Chapter 529
"Katakuri..." Charlotte Lingling seemed to have regained her senses, and she said slowly, "There's also... Bree..."

"Do you think two people can stop me!?"

Her eyes were wide open, and she released a domineering and domineering look. The rich pink halo and dark thunder swept across the two people in front of her with lightning speed, and countless mirrors shattered in front of the violent air waves.

"Hey!" Bree's snot and tears flew together, and he uttered a horrified tone.

A dark figure stood in front of Bree, making Bree, who was still in shock, recover.


"Don't panic." Katakuri said calmly: "You leave the mirror world, return to the real world, always pay attention to the battle situation in the mirror world, and when I give the signal, pull me out of the mirror world in time, and you will not be killed. Will there be any problems..."

"Even Katakuri, who has never been defeated in his life, can't defeat Mom!"

"I just need to procrastinate in the mirror world..." Katakuri said lightly, "I don't need to defeat Mom..."

"But, but this..."

"This is the best solution to protect you." Katakuri's tone did not change a bit: "If mother is allowed to wreak havoc in the mirror world alone, she will destroy the mirror world sooner or later and run out. By then, the entire island will be destroyed. Potentially destroyed. So, I stayed here as a bait to attract Mommy's attack..."

"Fortunately, Zeus and Prometheus did not follow mom into the mirror world, mom only has one Napoleon at the moment..."


"Let's go!" The red light in Katakuri's eyes suddenly brightened, and he has seen the future in a few seconds:
Charlotte Lingling would not hesitate to take big strides and rush towards the two of them!

In this way, Bree will definitely lose the chance to leave the battlefield!

"Yes!" Bulei also understood that she could only drag Katakuri's hind legs by staying here. She turned her head, took a deep look at her brother, and rushed to the nearest mirror with tears in her eyes. Drilled out.

"Katakuri, do you want to hinder me!?" Charlotte Lingling rushed over with trembling steps on the ground: "Where is my wedding cake? — Hurry up and hand it over to me!"

"I'm sorry, Mom—!" Katakuri's eyes lit up red, and Charlotte Lingling clearly knew the path of Napoleon's long knife and the location of the attack.

Katakuri, who was holding a trident, did not choose to take it hard, and jumped backwards with his slender legs.


The long knife fell on the ground, and the dust exploded like fireworks. The strong shock wave seemed to make the whole mirror world tremble slightly.

Katakuri retreated in the air, raised his left arm, and the whole arm squirmed as quickly as glutinous rice, and immediately changed into the appearance of a Gatling gun, and covered it with a layer of armed domineering.

"Wu Shuang Rice Cake Blade Bomb!"

The Gatling machine gun spun at a high speed, and bullets wrapped in colored balls shot out from the muzzle, and a large number of pitch-black bullets hit Charlotte Lingling's pupa.

"clang clang"

The glutinous ball bullets poured down on Charlotte Lingling's round belly, as if hitting an extremely hard steel plate, and there was an endless sound of metal and iron.

A large number of glutinous balls hit the belly and bounced in all directions.

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't itch..." Charlotte Lingling said to herself nonchalantly, and turned her head to look at Katakuri who was not far away. Katakuri, who has rich experience in actual combat, opened enough reaction between the two distance.

When knowledgeable domineering is cultivated to a very high level, one can glimpse the short future, not only can see the picture, but also can hear the sound.

That is to say, Katakuri can foresee the development direction of all things in the next few seconds.

Although it is only a few seconds, as long as it is used properly, it can be invincible. This is why Katakuri believes that he can hold his mother back.

"Do all these useless little moves..." Charlotte Lingling had lost her mind, and her cravings gave her an urge to destroy and crush everything around her.

"This is...!" The red glow in Katakuri's eyes didn't stop at all, and he could always predict the future development trend. He saw his mother perform a move with a very wide attack range.

Katakuri leaned down, resting his left hand on the ground.

"Just blast you to pieces!" Charlotte Lingling grinned grinningly, completely ignoring her most reliable general on the opposite side: "Elbaf's gun——"

"Flowing glutinous rice balls!" Katakuri awakened his ability, and the distorted ground, like a black and white checkerboard, suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flowing white glutinous rice.


Without any extra nonsense, Charlotte Lingling, who lost her mind, opened fire with full firepower, and Napoleon's long knife slashed in the direction of Katakuri.

Under the control of Katakuri, the white glutinous rice ocean produced waves at the right time. The glutinous rice under Charlotte Lingling's right foot suddenly lifted a few inches, and her bloated body suddenly tilted.

A burst of purple shock wave shot out, missing the slightest bit, and shot obliquely from Katakuri's upper right with a mighty power of thousands of miles.

Where the shock wave passed along the way, the grid-shaped ground was turned into powder. This shock wave penetrated a wall, and after smashing countless walls, it passed through the mirror world——

"Brey, have you come out?" The surrounding brothers and sisters gathered around. At this moment, it was less than a minute before Breyla Katakuri and Charlotte Lingling entered the mirror world, and they asked in one go: "Ka How are brother Takuri and mother?"

"..." Bu Lei shook her head with tears streaming down her face, and said after a second or two: "Brother Katakuri is holding Mommy in the Mirror World..."

"Quickly, gather all the mirrors in the cake island!" Bree shouted: "Brother Katakuri is facing his mother alone, and his life must be in danger!"

"Good!" Many brothers and sisters also agreed with this point of view. The horror of Charlotte Lingling is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even Katakuri, the most powerful Katakuri, can hardly survive the time facing his mother. Katakuri must be rescued in time in an emergency. Takuri.


A purple cylindrical shock wave seemed to be produced out of thin air, shot out from the inside of Cake City, pierced through countless layers of walls, and shot into the sky unabated, reaching the sky beyond the naked eye before dissipating.

"That's... Mom's Weiguo!"

The children of the Charlotte family recognized their mother's move at a glance.

"Could it be Katakuri-san already..." Oprah, whose face was covered with whipped cream, blurted out in astonishment.

"No way!" Bree shouted loudly, "Brother Katakuri won't lose!"

"But, that trick..."

"I will help Brother Katakuri in time!" Bu Lei cheered herself up and said, "Hurry up and collect the mirrors too!"

"Okay!" Many members of Charlotte led a large number of chess soldiers to collect mirrors from door to door.


"Huh?" The giants who were running towards their own sailboat looked up at the purple column of air piercing the sky:

"Who is Big Mom attacking?"

"Never mind her!" Omer replied gruffly, "It's better if she doesn't come after us!"

"Looking at her appearance, Big Mom seems to be suffering from some kind of disease, ignoring the enemy and attacking at will." Navigator Gust said: "The members of the Charlotte family fight themselves, it is best to die clean."

"No." Prince Rocky's face was gloomy, and the anger in his eyes was burning: "The new and old hatreds that Big Mom has forged, we must understand with our own hands!"

Omer asked: "Master Loki, do you need to return to Elbaf and immediately send troops to attack the nations?"

"No." Loki was not dazzled by revenge and anger, and after a few seconds of running, he said: "Big Mom's terrifying strength, I think you have seen it with your own eyes."

"..." All the giants were speechless. They had never seen such an oppressive human being, and I am afraid that the other "Four Emperors" who were as famous as him were not much less.

"Even if you defeat the nations and kill Big Mom, Elbaf will still suffer heavy losses. The world government has always complained about Elbaf, and they will never let go of such a good opportunity..."

"Are we going to swallow this!?" a fiery giant blurted out.

"No, we have to calm down!" Loki exhorted: "During the era of great pirates, countless pirates came forward to challenge the throne of the Four Emperors."

"We can connect with those pirate groups and use those pirates as cannon fodder..."

"You can also unite with another Four Emperor Pirates who have a grudge against the Big Mom Pirates—the Dawn Pirates!"

"I have a better partner here~" A soft and pleasant female voice came from the side of many giants.

"Who!?" Everyone quickly turned their heads to look, only to see a woman wearing a white hat, a pink dress, and a snow-white shawl, with a leather bag in one hand, standing pretty on Omer's shoulder.

"How did you come to me!?" Omer was furious, a weak human dared to stand on his body!
He raised his free left hand and slapped Stucey on his right shoulder.


The pretty figure disappeared out of thin air, and the broad and thick palm was patted on the shoulder, and there was a crisp sound of skin and flesh colliding.

"Giant warriors, can you listen to my suggestion?" Stussy, whose figure appeared on Omer's bald head, asked.

"You...!" Omer was furious, this time it seemed that he had used all his strength to slap himself on the forehead.

"Wait a minute!" Prince Rocky called Omer, and after a moment of recollection, he asked, "Aren't you a guest invited by Big Mom? I remember you are 'Queen of Happy Street' Stussy."

"Prince Rocky has a good memory." Stussy slightly bent his legs and said, "This way I don't have to introduce myself anymore."

"What do you suggest? One of the 'Emperors' of the Underworld?" Prince Loki asked.

"I can't compare to the giant prince." Stussy complimented, she is a woman, with a beautiful appearance, a good figure, and a pleasant voice, almost no man can resist her beautiful words.

"..." Prince Rocky looked at Stucey with a scrutinizing gaze. He was thinking about the content of the conversation just now. If this woman spread it...

However, the giant race was originally a very vengeful race. They used other people to pretend to be brides to cheat the marriage, and Big Mom killed a giant warrior. Everyone knew that it was impossible for the giant race not to take revenge.

He didn't care either, and waited for Stucey to speak again while running.

The giant had long legs and big strides, and quickly passed through most of the capital. With the giant's height, he could already see the port and the huge sailing ship of the giants.

Stuci said: "Prince Rocky must know that I have a lot of intelligence networks that can help you find the bride hidden by the nations."

"You..." Prince Rocky's eyes lit up, obviously he hadn't forgotten the woman he fell in love with at first sight.

"Besides, I have a good relationship with Lingling..." After finishing speaking, Stussy noticed that the expressions of the giants changed, and quickly continued: "I can infiltrate Charlotte's house and help you search for Laura's information... "

"It won't do you any good, will it?" Prince Rocky frowned, pointing out directly: "Moreover, it will destroy your friendship with Big Mom."

"Oh..." Stussy sighed pitifully, and weaved a short lie: "I also fell in love with a man before, but because of family reasons, or his parents disliked my background, the other party caused me to fall in love with a man. My love affair ended without a problem..."

"When I see a pair of lovers who really love each other, but they are separated because of their family members, I think of my own past..."

"So, I want to help Prince Rocky sincerely, so that your lovers will get married..." Stussy raised his index finger and gently wiped away the tears that flowed down.

"It was because that man was not lucky enough that he didn't marry you." Prince Rocky comforted him in a rare way. Two people who have the same experience can easily resonate.

"Here, I'll give you my phone bug." Stussy stepped on the moon, her light body like a finch landed on Loki's outstretched palm: "I will do everything I can to help you find Laura ..."

Stucey bent down and placed a phone bug in Rocky's palm.

Prince Rocky didn't lose his mind with excitement. There must be a series of conditions for the other party to help him in this way, so he asked, "What conditions do you have?"

"There is also a force behind me. After I help you find Laura, can we sit down and discuss cooperation?"

After thinking for a moment, Loki nodded: "...Okay, but I can't ignore the interests of most of the clansmen."

"That's good!" Stussy clapped his hands together happily: "I'm going back to Cake City immediately to investigate the current situation of the Charlotte family. I'm sorry..."

Stussy said goodbye very gracefully, stepped on the void with her snow-white slender thighs, turned her back to the giants, and hurried towards Cake City.


"..." Katakuri's face changed, and he looked at the place where a bright round hole was opened in surprise: "Mom's blow actually broke the mirror world."

"Ha..." Not far away, Charlotte Lingling, who fell to the ground, slowly got up, and she shouted loudly: "Prometheus! Zeus! Come here!"

An orange-red, small sun-shaped object, and a snow-white cloud, drilled in from the hollow.

"Mom, here we come!"

"Not good!" Katakuri knew how terrible it was to have a mother with Prometheus and Zeus.

Katakuri activated his domineering aura, predicting the movement routes of the two Homiz, dancing his fingers, and a large number of white glutinous rice sticks entangled the two flying Homiz from all directions.

Prometheus and Zeus, who were bound by a large number of glutinous rice sticks, shouted loudly: "Ah... what are these things!"

"Mom, help!"

"Wallpaper glutinous rice balls!"

Katakuri grasped with his palms, the coffered ceiling above his head bulged downwards, and a huge ball of glutinous rice fell, crushing the two Homiz under the ball of glutinous rice.

"In this way, it should be possible to delay for a while..."

 Thanks to Leo for the 100 tip;

(End of this chapter)

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