Chapter 498 Ambush Pen

The members of the Bucky Pirates took a collective step back.

"Ahahaha..." Baki laughed dryly, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and then asked sharply, "How could you possibly know him?!"

Nami interjected at the right time: "Darren Eric is a pirate from the East China Sea, you don't know about that, do you?"

"..." After a few seconds of silence, Baki shouted calmly: "That doesn't prove that you know 'Kuilong'!"

"And, even if you know him..." Bucky smiled sinisterly, and said something that made Nami's hair stand on end: "He is now thousands of miles away in the new world, and he will never know who killed you!"


"Ah..." Xiao Ba took out the phone bug and made a call: "It's connected..."

"..." Everyone present fell silent.

Nami praised angrily in her heart: 'Well done! '

"Hello? Who is that?"

"Nu~ It's me..." Xiao Ba replied.


"New~" Xiaoba said, "Nami and I were captured by a pirate group."

"Is there anyone in Donghai who is your opponent?" Eric was quite surprised.

"Yes." Xiao Ba glanced at Bucky who raised his index finger and gestured "shh", and said, "It's the "Baki Pirates" of the East China Sea."

"The red nose?"

"Who do you say has a red nose!?" Bucky scolded angrily, "Believe it or not, I'll give you—"

"Oh, it's Bucky's voice."

"...!" Bucky opened his eyes wide, crystal clear snot flowed from his round red nostrils, and then swallowed secretly.

Eric asked aloud, "That orange-haired little girl, is she okay?"

Bucky caught the phone bug and picked up the receiver: "Ah, yes."

"I got stabbed by Bucky—!" Nami started yelling.


Eric asked back, "Did you steal Bucky's things?"

"...Yes." Nami lowered her voice unconsciously.

"You asked for this, right? Let me teach you a lesson, don't steal the treasures of these great pirates in the future."

"Right!" Bucky nodded.

"You're too young, wait until you're an adult to steal Bucky's treasure."

"That's right..." At this moment, Bucky suddenly came to his senses and shouted loudly, "You can't come and steal my treasure!"

"I'm sorry, Bucky, for my sake, let the two of them go..."

"..." Bucky was taken aback.

"Hey!" Bucky's subordinates asked in astonishment: "You can actually let the Four Emperors talk to you, who the hell is Captain Bucky!?"

"..." Bucky showed a smug smile, and gestured his thumb twice: "Of course, I am a legendary figure!"

"This guy really shines with a little sunshine..." A woman's voice came from the phone bug.

There was a lot of noise on Bucky's side, and no one heard this complaint.

"How about it?"

"Since you are so sincere, then I will let them both go..."

"Wait!" Kabaji, the dog-headed military strategist, called to Bucky, and said, "We can't let them go so easily!"

"But, but..." Bucky opened his eyes wide, and he knew exactly how many catties and taels he had.

Kabaji said righteously: "Captain Bucky, we want to demand compensation!"


"It was the unicycle rider who came up with this bad idea... who is that?"

"My name is Kabaji!" Kabaji's forehead was bulging with blue veins.

"Are you... sure you want to do this?"

The coercion from the superior made Kabaji's knees go limp and he almost fell to his knees.

"No, not sure..."

Eric solicited: "Bucky, do you want to come and work with me?"

"Are you kidding!" Bucky sternly refused: "Even if it is the Four Emperors, I will not be his subordinate!"

"That's a pity..."

"How much Kuilong recognizes your strength, Captain Bucky!"

"Hahaha...!" Bucky pinched his waist with both hands, his round nose almost turned into Pinocchio's long nose, and said arrogantly, "I'm famous all over the world!"

"Heh..." Eric chuckled and said, "Need me to tell Morgans, the president of the World Economic News, that you are an intern of the Roger Pirates, so that you can become famous? "

"Pfft!" Bucky choked, and immediately rushed out from the crowd, asking in a trembling voice, "Where did you know about this?!"

"Oh, I've seen 'Pluto' Rayleigh, and 'Red Hair' Shanks... They told me about it." Eric lied back.

"So it's like this..." Bucky clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth, "That damned Shanks, you're just giving me trouble...!"

"Once you are listed in the World Economic News, you will be selected into the eyes of the Navy Headquarters because you are a crew member of the Roger Pirates..."

Bucky said in a low voice, "Please don't do that!"

"So, can you guarantee the safety of Nami and Hachi?" Eric said, "In return, I will save you once in the future."

"Anyway, I don't have much to lose. If I let these two go, I can get a Four Emperors. This deal is sure to make a profit..." Bucky thought for a moment, and then agreed: "I will let the two of them leave, and we will deal with them accordingly." Yes, you are not allowed to tell this secret!"

As for the life-saving grace promised by Eric, it is naturally the future Imperton Prison, where there are many strong people and many excellent devil fruits. Eric will go there sooner or later.

"That's it." Eric finished, and hung up the phone.

When Bucky came back, he cleared his throat, summoned his younger brother and said, "Let them go!"

"Captain Bucky!" Kabaji shouted.

Bucky boasted: "That Kuilong guy, begged me so humbly, I can't take his face off."

"Captain Bucky!" Bucky's men's eyes lit up.

A pirate dressed as a clown helped Nami untie the rope on her wrist: "You're lucky!"

"Woo—" Nami endured the pain, and stretched out her hand to cover the wound to stop the bleeding.

"Boat doctor, treat them both!" Bucky said cursingly, "Don't die from blood loss, and then blame me on my head!"


"Also, where did you hide Lao Tzu's treasure?"

"I won't tell you!" Nami, a money-grubbing ghost who regards money as her life, could easily confess.

"New~" Xiao Ba said, "Your treasures are all hidden under the water."

"Little Eight!"

"New~" Xiao Ba lowered his head and said, "Nami, your life is more important."

"..." Nami pouted her mouth and lowered her head, her short orange hair covered her face.

"Oh, this murloc brother is more sensible!" Baki laughed, and waved his hand: "Little ones, bring me the treasure!"

After dressing the wound, Nami came to Xiaoba silently.

The two were walking on the empty street, Xiaoba murmured: "I'm sorry, Nami, I'm so useless..."

"..." After two or three seconds of silence, Nami smiled wryly and shook her head: "It's my fault, I shouldn't have come to steal Bucky Pirates."

Xiao Ba put on a naive expression, and said, "Nu~ It's fine if you don't get angry."

Nami cursed in a low voice: "What an idiot..."

"By the way, we still have to thank Sir Eric."

"Yes, is it..." Nami was a little reluctant, after all, she still owed Eric a huge sum of money and was rescued just now.

"Lord New~Eric, we are free." Xiao Ba talked about the situation of the two of them.

"You didn't get hurt?"

"Nami was stabbed, I was stabbed in the back, nothing serious."

"..." Eric was quiet for a moment, then said, "Give the phone bug to Nami."

"New ~ yes."

Nami reluctantly took the phone bug and said, "That..."

"Are you stupid?!" Eric cursed loudly, "Don't you know how dangerous pirates are!?"

"..." The sudden reprimand made Nami freeze in place.

"Don't you want to see Belmer and Nuoqi Gao feel sorry for you?!"

"..." Nami was unusually quiet, and after a long time, she replied softly, "I'm sorry."

Eric asked suddenly: "You made your idea of ​​the Pirates because of the [-] million Bailey's arrears?"

After hesitating for a while, Nami answered frankly: "...Yes."

"You are also lucky to meet a pirate who has heard of my name." Eric said earnestly: "In the future, you are not allowed to hit those pirates with a bounty of more than 1000 million."

"Who are you not to me!?" Nami's rebellious temper exploded, and she choked angrily, "Why should I listen to you!?"

Eric used his pirate characteristics to threaten: "Because, Cocoyasi Village is in my hands."

"...!" Nami said in a trembling voice, "Please, don't hurt them..."

"Then be obedient to me!" Eric finally ordered Xiaoba to be optimistic about Nami and not let her do stupid things, and finally hung up the phone.


"Huh..." With a long breath, Nami looked up at the sky and said, "I'm fine."

"I want to save Cocoyasi Village!"

"Let's go, I'll find other ways to get rich!"


Eric muttered: "A little girl who doesn't learn well all day long."

Reiju smiled lightly: "Are you worried about her personal safety? Otherwise, you wouldn't be so angry."

"Can you see that?" Eric was taken aback.

"Of course." Reiju shrugged, and said casually: "I heard the voice, it should be a beautiful girl."

"What you said is as if I saw one and loved the other..."

"Isn't it?" Reiju asked back.

"Ahem!" Eric cleared his throat and changed the subject: "How is the clone experiment conducted by your father and Da Vinci going?"

Reiju did not continue to entangle with the question just now, and explained: "I am copying the clone of 'Jin' Abel, but it will take five years to fully grow..."

"Make as many as you can," Eric added.

Reiju considered the sentence: "...Well, it takes a lot of money to make a clone of Abel."

"How much?" Eric had a bad thought in his mind.

"A clone with [-] million Baileys."


(End of this chapter)

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