Chapter 48
Moderato Chiaramente, medium speed

A major, three sharps

Piano, soft playing.

Left hand E, with A major first inversion to remove the tritone.

Left-handed Gis, with an A major seventh chord to remove the root note.

The two together form the opening A major seventh chord.

He Shen closed his eyes slightly, put the beginning of this work, everything in the depths of his heart, walked through it, slowly opened his eyes, leaned forward, pressed his fingers on the keyboard, and slowly Press the key.


An extremely ethereal voice came from the piano, wrapping around everyone like a cloud.

"Huh? This sound?"

Zhou San's eyes lit up suddenly, his guess was all wrong, He Shen did not give up Hua Guo's works, what he chose was to strive for the highest score!

"The sound at the beginning, this chord, is interesting..."

"Yes, listen, his fingers are light, but his arms are heavy."

"His voice is very good, very good!"

This work is a representative piece of Cantonese music, and it was also adapted by the famous Chinese composer Wang Zhongjian, using the sound of the piano to simulate the sound of other instruments.

Very beautiful, very beautiful, such as high mountains and flowing water, spring river and moonlit night, it seems to be describing the scenery, but it is actually expressing love.

Huaguo pays attention to the unity of nature and man, mountains, water, clouds, moon, these natural scenery, in the music, it is not purely described, but combined with human emotions.

From Guan Jujiu, I think of my fair lady, from raising my head to look at the bright moon, and then bowing my head and thinking about my hometown.

Using such metaphors, I cut open my own heart, stood in front of everyone, and told them the endless emotions deep in my heart.

He Shen's hands were running quickly on the piano. This work is not difficult. For all contestants, this work is so familiar that it can't be more familiar.

However, it is precisely because of familiarity that they feel unfamiliar at this moment.

He Shen made the colorful clouds chasing the moon, which was originally a scene, become no longer a scene.

A chase, played by He Shen, is no longer a chase, but an image of wind.

One month is no longer a simple moonlight, but an image of autumn.

With a very western rhythm, such as the rhythm of tango or hamanera, combined with the unique content of Huaguo, people are instantly fascinated.

The rhythm of tango blends with vibrato, the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus comes from the autumn wind, and the beauty of the day is so beautiful.

The wind blows away the clouds, the bright moon is in the sky, and it sweeps towards everyone with octaves and super long arpeggios.

With the final epilogue, wind, moon, dance, drunkenness, all fused together.

Fluttering, dreams like fairyland.

With the removal of the fingers from the piano, the sound slowly drifted away like smoke again.

He Shen let out a breath slowly. He is quite satisfied with this piece of work. After all, he is not particularly good at Huaguo traditional music.

Being able to play to the level just now can already be regarded as super-level performance, as for maintaining this level...

He Shen still didn't count on it.

After hearing He Shen's song Cai Yun Chasing the Moon, the audience in the audience lived up to He Shen's expectations and applauded vigorously.





Everyone cheered, and then quickly fell silent, quietly waiting for He Shen's second work.

The eyes of the short-haired female judge from before also lit up, and she patted her chest, which was not protruding, and said in a low, but extremely proud tone.

"Look, this man, I knew that he would not give up Hua Guo's works, just look at how well he plays!"

"It's not bad, this song Caiyun Chasing the Moon has that flavor."

The other judges also nodded.

"If you look at it in comparison, the effect of this Caiyun Chasing the Moon called He Shen is slightly better than that of Yue Li's embroidered gold plaque?"

"Well, if you look at it purely in comparison, his song Caiyun Chasing the Moon is not bad, but I don't know if his later song Chopin can maintain his previous state."

The judges were deeply convinced, and glanced at the form in their hands, also waiting for the start of He Shen's second work.

But at this moment, the female judge suddenly spoke.

"Wait a minute, score first, and then take the average score for He Shen's two works, don't score last."

Hearing what the female judges said, except for those who had seen He Shen's performance in the last round, the others couldn't help being stunned.

"Uh, why? After listening to his performance, will there be any problems?"

"Yes, I'm afraid that when the time comes, you will somehow give He Shen a very low score, which will cause him to be eliminated in this match."


The judges looked at each other, not quite understanding why the female judge said that, but they were all acquaintances, so it was natural to fill in the score for He Shen's work.

There were eleven judges in total, three judges gave 100 points, one 99, one 98, and the rest all gave high marks of 95 or more.

Seeing that these people had finished grading He Shen's scores, the short-haired female judge nodded in satisfaction.

"That's right. Fortunately, none of you gave He Shen 80 points. If you give him 80 points, you will be scolded to death later."

"No, sister, who can score 80 points for such a good performance just now? The performance just now is almost perfect, and still score 80 points?"

"Who knows?"

The female judge grunted twice, and grinned at the judges who had audited He Shen with her before, and said in a strange way.

"Maybe there are some people who suddenly felt that He Shen played the latter piece very well, which made them feel that the previous piece was too rubbish, so they planned to give a low score."

"You know, the few people who were punished a few days ago were severely criticized by the organizing committee because of this incident, and their qualifications as judges were disqualified."

The female judge's eyes slashed at those people, and she didn't explain much.

And the other judges who didn't know were stunned. They didn't expect that those who were disqualified as judges before would be so unlucky.

After hearing these words, everyone couldn't help turning their eyes back to He Shen, with intense interest in their eyes.

"It's interesting. How many judges can withdraw from the competition because of you. I'd like to see what kind of Chopin is able to make so many people think about it."

For a moment, the entire concert hall became extremely quiet, and everyone was waiting for the appearance of He Shen's second work.

He Shen didn't make those people wait any longer, and slowly adjusted his inner emotions, let himself escape from the colorful clouds chasing the moon just now, and then slowly sank himself into Chopin's third piano ballad .

Lift your fingers slightly, stay in the air, and press down.

(End of this chapter)

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