The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 508 Clearing the Tumor Moth

Chapter 508 Clearing the Tumor Moth

"Launch a war against the Dawn Pirates!?" Marshal Sengoku suddenly stood up: "I don't agree with this order!"

Warring States did not hesitate to reject Wu Laoxing's proposal.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Kong also nodded and said: "The navy has just experienced a big defeat. Although the Beihai conscription has effectively alleviated the problem of the shortage of troops, but..."

Hearing that both of them objected, Wu Laoxing, who had a birthmark on his forehead and a mustache, interrupted rudely: "There is no room for you to refute the order we issued."

"..." Zhan Guo's face was suffocated, he naturally knew the temperament of these five people, the five old stars who are in charge of the highest power in the world, how could they care about the thoughts of the people below.

Commander-in-Chief Kong's face was also a bit unsightly. When he was the Admiral of the Navy, Warring States was a general under his command, and the two had a relationship of subordinates and subordinates for decades.

Warring States suppressed the hidden anger, ready to elaborate on his point of view, to stop Wu Laoxing's arbitrariness.

The blond-haired Wu Laoxing said: "Don't worry, the main attack force this time is not the Navy headquarters."

"Isn't the main attacking force the Navy Headquarters?" Marshal Warring States was taken aback.

"In some franchise countries located in the North Sea, the royal family and nobles conduct private transactions with the Dawn Pirates."

Zhan Guo nodded: "I've heard about it, but..."

"The Dawn Pirates are the great enemy of the world government, how dare they..." After a pause, Wu Laoxing seemed to notice his words and deeds, and immediately changed his tone, saying in another way:
"Bring these allied countries to the same front, and send troops together with the Navy Headquarters to fight against the Dawn Pirates."

Warring States had dealt with the high-level officials of these kingdoms, and he did not believe that these countries would obey his orders.

Warring States weighed their words and said, "I'm afraid it will be difficult to complete this matter..."

"In the name of the world government, we will order the allied countries in the North Sea to send troops together with the navy to beat these disobedient guys."

"However, once the forces and number of people participating in the battle increase, the Dawn Pirates may get news in advance and make pre-war preparations..."

"It's okay, this time the war is not to eliminate the Dawn Pirates, but to let these alliance countries recognize their identities."

"It can not only destroy the business between the Dawn Pirates and the franchise countries, but also hinder the development of the Dawn Pirates, killing two birds with one stone."

"However, this approach will cost the lives of many young sailors!" Warring States suppressed the anger that was about to burst out, and almost shouted what do you think of the lives of sailors? !
"So what? Sacrifice for justice, I believe they will not have any complaints." Wu Laoxing said in a cold voice: "The CP0 we sent is the contact person for the Beihai alliance countries, and this matter is settled like this .”

Wu Laoxing hung up the phone, and the commander-in-chief's empty office fell into silence.

Sora glanced at Sengoku who clenched his fists, and said to CP0 who was standing still: "You go out first."

CP0 did not leave immediately, but instead asked: "Marshal of the Warring States Period, when will the Navy Headquarters be able to gather troops?"

"...I have heard the order of the Five Old Stars." CP0 heard the low voice of the Warring States Period: "Soon, before gathering troops, I will contact you in advance."

CP0 retracted the phone bug, strode out of the commander-in-chief's empty office, and took the huge door behind him.

"...ha" Zhan Guochang sighed, stretching out his hand to cover half of his face, preventing Kong from seeing his current expression.

Kong smiled bitterly: "It's not easy to be a marshal..."

"Yeah..." Zhan Guo clenched his fists and said in a distressed voice, "Wuluoxing, he didn't take the lives of sea soldiers seriously at all."

"Dragon people never take other people's lives seriously."

In the eyes of Wu Laoxing, even Kong, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, is nothing more than a senior wage earner.

Suddenly, the Marshal of the Warring States had a flash of inspiration, and said slowly: "If I send these officers recruited from Beihai to fight against the Dawn Pirates, what do you think?"

Sora was taken aback immediately.

"Fighting the Dawn Pirates must be a mission with a high casualty rate..." Sengoku said to himself: "These newly recruited officers are undoubtedly the best consumables."

"You can't immediately dismiss the post, which will damage the reputation of the Navy Headquarters, and you can't do business, let the world think that the Navy doesn't know people well, then..."

"Letting this group of morally corrupt marines die on the battlefield can not only clean up part of the garbage, but also complete the orders issued by the five old stars."

"It's indeed a good idea." Sora nodded.

"It's not too late..." Zhan Guo stood up and said, "I'll go back immediately and prepare the roster of combatants."

"You go." Kong nodded and said, "If you have any difficulties, please contact me at any time."


Yixiao tapped the ground with his cane, walked into the door, and greeted, "Your Excellency, Marshal."

"Your Excellency, Chief of Staff."

Lieutenant General He, who rested his chin in both hands, nodded slightly. She believed that she could "see" her response by virtue of her profound knowledge and arrogance with a smile.

"Here comes a smile..." Zhan Guo smiled and said, "Please sit down."

With a smile, he stretched out his hand, groped in the air for a few seconds, finally grabbed the chair, pulled away a position, bent down and sat down: "Your Excellency, Marshal, what can I do with this old man?"

"Yixiao, aren't you satisfied with your recent military life?" Warring States is most satisfied with the recruiting in Beihai this time, that he recruited a master named Yixiao. Not to mention his strength, he is also very enthusiastic about the work of catching pirates. Within a month, dozens of pirate regiments were wiped out and nearly a thousand pirates were captured.

"The old man is very satisfied with his current life." Yixiao replied with a smile.

"It's like this..." Sengoku pondered for a moment, and told the newly promoted vice admiral: "Afterwards, our navy may wage war against the Dawn Pirates again."

His face changed with a smile, and he asked with a heavy expression: "Your Excellency Warring States, I heard that the Beihai conscription is to make up for the losses in the last war?"

Warring States readily admitted: "That's right."

With a puzzled smile, he asked, "Then why did the Navy Headquarters start a war with the Dawn Pirates again? I don't think the Navy Headquarters can easily win this time."

"I don't want to either." Zhan Guo shook his head helplessly, and said casually, "This is the order of Wu Lao Xing."

With a smile and a solemn face, he has of course heard of the names of the Five Old Stars, and these five people are the top decision makers of the world government.

"The new shipping lanes built by the Dawn Pirates gave way to the North Sea franchise countries to vigorously develop trade."

"That's not a bad thing, is it?"

"The bad thing is that their trading partner is the Dawn Pirates."

Warring States smiled wryly, and continued: "However, I also don't want the Dawn Pirates to continue to develop steadily."

With a smile and a slight nod, he expressed his approval. During the period of time he lived in the Kingdom of China, he fully experienced the rapid development of the Kingdom of China. However, he still did not think that the Dawn Pirates had the power to overthrow the world government. Land, resources, manpower In these respects, the gap between the two is huge.

The reason why the World Government can't spare all its troops to deal with the Dawn Pirates is also because the territory he controls is too large. If all the troops are deployed, most of the area will be invaded by other pirates immediately. This is not worth the gain for the World Government .

"Also, you should have heard that most of those who were successfully promoted to officers through Beihai conscription were not virtuous enough, and their reputation in the navy was tainted..."

He nodded silently with a smile.

"So, I plan to use this war to remove all these rotten moths."

"Do you need me to do anything?" asked with a smile.

"In this war, most of the combatants are sailors recruited from the North Sea. Therefore, as a winner, you have to participate in this war, otherwise others will notice."

"The old man understands."

"The main purpose of this war is to eliminate the moths in the navy. You don't want to fight to the death and never retreat, just smile."

"Haha..." Yixiao touched the back of his head, and said with a simple and honest smile: "The old man takes his own life very seriously, and you don't need to worry about this, Marshal."

"This time the coach of the army is Sakaski." Warring States continued: "You and Sakaski should be very familiar, so I don't need to introduce more?"

"Uh..." Yixiao's face was a little unnatural. He knew Akakenu's philosophy and character very well, because on the way to the Navy headquarters, the two had a big quarrel because of their disagreement.

Seeing the unnatural expression on Yixiao's face, Zhan Guo asked aloud, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Yixiao put away his expression, and asked: "Your Excellency, Marshal, when will you attack the Dawn Pirates?"

"It's estimated to be more than a month later." Warring States estimated the time in his mind, and said, "This time, the allied countries of Beihai will send troops together. The total number of troops participating in the battle is about [-] to [-]."

"..." After a moment of silence, he lowered his head with a smile, and his voice was a bit heavy: "Are you going to throw away so many lives?"

"Alas" with a smile, from the voice of the Warring States Period, he could hear the helplessness of the Warring States Period.

"This is an order from above."

In one sentence, it expresses the sadness and helplessness of the Warring States Period.

"I understand." Yixiao got up and left his seat, the chair legs made a "squeak" sound on the floor, and Yixiao still used the stick knife in his hand to tap out of the office, the sound of "da da da" gradually Disappeared deep in the corridor.

"Zhan Guo, you actually told the whole thing..." Lieutenant General He, who had been silent all this time, was quite surprised.

"It's better to be honest with a smile on your face," Zhan Guo said.

"Really..." Lieutenant General He still believed in the judgment of the Warring States Period, and said, "However, should you reconsider the appointment of Sakaski as the coach?"

Warring States asked rhetorically, "Are you worried about Sakaski?"

"Sakaski has been brooding over the loss to the Dawn Pirates, and I'm worried that he won't follow the military orders."

"That's why I told Yixiao everything." Sengoku explained: "Akainu once described in the report that Yixiao's strength is not much worse than him. With the ability of Yixiao's gravity fruit, the two of them escaped from the battlefield. There won't be any problems."

"I still think it's safer to let Aokiji be the coach this time." Lieutenant General He still didn't agree with the appointment of Warring States.

"..." After a moment of silence, Sengoku said: "If Aokiji is the commander, he will definitely not let these sailors sacrifice in vain, and the battle situation may fall into an unpredictable situation."

"But Sakaski's character and behavior are too extreme, I'm worried..."

"Sakaski is an excellent soldier, he can perfectly execute various military orders." Warring States interrupted: "This time, no one is more suitable than Sakaski."

Lieutenant General He was silent for a moment, and finally accepted the appointment of Warring States.

"This time, you and Karp don't go out."

Lieutenant General He nodded, and then asked, "When will you contact the franchise country in Beihai?"

"...As soon as possible." After pondering for a few seconds, Zhan Guo began to call the phone bug on the table, and informed CP0 who was in charge of the contact to come.


"So, you have the ability to teleport back and forth in space?" Esdesi's face was a little unkind, and he asked Kuang San: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Why should I tell you?" Kuang San was not afraid of the murderous look in Esdeth's eyes, and met Esdeth's eyes.

The few people around have long been accustomed to the tit-for-tat confrontation between Esdeth and Kuangsan. During the quarrel between the two, they were all doing their own things.

"Since I have this ability, let's open up a few more portals, and I don't have to stay in the city of generosity all the time." Apparently, Estes was dissatisfied with Kuang San's hidden ability.

"Heh..." Kuang San sneered and choked back, "Why should I think about you?"

A cold whirlwind blew up on the flat ground, a layer of frost condensed on the ground, and the temperature began to drop visibly with the naked eye.

"Stop, stop." Eric intervened between the two.

"Eric, you came just in time." Estes grabbed Eric by the collar and immediately pulled it into the lounge on the other side.

"Stop dreaming." With a smile on his face, Kuangsan approached Esdesh's ear and whispered, "I've squeezed everything out."

"..." Estes turned his head to look at Eric, who lowered his head and remained silent.

"It's useless!" Estes complained, letting go of the palm that was holding the collar.

"It's not my fault..." Erik defended in a soft voice, "Kuang San is not alone, two fists are hard to beat with ten hands..."


The phone bug in Eric's arms in "Blue Blue" dispelled the silence at this moment.

Eric thanked in his heart, and immediately picked up the phone: "Hello?"

"Darling~" Meijiu's melodious voice sounded from the phone bug: "The prince of the Fosac Kingdom seems to have something urgent to contact Darling."

Eric was taken aback, recalling that the other party was the prince who gifted him [-] million treasures, and then asked, "What's the matter with him?"

Meijiu threw the phone bug in her hand to the other party, and the other party caught the phone bug in a hurry, and introduced herself: "This is the prince of the Fosac Kingdom. Fortunately, His Majesty Eric answered."

"If you have anything to say, please tell me directly. I remember that your country sent many merchant ships to and from Beihai and New World."

"Yes, thanks to you, our country has made a lot of money." The tone on the other side changed immediately, and the voice became extremely serious: "I'm afraid the navy will start another war against your country."

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket from Yuezhu V; thank you for the 100 rewards from Leo;

(End of this chapter)

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