Chapter 552

Thunderbolts of hundreds of millions of volts continuously bombarded the ground, and the extremely high heat carried by the lightning melted the soil, turning the ground into a molten state.

Tiny electric arcs flickered and flowed on the surface, and Eric extracted a large amount of iron sand from it, which gathered in the air to form countless fine iron sand particles.

"...!" Shanks looked at the densely packed iron sand floating in the air, his face became serious.

Eric smiled: "These iron sand particles look very small, but they still hurt when they hit people."

"Maybe, there will be many wounds on your body."


The ear-piercing sound of electric current sounded again, and the jet-black iron sand gradually took on a high-temperature orange-red color. There was a heat wave in the air, and the air rose due to the rising temperature. The change in air density caused the scene in the field of vision to become distorted.

"I also increased the temperature..." Eric was just about to activate the electromagnetic field to drive these countless iron sands and shoot them all at the red-haired pirates.

Shanks rushed in front of Eric abruptly, and an extremely bright sword light suddenly slashed towards Eric's neck.

"This action, did you see my future actions..." Eric cocked his spear to stop Shanks' slash.

"..." There was a red light in Shanks' eyes, obviously he had been urging his domineering aura.

"I can't see his future clearly, but he can see my future..." Eric's face darkened. This is definitely a terrible ability in a duel between top experts.

As a result, every move he made would be predicted in advance by him, but he couldn't predict his actions.

This feeling of slowing down the other party in everything made Eric very uncomfortable.

"Do you think that sealing my hands can prevent me from attacking?" Eric said suddenly.

"!" Shanks widened his eyes suddenly, and shouted loudly without looking back: "All members, immediately find the nearest obstacle to hide!"

The members of the red-haired pirates who were on the way to retreat immediately rushed towards the obstacles such as trees and rocks closest to them.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Suddenly there was a sharp whistling sound in the air, like shooting endless bullets.

The orange-red iron sand accelerated faster than the speed of sound in an instant, stirring up a small sonic boom cloud.The iron sand shot against the semi-circular gas mask like a gust of wind and rain towards the red-haired pirates.


The iron sand flying at three times the speed of sound easily pierced the tree trunk and shattered the rocks. The red-haired pirates hiding behind were not spared. The scorching iron sand broke through the armed defense and broke the barrier of flesh and blood. penetrating into the flesh.



The shrill screams came out immediately.

There are also some members of the red-haired pirates who are slightly lucky, with deep pits and large rocks next to them, and escaped the fate of being injured.

Even if the cadres of the red-haired pirates were seriously injured, most of them either avoided or resisted this torrential attack by virtue of their exquisite knowledge and strong armed arrogance.

When the sharp whistling sound of "whoosh whoosh" disappeared, the people who were hiding trembled and cautiously poked their heads out, carefully observing the situation outside.

"What, what is this!?"

I saw dense potholes inlaid on the ground, tree trunks, and rock surfaces.

On the edge of the pothole, there are scorched black traces after being burned at high temperature. In the innermost part of the pothole, there is a small black sphere that is emitting white smoke.

Blood dripped drop by drop along the corner of the clothes. Shanks was unfortunately hit by iron sand in the large-scale attack just now. The circular hole in the clothes proved this.

Just now, when Eric drove the iron sand to attack, he also aimed at himself and Shanks.

Relying on the characteristic of the natural system ignoring physical attacks, the iron sand shot in from behind Eric, shot out in front of himself, and all shot at Shanks who was close at hand.

However, the flesh-and-blood Shanks could not ignore these attacks, kicked his legs on the ground, and quickly opened the distance.

Of course Eric couldn't satisfy Shanks, so he immediately flashed to keep up, and locked on Shanks with the gunblade that breathed out purple flames.

Shanks turned around to block, and while firing the sharpshooter, his feet kept moving, turning around to dodge the iron sand blasting towards him.

The old enemy of the world's number one swordsman, with his excellent steps and sword skills, was only hit by two shots of iron sand under the airtight attack.

"Huh..." Shanks didn't care about the new wound on his body, took a breath, and immediately performed his duties as a captain:
"Everyone—return to the Red Forth at once!"

Hearing Shanks' order, the surviving members of the red-haired pirates, who were injured on their backs, immediately ran towards the Red Forth.

At the same time, one after another arrows with flashing cold light came continuously from the rear and shot at the backs of the members of the red-haired pirates.

Jesus Bu's fingers kept on pulling the trigger one after another, using sniping to stop Chiron's deadly shooting.

However, there were still a few arrows that slipped through the defense net woven by Jesus cloth. Several members of the running red-haired pirates stopped their feet, and only the center of gravity continued to rush forward, driving their bodies to the ground and inserting them into the ground. The arrow shaft on the back is shaking slightly.

"Damn—!" Jesus Bubei clenched his lower lip, biting the blood without realizing it, and stared fiercely at Chiron's direction with his only remaining left eye.

"Don't get excited." Ben Beckman advised: "Once you get emotional, you won't be able to display your knowledge and arrogance, and you will make more mistakes."

"I understand." Jesus took a deep breath, his chest rose and fell, and his fighting spirit rekindled in his eyes.

Chiron's right hand drew an arrow from the quiver, the tail of the arrow was put on the bowstring, and the shaft of the arrow leaned against the arrow rest: "Have you not lost your fighting spirit..."

"Very good, this is a qualified fighter."

As soon as the finger is loosened, the elastic potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, driving the arrow to fly far away.


In the retreating team, occasionally there were one or two slightly hasty screams.

On the way to escape, members of the red-haired pirates continued to fall and break away from the main force, and the fighters pursued the target persistently.

"...You run first!" A member of the red-haired pirates left the team spontaneously.

The members who were still running turned around and shouted, "What the hell are you doing!? Come back!"

"When I get rid of these guys, I will catch up with you!" He shouted without looking back, and rushed towards the group of fighters alone.

"...!!" The member of the red-haired pirates kept walking, of course he knew what this meant. He was sacrificing himself to let his companions escape from here.

"...I'll help him!"

In just two or three seconds, several members left the team and faced the chasing fighters together with the first member.


The escaped members of the red-haired pirates had tears in their eyes, blurring the scene in front of them.


The iron sand blasted into the ground, rocks, and soil escaped the shackles of gravity and floated up again. Seeing this scene, everyone knew that the torrential attack was about to come again, so they immediately quickened their pace.

Ben Beckman raised the flintlock rifle he got from his teammate, aimed it at Eric, and pulled the trigger.

The lead bullet wrapped around the armed force forced the pursuing Eric back, and Shanks took the opportunity to slash.

An invisible slashing wave struck Eric through the air.


Eric raised his gun and sent the chopping wave flying.The slash that was forced to change direction fell towards the forest, cutting off countless trees.

Shanks stepped on the ground with his right foot, his figure was like thunder, and he came to Eric in the blink of an eye. Griffin, wrapped in a black and red arc, tried his best to slash towards Eric.

While blocking the knife with his gun, Eric opened his mouth, which was lit with a red fire.

Ben Beckman on the Red Forth immediately went to support fire.

Erik was forced to change his attack target, and the flames of the dragon blasted towards the Red Forth.

The bullet held against the dragon's breath for a moment, and finally turned into ashes under the high heat.The pillar of fire carried an incinerating power that threatened to burn the Red Forth to rubble.

At this time, the domineering arrogance in Shanks' body spewed out like a vast river: "Don't shoot at my companion——!"

The rich domineering arrogance condensed into dark thunder, and struck at Eric who was close at hand.

"Heh!" Eric sneered, closed his mouth, and the heat that lost momentum dissipated in the air.The domineering arrogance in the body burst out immediately, and the two real arrogance collided together.

Where the domineering aura meets, the space vibrates and the atmosphere distorts. The domineering of the two is competing for each other, and no one wants to give it up.

In the end, it exploded violently, and the aftermath of the impact surged in all directions like a stormy sea.

Some personnel passed out foaming at the mouth, and the nearby companions immediately picked up his arms and ran with the unconscious companions on their backs.

"Quick! Quick! Quick!" The urging voices piled together, and the members of the retreating red-haired pirates finally boarded the Red Foss.

"La Kilu, Mengshida, Ben Ke Pinch, and Dege haven't come back yet!"

"Even the cadres are dead..."

"Shut up!" A member of the red-haired pirates grabbed the speaker by the neckline, tears overflowed from his eyes, and the clear snot stretched out: "Don't talk nonsense——!"

"The cadres will not fall!!"

Ben Beckman took a puff of smoke and put his left hand on his shoulder: "Calm down."

"But, but—!" The member turned his head with difficulty, and replied intermittently with a painful expression on his face.

"They're not dead yet." Jesus Bu's knowledge sense sensed the breath of the four people, tilted his head, and motioned him to look in that direction: "Look, they're back."

In the cluttered woods, a brown-haired monkey first appeared, and then Ben Ke Pinch, who was carrying the chubby body of La Kilo on his back.

Apparently, Monstad graciously gave up his seat for the seriously injured La Kilo.

Dege, who was at the back of the team, kept cutting down trees along the road to block the detonating clay jumping behind and fled back in embarrassment amidst a series of explosions and flames soaring into the sky.

Not far behind De Ge, a giant white bird was not far behind, and there were white birds or other insects being thrown out by Didara.

"Very good! Everyone is here..." Someone was about to speak, but the voice slowly stopped.Almost all of the companions in front of him were injured, and even half of their familiar faces were missing. His nose was sore, and tears flowed down his face.

"Don't relax!" Ben Beckman's voice echoed throughout the sailboat: "The battle is not over! The war is far from over!"

"Survival is the best reward for your companions!"

Many members of the red-haired pirates, who were secretly crying, immediately raised their hands to wipe away their tears, and the flames of survival were ignited in their eyes.

"Very good!" Ben Beckman acted as the conductor: "Anchor up, sail down!"

"What about the leader..."

"Shanks will take care of himself!" Ben Beckman continued to command: "The sailors go to steer the sailboat, and the combat members fire artillery and bullets here to support Shanks!"


Ben Beckman is like a needle for calming the sea, delivering orders one by one in an orderly manner, calming down the panicked members and keeping them busy with their work.

After completing the command work, Ben Beckman leaned over and asked, "How is La Kilo's injury?"

"Not so good..." As soon as Dege touched La Jilu, the black and crispy things on La Jilu's body fell down with a "crash".

Ben Beckman, who has always been prudent, bit off the butt of his cigarette. He couldn't leave his mouth during the battle, but he forgot to light another cigarette.

"Fortunately..." Dege checked it carefully and quickly, and said, "Fortunately, La Jilu's fat is relatively thick, otherwise..."

Ben Beckman's stern expression returned.

The sails were bulging, and under the blowing force of the wind, the Red Forth gradually left the coast and sailed into the distance.

"Want to run!?" Eric's eyes narrowed, iron sand floating in the air, all shot at the Red Forth.

There was a dense "swish" sound in the air, and the rapid string of compressed air piercing through the space made the crew on the Red Forth nervous.

"Not good! Sail!" Ben Beckman became nervous.

Gabu opened his mouth wide, and the light gathered in his mouth: "Roaring impact!"

"bang bang bang"

A large amount of iron sand like bullets fell on the wooden ship's side and deck, and there was a dense beating sound.

A lot of iron sand was turned into powder by Gabu's roaring attack, and a lot of iron sand pierced through the snow-white sail, and the swollen sail immediately collapsed, half of the wind power was lost.

Shanks bullied himself and approached, and a black and red lightning arc flashed on Griffin's knife, cutting towards Eric.

The spear blade of the shocking black thunder collided with Griffin through the air, and countless arcs of dark red lightning burst out.

"Your knife also contains iron, right?" A ring of lightning flashed in Eric's hand, and a force was generated out of thin air, causing the Griffin in Shanks' hand to tilt.

"This is—!?" Shanks was taken aback, his eyes glowing red.

Eric stabbed straight with his gun, and the shot passed the crooked Griffin as quickly as a streamer, and went straight to the red hair, but Shanks detected it in advance and made an evasive action in advance.But the speed of the gun was too fast, and it still stabbed Shanks in the side, tearing a gap that sprayed blood.

Shanks reluctantly kicked out, and the flip-flop flew towards Eric's head.

When Eric tilted his head to dodge, Shanks' figure had disappeared.

"Are you back on the Red Foss?" Eric was about to set off to pursue, but he felt that Ajin was in danger under Zhongya's crazy attack in the Central Plains.

"—Wan Lei!" Not wanting to let the red-haired pirates go just like that, Eric raised his arm, and countless silver-white lightnings radiated from the clouds, cracks like branches ripped through the darkness, and all blasted towards the sea surface. Sailing Red Forth.

Under the thunder god's roar, the whole ship was constantly floating, and there was a possibility of capsizing at any time.

Eric didn't continue to pay attention to his masterpiece, and flashed to Ajin's side, and Zhongyuan Zhong also waved the ball of gravity to hit him.

[Ding... You have three new emails]

[Complete the achievement of "Defeating the Red-haired Pirates" and get 8 achievement points. 】

[Achieve the achievement of "Fighting the Four Emperors Invincible Hands" and get 15 achievement points. 】

[Temporary mission completed: Defeat the red-haired pirates]


 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket from the big book friend 20220328184230909; the red-haired pirates are not yet destroyed, and they will definitely be cleaned up in the future; the red-haired pirates have become a disabled group.

(End of this chapter)

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