world number one pianist

Chapter 27 I Will

Chapter 27 I Will

Zhou San had already discussed He Shen's matter with Wang Pei just now, and now he is talking about this with He Shen, expecting him to give himself a little surprise.

But unfortunately, no surprises.

He Shen is a very homely and lonely person. He can stay alone in the basement to practice the piano, and he can practice without going out of the house for more than ten days.

Compared with constantly flying around the world to compete, he prefers to practice alone so as to constantly improve himself.

Just like everyone in classical music, like Gould, like Horowitz...

He Shen looked at Wednesday in front of him and slowly shook his head.

"No, I didn't win any awards."

"Well, it's not easy to handle things like this. A bachelor, a bachelor without any awards, no matter how good you are at playing the piano, we can't find a reason to recruit you..."

Zhou San paced quickly in the piano room, frowning.

When he heard that He Shen was just an ordinary piano practice partner, he was shocked, and ecstasy followed.

If their school can recruit such a teacher, then it's not that Zhao Zitong's father wants to merge with their school, but their school merged with Zhao Zitong's father!
You know, the level of a school depends on how strong the teachers are, how strong the scientific research is, and how awesome the results are.

It is not that the school needs those students to embellish themselves, but that the students need the school to improve themselves.

Therefore, a great teacher can definitely bring great improvement to the school.

For example, He Shen, if he is recruited, and then elected to participate in the Chopin International Piano Competition.

If He Shen is awesome and gets a good ranking in the Chopin International Piano Competition, their school will take off in an instant!
You know, there are very few schools in the world that have winners of the Chopin International Piano Competition as teachers.


Now in front of him is a huge obstacle, and that is He Shen's background, which is too little.

The school can recruit a bachelor, but this bachelor must make a great contribution.

For example, win an award in an international competition, win glory for the country, or invent a world-class patent.

If He Shen can reach a master's degree, everything will be much easier.

If He Shen is from another country...

Zhou San suddenly thought of a solution. If He Shen was from another country, then everything would be much easier. The establishment of the other country does not occupy the position of the native, and it is an independent establishment.

And, as long as you are strong enough and have a passport, you can enter the university as a teacher.

Now many schools have vacancies for foreign teachers, so this is an empty list that can be drilled!

Zhou San's eyes lit up sharply, and he asked He Shen.

"Well, are you from another country? Or do you have a nationality from another country? Even your relatives are from another country."


He Shen shook his head, expressing his denial. His family background is clear, and there are no relatives from other countries who popped up out of nowhere, and they will not be people from other countries.

Hearing He Shen's negation, Zhou San's face suddenly collapsed. The simplest solution seems to be useless, so what other methods are there...

Zhou San's frown became tighter and tighter, he paced back and forth, thinking about the point of breaking the game.

Otherwise, just give up. After all, there are geniuses everywhere, and my school doesn't lack this one?
Zhou San suddenly thought of this, but looking at He Shen and the perfect Chopin Ballade, he immediately dismissed his thought completely.

If this kind of genius is not grasped by oneself, is it possible to throw it to others?For Zhao Zitong's father?Are you mentally ill?
A few months ago, that guy actually wanted to annex our school's teachers and build his dream Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have really made it happen.

Isn't it a blatant act of endorsing the enemy to release this kind of talent to him?

Still think that there are not enough troubles in my family, so I have to add a few more?
So, what should be done?

He Shen didn't know that Wednesday was struggling with whether to include him. He watched Wednesday's non-stop pacing, so he continued to return to the previous workbench, played his recording again from the beginning, and rethought his feelings about Chopin. .

Thinking about how to integrate this feeling into other works.

Looking at He Shen on Wednesday, a thought gradually emerged and firmly occupied his brain!

Why insist on letting him directly enter the school to become a regular employee?

Why not, let him become a temporary worker, and then become a full-time employee?

There will never be a shortage of lecturer assistants in the school.

Compared with formal lecturers, lecturers have slightly lower requirements. For example, international awards can be replaced by national awards.

And recently, there is a national piano competition about to start!

Wednesday walked over immediately, patted He Shen on the shoulder, asked him to take off the earphones, and said.

"I have another way to let you enter the school, but I have one condition!"


He Shen originally planned to give up this task, but at this moment, there was another village, and the opportunity seemed to be in front of him, just waiting for him to reach out.

Not enough, this kind of opportunity that can be taken at will, He Shen is still vigilant, and continued.

"what do I need to do?"

"It's very simple, win a championship, the winner of the Golden Piano Award!" Zhou San said in a loud voice: "If you can win the Golden Piano Award, then I will have room to work, let you enter the university and become a lecturer assistant. "

"And after becoming a lecturer assistant, we have more room for manipulation. If we are lucky, we can become an official lecturer soon!"

"So, are you willing to go to the Golden Piano Awards for this position, and have a head-to-head confrontation with those geniuses from the seven major states in China?"

Before He Shen could speak, the system in his brain suddenly spoke.

【Ding!It is detected that the host has come into contact with the task node, and the task is being corrected...]

【Mission correction completed! 】

[Main task: become a university lecturer assistant, complete 20%, reward any five, proficient Chopin etudes]

[The task node is unlocked, and the branch task is opened]

[Sub-quests: Win the Golden Piano Award and reward 60% completion of the main story]

[Reminder: The proficient etude mastered during the mission will be automatically upgraded to the master level after the completion of the main mission reaches 100%]

[If the host upgrades in advance, the consumed etude will not be automatically replenished after the main task is completed, please choose carefully! 】

He Shen only hesitated for a moment in his heart, and then his eyes became extremely firm.

This was the choice he had to make next, and this system was just icing on the cake.

So, He Shen said immediately.

"I can participate."

(End of this chapter)

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