The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 558 It's time for revenge

Chapter 558 It's time for revenge


Under the surface of the sea, the instruments in the submarine made a "didi" sound, and the elite members of the Heart Pirates and the Hawkins Pirates gathered in the Polar Diving.

"Huh...huh..." Beppo hung out his tongue and lay on the ground.

"It's really ugly..." Faust was also sweating profusely, but he maintained an elegant posture: "The fur tribe born in the new world is only this level? Meow~"

"What did you say!" Beppo immediately jumped up.

"Look at you now..." Faust pointed at Beppo.

"You still have the face to criticize me?" Beipo countered: "You are also sweaty, so take off your cloak that is getting in the way."



The captains of the two pirate groups stopped their deputy at the same time.

Beppo complained, "Captain, but I'm so hot."

"Just wait a little longer." Luo comforted, and then handed Beppo and Faust a popsicle respectively: "Eat this to cool down."

"Lick~lick~" Beipo quickly snatched a popsicle away, and ate it three times.

"Thank you."

After Faust thanked him, he took the popsicle and ate it.

"Sorry, it was a great help." Hawkins thanked his deputy again.

Luo Kaiteng said: "You haven't been in a submarine before, so it's normal that you don't know that this kind of situation will happen to the fur tribe."

Hawkins sat upright in a chair, fiddling with tarot cards in his hands.

One of Hawkins' subordinates leaned against the window, watched the seabed through the glass, and exclaimed, "It's really a good ship."

"Sailing in the sea, you can avoid the pursuit of the navy and save a lot of trouble." Another person echoed: "Captain, let's also buy a submarine as our flagship..."

"..." Faust glanced at the two of them, his sharp claws popped out, and "ding" lighted up.

"...Sorry, Captain, forget what I just said."

Hawkins said lightly: "There may be no navy in Beihai from now on, and you don't have to be afraid of the navy anymore."

Hawkins' subordinates shouted happily: "His Majesty Eric really wants to occupy the entire North Sea?! That's great!"

"Time won't be too fast. There will be half of the North Sea, and there will be an era of no world government, no navy, and pirates." Hawkins poured cold water on several people.

Luo "hehe" smiled and said, "Although there will be less pursuit by the navy, there will be more fights between pirates."

"The strength of the pirates in the North Sea is generally not weak. There are several pirates whose strength is almost the same as that of Doflamingo, which is enough for us to hone our own strength."

"Doflamingo? That Shichibukai who was dealt with by His Majesty Eric? It's no big deal..."

"..." Luo glanced at the speaker, and asked back: "Do you think Qi Wuhai's strength is very weak?"

"Difficult, isn't it..." Hawkins' subordinate replied timidly: "His Majesty Eric has already dealt with three Shichibukai, and there is another Qibukai who is also his defeated general."

Hawkins let out a long breath, showing an expression of "I can't believe it, this is what my subordinates said", and said, "Sorry, I should teach my subordinates more."

Luo waved his hand and said, "If our two pirate groups meet a Shichibukai, none of them will survive."

"Don't take it for granted that Qibukai is weak just because Captain Eric kills Qibukai like a chicken."

"On the contrary, Qiwuhai is very strong, but Captain Eric and the cadres are stronger."

Shaki, who had been observing the sea level with a periscope, shouted: "Captain! Spotted the target!"

Hawkins put away the tarot cards, stuffed them inside his clothes, and stood up.Luo hugged Guiku tightly in his arms, and straightened his upper body.

The members of the two pirate groups cheered up.

"At ten o'clock!" Xia Qi said the target position.

"Looking at the style of this warship, it is a rear admiral."

Luo and Hawkins looked at each other and nodded: "The information is correct."

Hawkins took out the phone bug and made a call: "According to the plan, you are bombarding the warship on the sea surface to attract the attention of the navy, and we are approaching from underwater."


A navy ship painted in dark blue, carrying the royal family and nobles of the Kingdom of Frevans, is preparing to meet in the scheduled sea area.

There are more than 20 franchise countries, it is impossible for each franchise country to send a lieutenant general to guard, and the navy headquarters does not have so many free lieutenant generals.

The main duty of the Vice Admiral of the Navy is to guard the most important great air route for the World Government. Therefore, the World Government chose a compromise solution and dispatched some major generals to be responsible for the main escort work, gathering all the personnel who needed protection together, and then Send several lieutenant generals and this group of major generals to form a large fleet, so that nothing will go wrong.

And the biggest enemy of the navy, the Dawn Pirates, who can safely travel between the New World and the North Sea, just fought against Shanks, who is also the "Four Emperors", and successfully made the world government relax its vigilance against Eric.

The royal family of Frevans, the contemporary king Cordoba Steed, was shaking a goblet full of red wine, sipping a sip facing the sea, and casually asked the waiter behind him:
"How many days will it take to reach the meeting point?"

The waiter in the butler's uniform bent down and replied, "Your Majesty, there are still two days left."

"It will take two more days!?" The king, who was not born to bear hardships, said angrily, "I can't stay for a day now!"

The waiter stood up tremblingly, fearing that he would displease the king and be severely punished.

"Hmph!" Cordova Steed put the wine glass heavily on the table, the liquid shook and some spilled out, and the waiter hurriedly picked up a rag to wipe it.

"I'll go and urge you!" Steed aggressively pushed open the hatch, completely treating the warship as his own palace, and the two guards guarding the door immediately followed his king.

Major General Kelun was standing on the deck, exchanging views with his adjutant.

"Major General, the royal family and nobles of the Frevans Kingdom carry too much cargo, almost filling the entire storage room."

"Oh." Major General Ke Lun sneered disdainfully, and commented: "This group of moths."

"The accumulation of belongings slowed the speed of the ship, and it may be three or four hours later than expected."

"Will you be late?" Ke Lun frowned.

The adjutant was confident: "We set off one day earlier, so we won't be late."

"I remember that Frevans named 'White Town' has perished. Why are the royal family and nobles of Frevans still alive?"

"..." The adjutant didn't speak up, not daring to answer Major General Kelun's question directly.

At this moment, a very unpleasant voice came over.

"Major Admiral Kelun!" King Steed shouted unceremoniously, "Can you speed up the voyage, I want to shorten the voyage time as much as possible."

Rear Admiral Kellen glanced back at Steed in displeasure, and replied in a business-like tone: "It is already the fastest speed of a warship, and there is no way to speed it up."

"You!" King Steed pointed at Major General Kelun, almost hitting him in the face: "How dare you talk to me like that!"

"Oh." Major General Kelun laughed angrily at King Steed's attitude: "My task is to protect your safety, not to obey your orders and to figure out my position."

"You you you—!" King Steed was so angry that he couldn't speak, and the repeated "you" was his last stubbornness.

"Be careful, the wind and waves in the North Sea are very strong, and the ship will tilt, so be careful not to bump into it." Major General Ke Lun said coldly.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" As soon as Major General Kelun's words fell, the scouts in the watchtower gave a loud warning: "I found the pirate group!"


Immediately afterwards, there was an explosion, a column of water rose from the sea, and the deck was tilted at an angle. King Steed, who was suspected of suffering from triple height, fell to the ground with a "plop", rolling and hitting the side of the ship.

"..." Rear Admiral Ke Lun quickly rushed to the side of the enemy's attacking ship, looked intently, and carefully identified the flag of the attacking pirate group: "Hawkins Pirates?"

It is the duty of every senior military officer to remember the flags of the Pirates under their jurisdiction, as well as the important bounties.

The adjutant added: "It's the 'magic' Basil Hawkins with a bounty of [-] million Baileys."

Ke Lun was silent for a moment, then said: "I remember, he is a devil fruit ability user."

"Yes... However, it is not marked in the information, so I don't know the specific ability."

"Heh!" Major General Ke Lun sneered, and said disdainfully, "Think you can go unscrupulously in the sea with the ability of the Devil Fruit?"

The adjutant asked: "Major General Kelun, what should we do?"

"Fire back." Rear Admiral Ke Lun smiled faintly: "How could the pirate ship defeat the naval warship in a naval battle?"

Suddenly, a flat male voice came from behind: "Of course the pirate ship is no match for the warship."

The sharp saber slashed towards Major General Ke Lun's back.

"Dang" Ke Lun didn't even look at it, the blade was half out of its sheath to block Luo's sneak attack.

"As expected of the rear admiral of the headquarters." Hawkins slowly drew out his long sword: "The strength is far different from that of the captain of the North Sea branch."

"Pirate—!" King Steed rushed to the central cabin, and some nobles who were ventilating on the deck also rushed to their rooms in a panic, colliding with the sailors who rushed out of the cabin. group.

"Go away! You bastards, I'm a nobleman!"

"Who stepped on me!? Hey! Hey! Don't step on it!"

Major General Collen glanced at Hawkins, and fixed his eyes on the man who attacked him. He was wearing an inappropriately spotted winter fur hat, a yellow casual long-sleeved T-shirt on the upper body, a heart pirate team flag painted on the chest, and a blue shirt on the lower body. jeans.

"Heart Pirates, the 'Death Surgeon' with a bounty of 1000 million Baileys, Trafalgar Law?"

Luo looked back at the royal family and nobles of the Frevans who were entangled with the sea soldiers, and after confirming that they could not escape, he turned his gaze back and said with a smile: "I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing to be recognized by the rear admiral. "

Rear Admiral Ke Lun flashed his long sword and said coldly: "The duty of the Rear Admiral is to catch wanted criminals who offer a reward of over [-] million. If you feel emotional, let's leave it to the city of Advance."

"Hissing" Straws drilled out from Hawkins' collar and cuffs, and covered Hawkins' face, neck, and arms. His body swelled to more than five meters at a speed visible to the naked eye, and became a giant in a few breaths. Scarecrow with a hideous face.

"The appearance of the demon!"

"Using the ability so quickly?"

"Since we know that the opponent's strength is not weak, we must resolve the battle as quickly as possible." Hawkins said lightly: "In case of accidents."

"That's right." Luo turned his head to look at Beibo, Xia Qi, Pei Jin and others, and said, "Go and hold back those sea soldiers."

The three of them were shocked and reminded loudly: "Captain, be careful!"

When Luo looked away, Major General Ke Lun immediately rushed to Luo, raising the sharp blade that had already been unsheathed.

Hawkins, who turned into the image of subjugating demons, urged the long sword woven from straw, and the blade of the straw rose against the wind, blocking the blade that was slashing towards Luo.

"ROOM!" A cyclone appeared out of nowhere in Luo's palm, and it turned into a hemispherical light ball in an instant, enveloping the surrounding people and things.

Luo turned his palm over and separated his two fingers: "Slaughterhouse!"

ability to activate.


The adjutant who was rushing behind Major General Kelun switched positions with Luo.

Under the effect of Luo's ability, he suddenly changed his field of view and venue, which made the major general's adjutant slightly taken aback.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Beibo reacted first, and amidst the shouts, he put on a strange posture, and quickly kicked at the stunned adjutant with one leg.

At the same time, Luo, who dodged behind the enemy, slashed at Major General Kelun with a knife.


Major General Ke Lun's figure flashed, and he used his fast-moving skills to avoid the pincer attacks of Hawkins and Luo.

He glanced at the comatose adjutant, and asked, "It's this ability that made you suddenly board the warship?"

Luo didn't answer, and slashed towards Ke Lun from a distance. Ke Lun suddenly felt bad, and bent down to avoid the invisible blow.

In his field of vision, on the extension line of Luo's slash, the cabin and the mast in the center of the warship were broken into two pieces.


"Ahhh!" The horrified screams attracted everyone's attention. King Steed, who was shivering in the cabin, was cut into two by Luo's knife. His upper body looked at his lower body at a loss, and finally Rolling his eyes, he fainted from fright.

"..." Major General Kelun played very cautiously to deal with the joint attack of Luo and Hawkins.

The long and narrow fingertips made of straw were bound with a long black nail. Hawkins swung his arm violently and threw the black nail towards Collen's vitals.

Colum rushed forward and rushed to Hawkins' chest. His size became too large and he lost part of his flexibility.


Collen's sharp blade pierced Hawkins' chest, and the feeling transmitted from his palm was obviously the tactile sensation of hitting the entity: "Okay! Even if you are a natural type, my blade is wrapped around the armed domineering! You are dead!"

Hawkins paused, opened his mouth suddenly, and spit out dozens of spikes from his mouth. Collen, who was close at hand, couldn't dodge, and a small half of the spikes hit his body.

The sailors blocked by Bebo, Xia Qi, Pei Jin, and Hawkins' men shouted: "Major Admiral Kelun!"

"Ha...ha..." Ke Lun panted heavily, pulling out the bloody spikes one by one.

However, two fists were no match for four hands, and Major General Kelun still died under Hawkins' long sword.

When the officer was killed in battle, the morale of the sailors on the ship immediately collapsed, and they immediately left the royal family and nobles of the Kingdom of Frevans, and jumped into the sea to escape.

Luo slowly turned his head and looked at the group of nobles with limp feet, showing a look of crying and laughter: "Father, mother, sister, nun... I will avenge you today!" '


(End of this chapter)

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