first.

Watching the members of the regiment gradually disperse, He Shen also took Zhao Zitong outside to eat something casually, and came back after a short rest.

At this time, everyone had already had lunch and was chatting casually in the center of the orchestra.

Wang Jianpei picked a toothpick, walked out from behind the stage, looked at He Shen who was already standing by the piano, and asked casually.

"I can't see that you are still quite impatient? Tell me, what song do you plan to play in the final?"

"Chopin Piano Concerto No. [-]."

"Chopin Piano Concerto No. [-]? You're not joking this time, are you?"

Wang Jianpei said amusedly to He Shen, but found that He Shen ignored him at all, couldn't help sighing, turned around and slapped all the members of the regiment.

"Okay, everyone, Chopin Piano Concerto No. [-], ready for tuning."

"it is good."

The crowd dragged their instruments up from the ground and found the sheet music of Chopin's symphony provided by the group.

After confirming that the music score is correct, they tuned it according to the standard tone a given by the piano, and they nodded to the conductor in the center of the stage when the tone was good.

"How? Are you ready?"

Wang Jianguo turned to He Shen and asked with a smile.

"All right."

He Shen nodded, put his hands on the piano keyboard, adjusted his breathing, focused his mind more, and waited for the conductor's order.

After being confirmed by He Shen's eyes, Wang Jianguo immediately turned his body back to the orchestra and gave a gesture to everyone.

After an accurate pre-time, the music starts!
What followed was He Shen's pause.

"This voice, no!"

(End of this chapter)

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