The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 65 One-sided battle (Please watch, collect and recommend)

Chapter 65 One-sided battle (please watch, collect and recommend)
"It's not... Aokiji?" Gaspardi, who had been observing the opposite side, found that there was no general Aokiji on the ice, "Am I guessing wrong? 'Ask yourself if you are wrong.

Generally, the general will appear directly on the bow of the warship, appearing aboveboard, because the general represents the strongest combat power of the navy, and also represents face and justice.

Gaspardi took the phone bug and contacted the captains of the other three ships: "It's not Admiral Aokiji! Using such a powerful devil fruit, the physical strength will definitely drop sharply. Gather all your strength and take this opportunity to eliminate the other party! Don't give Opportunities for each opponent to break through!"

The other three captains are not out of their wits either. The three of them lost their composure in the face of the supernatural phenomenon that just appeared. It will increase sharply, which is good for increasing your own reward amount and recruiting subordinates. It is not impossible to become Qi Wuhai.

The pirates who used to lick their blood were restrained by their own captain, and they disembarked together to gather to defend against the enemy, leaving only a small number of people on board and attacking the opposite side with artillery. Due to the relationship between position and angle, only a few artillery pieces at the bow of the ship can attack the opponent.

"Ala, in such a situation, they didn't run away, but came forward instead. It seems that they are not afraid of you, Estes-san~"

"Isn't it better to gather together, so that we can catch everything in one go, and save time when the ice is scattered everywhere." Esdes didn't take Kuang San's slight ridicule seriously. The pirates on the opposite side were all killed.

At this time, the pirates on the opposite side may not realize that their enemy is far more terrifying than Aokiji.

Eric first gave the first order: "As for the support, I gave you Kuang San, just shoot from the rear, and the three of us will go forward to meet the enemy."

"Leave it to me," Kuang San stretched out his left hand to the sky, "Emperor Keke!"

A huge clock appeared behind Kurumi, and the pirates on the opposite side were in a commotion, "There is another devil fruit capable user? What kind of ability is this?" Gaspardi's face became more gloomy.

"One bullet (Aleph)" The black air flowed out from the top of the clock scale and entered into two guns, one long and one short, "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang" fired four shots in a row, accelerating myself and the three, Although he was a little unhappy when he shot Esdeth, he still accelerated time for Esdeth.

The pirate on the other side saw Kurumi shooting at himself and the other three, and they all showed puzzled eyes, 'Why?Is there infighting?You don't have to shoot yourself, do you? '

Estes, who is very sensitive to physical conditions, moved his wrist to feel the physical difference brought about by the acceleration, "Is this the feeling of acceleration? Well done, Tokisaki Kurumi."

"Hmph, please don't be sentimental, you are still my enemy."

"Ah, I know, but Eric still belongs to me, and I won't give it to you." Esdes replied without giving Kuangsan a chance to choke. Western Sword rushed towards the opposite pirate.

Kurumi resisted the thought of pulling out his gun to shoot at Esdeth, and stomped his feet again, "City of Eating Time!" The black and red enchantment spread to the surroundings, and the weak pirates lay down because of the feeling of weakness. Pour a slice.

Several captains also felt the weakness attacking them when they entered the enchantment, but they all broke free with their own strength.

"Military Adviser" Ward Aziz looked at Kuang San: "Is it this guy's ability? Get rid of her first, so as to release this weak control, and we will have a lot more manpower."

"Dengdengdengdeng", the barefooted Nides didn't mind the cold ground, bypassed Chitong and Eric from the side, and went straight to Kuangsan.

"Alala, I was underestimated too." Kuangsan said with a smile, and disappeared from Nides eyes.

"It's gone!" Nides stopped, and at this moment, "I'm here~" came from the side

There was a "bang" gunshot, and the rifle bullet, accompanied by powerful kinetic energy, hit Nides' right arm, sending him flying, blood spraying out.

Nieders turned his body in the air, hooked his uninjured left hand to the ice below, and pulled out a long trace. He raised his head and looked at Kuang San who blasted him out with his bloodshot eyes. Stepping to the ground, he ran towards Kuang San again.

Kuang San once again disappeared from his eyes. This time he learned his lesson and hurriedly looked left and right, hoping to find the location where Kuang San would appear next time, but this time a voice came from above, "I'm so sorry, you guessed wrong~"

Kuang San appeared from above his back, stepped on Nides' back with his right foot, and stomped him to the ground. The spear on the back of his head hit the back of Nides' head with his right foot, making him dare not act rashly.

"Allah, do you choose to surrender or die?"

Nides, who was silent and talkative, wanted to use the sharp claws on his intact left hand to attack Kurumi who was close at hand.

"Ah, Gui'an." There was only this short farewell words, "Bang!" Kuang San pulled the trigger and fired this shot, smashing Nides' head to pieces.

The "Military Advisor" Ward Aziz who saw this scene couldn't help cursing in his heart: "You are a gunner, why are you so powerful in melee combat!" '

Seeing the death of his confidant, Gaspardi didn't make any expression, because he was facing Esthers now, and just standing opposite her, he could feel her murderous aura that was so thick that it was almost substantive.

When Estes rushed over, he only cut down two sightless pirates along the road, and stood in front of Gaspardi, who seemed to be the strongest, "You look completely different from the other minions Ah, I don't know if your strength can satisfy me."

Esdece's aura did not scare Gaspardi, but made Gaspardi's eyes widen with excitement, "Then let's compete, who is stronger." Gaspardi, guns and swords are useless to him, except that using powder can materialize his body, and with the ability of jelly candy, let him run wild in the first half of the great voyage - Paradise, except for those few Outside of Qiwuhai, not many people have the strength to threaten him.

"Oh? You are very confident in your own strength." Due to his height, Gaspardi could only see Esdeth's mouth, which was not covered by the brim of his hat, slowly changing into a crescent moon, "Then I'm not welcome .”

As soon as the words fell, the western sword was lifted from the bottom up. Gaspardi would not do evasive movements before, but this time his heart throbbed suddenly, and he took a step back like a ghost, which also saved him from being disembowelled on the spot .

From the left abdomen to the right chest, a slanted long bloodstain appeared on Gaspardi's upper body, and the tip of the western sword slowly dripped blood, and Esthers said disdainfully: "I thought you were so strong Strength, I used to rely on the ability of devil fruits to live, what a boring ability, boring strength, and even more boring battles."

Gaspardi opened his eyes angrily, with a wide mouth the size of half his face, and roared angrily: "I will make you regret saying such words!"

Gaspardi's left and right arms turned into green spears, stabbing at Esdeth one left and one right.

(End of this chapter)

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