world number one pianist

Chapter 6 Applying for... Failed?

Chapter 6 Applying for... Failed?
He Shen listened to her performance and nodded silently.

Obviously, Zhao Zitong has a piano foundation, but for some reason, her performance is so poor, as if no teacher taught her at all.

For the performance just now, imitating her own timbre, you can hear that she has an idea of ​​what kind of timbre she wants to play, and you can hear what her own timbre is like.

Well, if you look at it this way, if you keep urging her, there is a chance to fully prepare this piece in December and then take the state art exam.

Of course, this is only a possibility.

He Shen quickly went through the future plan in his mind, thinking about how to train Zhao Zitong.

After Zhao Zitong played the first sentence at the beginning, he finally spoke.

"Yes, obviously, you have a certain foundation."

"Of course, you don't even look at who my dad is! How can I embarrass my dad!"

Zhao Zitong raised his head proudly, but Xi Shuwen's expression changed slightly.

Especially when Zhao Zitong said her father, she couldn't help pursing her mouth slightly.

He Shen immediately grasped this detail, but he didn't ask any more questions. He came here just to be an ordinary piano teacher, and he was not qualified to help people with their family affairs.

He Shen continued: "However, your foundation is not solid. In your playing just now, I can clearly find that your first finger is too strong, that is, the strength of your thumb is too strong."

"One of the effects of this is that your overall voice is not uniform, and it is very easy to have sudden accents, so you need to continue to improve on this thumb in subsequent exercises and control the volume of your thumb. .”

"Then, your four or five fingers, that is, the ring finger and the little finger, have more serious adhesions. Similarly, you need to do separate exercises for this adhesion."

"Because there are relatively few things contained in this sentence, I don't see much about your other basic skills. Next, let me tell you about the problems that occurred in your performance just now."

"First of all, the time value, you have some notes whose time value will be delayed a little bit, resulting in an eighth note, played into an eighth note and a 32nd note, causing a little problem with the overall rhythm, which you You need to practice with a metronome."

"Then it's the feeling. I can see that you basically imitate my playing method, so I want to ask you, do you know what the first sentence means?"

Zhao Zitong's eyes were straightened when she heard this, she glanced around blankly, she was a little dazed for a while, she didn't react at all when she heard He Shen's question, she couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Um... what's the meaning of the first sentence?"

"It's how you understand the first sentence, why do you understand the first sentence like this?" He Shen explained.

He saw Zhao Zitong's confusion, and immediately added.

"Simply speaking, each key has the meaning of each key, such as C major, which represents purity, pureness, singleness, blank paper, which can be colored by anything, and C major The main chord will give people a bright feeling, like sunshine."

"So... how do you understand the first sentence at the beginning?"

Zhao Zitong was completely dumbfounded. All the knowledge about music she had learned before did not mention this aspect at all, so when He Shen asked a question, she didn't know how to answer it, so she couldn't help hemming and hawing.

"Uh, that's, uh... ah, yes! That, hiss... the feeling of sadness?"

She replaced her own thoughts with her feelings when she heard He Shen's performance just now, pretending to say.

"Look, this, um... this chord! It's very sad at first glance, and it's slowly rising. Does this mean that sadness is filled with positive emotions?"

He Shen: "..."

Xi Shuwen: "..."

He Shen, and Xi Shuwen, who was standing aside, fell silent.

He Shen immediately made a note in his mind that Zhao Zitong didn't have a deep understanding of harmony and needed extra tutoring.

This should be a separate learning content. The three minor subjects of the art test: sight singing, ear training, and music theory (simple harmony). She should have never been exposed to this aspect of content and needs additional reinforcement.

In that case, I need to adjust my plan for teaching Zhao Zitong.

He Shen suddenly felt a little tired, and the speed of his brain gradually slowed down. Immediately, he quickly took out a lollipop from his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, and spread out the opened plastic paper, which was perfect for the piece of plastic paper that was opened before. Once overlapped, retract the pockets.

The sugar slowly melted in his mouth, which made him recover slowly, and continued.

"Well, I'll talk about this later, I'm actually very satisfied with your performance just now..."

He Shen glanced at Zhao Zitong, and then continued: "However, can you change it, I want to have a different feeling."

"Another feeling?"

"Yes, the feeling of being alone in a foreign country without being able to return home..."

"Lost in another country..."

Zhao Zitong lowered her head and began to think. Soon, she put her hand on the piano again and pressed down slowly.


It was almost the same as before, but a slightly different voice slowly flowed out.

Before, it was pure sadness, but now, it was a little bit confused, a little uncertain, and a little bit dissociated.

Trying again and again, she is getting closer and closer to the feeling He Shen mentioned before.

He Shen's eyes gradually brightened, and he gradually understood how Zhao Zitong should be cultivated.

If so...

Xi Shuwen stood aside, nodded in satisfaction, walked cautiously outside the door, waved at He Shen, and said in a low voice.

"Teacher He, come here."

He Shen's train of thought was interrupted, he looked at Xi Shuwen standing outside the door, without saying anything, walked to her side, closed the door carefully, looked at Xi Shuwen standing outside the door, and said.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? The class hasn't finished yet."

"No, that's enough, Mr. He, I have to admit that you teach very well."

Xi Shuwen waved his hand, walked to the kitchen, took a cup of purified water from a cup, took a sip, and continued.

"To be honest, you have completely exceeded my expectations, so, unfortunately, I cannot hire you as Zitong's training partner!"


He Shen blinked, but didn't react, didn't you say that you are very good, why did you decide not to hire yourself?
The next moment, Xi Shuwen said: "I decided to hire you as her piano teacher, the person who really taught her piano, I wonder if you are willing, Mr. He Shen?"

(End of this chapter)

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