world number one pianist

Chapter 21 Who is this person?

Chapter 21 Who is this person?

Although Huang Tianyi was a little hesitant about the name, which looked like a marketing account, she finally downloaded the audio and recorded it on her mobile phone, preparing it as a reference for her graduation performance.

This kind of work that does not have too many personal characteristics, but can perfectly reflect the meaning of Chopin, is simply the best model for reference!
She even felt that if she could understand 1% of the video, then she could pass the undergraduate exam directly, right?

No, no, what I think is really too conservative, I boldly estimate, if I can understand 1% of the performers in the video, I can definitely be admitted to graduate school directly, and then graduate with this piece of work!

"Graduation, hehehe, graduation, suck."

Thinking of graduation, Huang Tianyi couldn't help drooling, imagining the bright future after graduation.

Thinking about it, I suddenly felt that my arms were wet, and then I realized that my clothes had been wet with saliva, so I immediately picked up a napkin from the side and wiped the saliva from the corner of my mouth.

Now no matter what, the most important thing is to actively prepare for the graduation exam, put everything else aside first, and get the graduation certificate first!

So what if this was created by those marketing accounts?Anyway, the audio is real, as long as there is no problem with the audio.

Not only Huang Tianyi, but many other people who also searched for Chopin's ballad also came across this video.

They were also attracted by this beyond-perfect work, and then confused by the inexplicable player who was the same as the marketing account.

Soon, the comment area, which was originally extremely clean, was immediately filled with countless comments.

"Fuck? Is this really played by a human?"

"Have you heard how he dealt with it in the third ballad, the sixth measure? Oh my god, it went straight to my heart!"

"That's right, you can go and listen to his other works, he played the whole set of Chopin ballades, my God, whether it's the first ballade, or the third ballade, or the second and fourth ballads with fewer players Qu, each one is so perfect!"

"Also, have you found out that his style is very outstanding, that is, the perfect interpretation of the composer's style, it is amazing! I love this style to death!"

"So... does anyone know He Shen's piano classroom, which master does this account belong to? Or which master's recording is moved by this account?"

"Yes, although this recording is very good, but the name He Shen has never been heard before, and the piano classroom behind it is almost a template for a marketing account, please ask for the original audio!"

"I bet [-] cents. I guess it's Lang Liangyue. His handling has a lot of Asian-specific handling. He should be the best Chopin player in Asia, right?"

"Are you farting upstairs? Haven't you heard Lang Liangyue's version? I suggest you listen to Lang Liangyue's version again. Besides, Asian Chopin is the best player. When will it be his turn?"

"That is, it is undeniable that although Lang Liangyue's Chopin is good, Asian Chopin is represented by Deng Songshan's old school, Li Diyun and Zhao Chengzhen's new school. Instead of guessing Lang Liangyue, you might as well guess these few. personal."

"That's right, it looks like a fake music lover!"

The comment area is getting more and more crooked. Although there are still many people commenting on how powerful this piece is, the overall trend has become to discuss who played this piece.

It didn't take long for the fire to spread to those people who were discussed. Deng Songshan immediately said that he did not play this work. This person, if it is purely about Chopin's ballad, he played the version better than him. Even better.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

You know, although Deng Songshan seldom plays the piano, he is an old Chopin representative in Asia. He once participated in the Chopin International Piano Competition as a special case, and finally became the first Asian to win the Chopin International Piano Competition.

It was not until 20 years later that Li Diyun, as a new generation in Asia, won the trophy again.

Since this Asian veteran refused to admit that he played this version, who played this Chopin full of Asian thoughts and culture?
Not long after, Li Diyun also came forward and responded positively that this work was also not his performance.

Not only Li Diyun, but also Zhao Chengzhen. Someone sent him all the versions of He Shen's four Chopin ballads and asked Zhao Chengzhen if he played them.

Zhao Chengzhen also denied it without any hesitation, and praised Chopin's four ballades as the best version he had ever heard.

"However, except for the second ballad No.70, the emotional narrative fluctuates a little bit. Although this is insignificant, it is a pity that this little fluctuation makes the whole not perfect."

The pianists of the old school denied it, and the pianists of the new school also denied it. Then, who is the person who performed this work?

For a time, the entire classical music circle, especially those players who love Chopin's works, searched for all the clues like crazy.

From home, find abroad.

From classical music performers to pop music performers.

They searched everyone and asked all the people who liked Chopin, but no one dared to say that they played this set of works.

This set of works is simply too perfect, so perfect that they dare not blaspheme, so perfect that they dare not claim it.

If I got a fake claim, those enthusiastic netizens would force me to play for them again, wouldn't I be exposed?
Don't even say that someone asked you to play once, and your students come to listen to your class directly. If your demonstration in class is not perfect, it may be exposed.

It is impossible for you not to play the piano for the rest of your life. This is the same as playing games. You are a person who does not belong to the king's rank at all. You have a king's account and show off the king's rank everywhere.

Unless you don't continue to play this game for the rest of your life, sooner or later you will be exposed.

Therefore, everyone is frantically looking for this unknown performer, hoping that he can lead Asia and win the Chopin International Piano Competition again.

However, everyone completely ignored He Shen on the account name.

Wang Pei, who has been following He Shen's account, began to fall into deep thought. He didn't know whether he should issue a statement on He Shen's behalf, saying that this version was played by He Shen.

Moreover, I clearly wrote it clearly, He Shen's piano classroom, this one looks like He Shen's performance, why do this group of people think that this is a marketing account?
Is the ability to name yourself really that bad?
He Shen's piano classroom is so clear that people can tell that this account belongs to He Shen. Why do you think that this account is a marketing account?
He picked up the phone and hesitated, finally gritted his teeth and dialed He Shen's number.

(End of this chapter)

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