world number one pianist

Chapter 11 Humph!

Chapter 11 Humph!
The next day.

Relying on his own biological clock, He Shen woke up from the bed around six o'clock.

The weak sunlight flows in from the iron cracks in the basement, bringing a ray of light to the small basement, but this light is too weak, even for reading a book.

He Shen rubbed his eyes, reached out and groped for the electric light beside him, and after turning it on, he naturally sat on the piano, yawning and practicing basic skills.

Scales, arpeggios, octaves, finger independence exercises, cadences...

From the most basic finger exercises to the exercises with a little harmony in the later stage, He Shen went through them all unconsciously.

And when he finished all the basic exercises, He Shen also slowly woke up from this unconscious state, stood up and stretched.

This skill is a skill that he learned inexplicably a long time ago. The main reason is that practicing the basic skills for an hour every morning is too boring, and it doesn't need to use his brain, so he habitually puts his mind to practice.

Then, as I practiced, it became like this that I could doze off and run the basic skills at the same time.

After He Shen has finished all the basic skills, his fingers are already warmed up, so he can start some musical exercises.

He Shen found the four ballads belonging to Chopin from the messy score on the side, ran through them all, and nodded in satisfaction.

After he came back from Zhao Zitong's home yesterday, he has been practicing these four Chopin ballades. It is very obvious that after a whole day of fine-tuning, these four ballades of his have clearly improved to a higher level.

Twice as good as what he played for Zhao Zitong yesterday!
"Why don't we record Zhao Zitong again today and let her practice against the new version of me?"

He Shen thought about it while brushing his teeth, but soon, he put this idea aside. Now this version is his own understanding, and there are many, many understandings that belong to him alone, while the previous version is not like this .

In the previous version, most of them belonged to some recognized thinking, so the whole is more textbook-oriented, without many features, but there will be no mistakes.

Compared with my personal version, the public version is more suitable for Zhao Zitong to practice.

After He Shen spit out the foam in his mouth, he took a glass of water and gurgled a few times, held it in his throat for a while, then spit it out, wiped his face with the towel on the side, and went out directly in short-sleeved shorts.

Yesterday, it was a door-to-door job application, so it was natural to dress formally. Today, it belongs to normal work, so it is natural that there is no need to dress so formally.

He Shen walked to the small shop in front of his house. Before he entered, the boss who was packing up the goods in the small shop had already seen him, his eyes lit up, and he smiled cheerfully.

"Yo, Xiao He is here, it's still the same today? 10 old flavors?"

"Well, there are still 10 sticks, but I want to change the flavor today. Is there a new one, the green pepper mustard flavored lollipop, which is the new one. I want to try it."

"Tsk tsk, have you found a new job?" The boss smiled, fiddled around a few times, found lollipops that were almost the same color as He Qingapple, and handed the last five lollipops to He Shen.

"There are only five lollipops left. I didn't buy much, and not many people bought them. If you want them, I will give you all five lollipops. After all, you have been buying lollipops from me for so long, and you are all regular customers."

"Thank you." He Shen smiled gently, but he did not accept the boss's kindness. After paying for the five new-flavored lollipops, he bought another five old-flavored lollipops and stuffed them in In his pocket, he wobbled towards Zhao Zitong's neighborhood.

Not long after, he arrived at the door of Zhao Zitong's house and checked the time, it was 55:[-].

He Shen tidied up his image a bit, stood at the door and waited for a while, about a minute after nine o'clock, and knocked on the door lightly three times.

dong dong dong...

"Here we come! Wait a minute~"

A crisp sound came from the room, accompanied by the sound of pattering footsteps, the door was opened a small crack, Zhao Zitong was wearing pajamas, and poked a small head out of the crack.

"Who? It's my courier..."

The corner of the mouth that was originally slightly raised, slowly drooped and pouted the moment he saw He Shen.

She stood up, opened the door, and spoke to He Shen calmly.

"Oh, it's you, come in, the shoe covers are on the side, change it yourself."

After saying that, she drooped her slippers, went back to her room, and closed the door with a bang.

He Shen didn't care. After changing the shoe covers, he waited for a while at the door of her room, and then knocked on the door.

dong dong dong...

"come in."

Zhao Zitong's voice came from the room, and He Shen pushed open the door. At this time, Zhao Zitong had already changed into a very simple pure white dress. There wasn't even the slightest mood swing in her room.

"You can sit wherever you want, anyway, you have to leave after finishing your work today."

"Where's your mother?" He Shen pretended not to hear the last sentence, and asked.

Zhao Zitong shook the chair back and forth, and said: "She went out to work, and she told you to wait for her a little longer, and when she comes back tonight, she has something to ask you."

"Okay." He Shen nodded, and without looking for a place to sit down, he took out a new green pepper mustard lollipop from his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, and said directly: "Then let's start class today."

"Wait, wait, who told you that you are my piano teacher? Why do you give me lessons?"

Zhao Zitong suddenly reached out her hand to stop He Shen's words, then raised her head slightly, her snow-white curves shining brightly in the sun.

"Your Chopin Ballade No. [-] is not played well, and there are a lot of mistakes. I don't agree with you as my piano teacher! Absolutely disagree!"

"OK, all right."

"Hmph, I knew you were not dead, you..." Zhao Zitong was stunned in the middle of speaking, blinked, looked at He Shen uncertainly, and asked tentatively: "What did you just say? Okay What? You won't let me be my piano teacher?"

"Of course!" He Shen nodded without any hesitation, "I won't be your piano teacher."

"Huh? Uh, um..." Zhao Zitong felt that she was angry and had nothing to do with it. She originally thought that this teacher who came out of nowhere would want to be her piano teacher for money, but he directly said that he would not be her piano teacher. , for a while, a puff of breath couldn't help gushing out, and he snorted.

"Hmph! Why don't you want to be my piano teacher? Don't you have any pursuit?"

"No pursuit, I'm just your piano partner, I don't want to be your piano teacher."


Zhao Zitong looked at He Shen, who was playing badly, and couldn't find any reason to hate him for a while, so he couldn't help but snorted again, and turned his head to the side.

What's the use of this kind of person playing the piano well? With such a bad personality, he's destined not to find a partner in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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