The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 39 Return Chapter Blue Ocean (please watch, collect and recommend)

Chapter 39 Returning to the Blue Ocean (please watch, collect and recommend)
After three days of hard work by the people of the two races, the bell tower of the Golden Bell was finally transported to the center of Shandora. Eric also used Lei metallurgy to make three pairs of load wheels with the gold from the buildings inside Shandora. The bell tower with the golden bell saved a lot of effort.

"Thank you very much! Not only brought the descendants of the best friend of the great warrior Kalgara here, but also helped us transport the golden bell." The chief with a few feathers on his head thanked Eric.

"Where, I just want to help uncle wash away the stains of our ancestors. How about thanking this generation of gods, Gan Foer, for caring for the people and being reasonable. I hope you can coexist peacefully in the future and protect this peace together." Rick was embarrassed. After all, he came up for the Thunderbolt Fruit, and he brought Uncle Chestnut Head up to complete a temporary task.

"When Apayado was coming up due to the soaring ocean current, the golden bell rang due to the impact of beans and vines. The dispute continued for 400 years. This time you should ring the bell of the golden bell, representing this continuous This will end the 400-year dispute." Eric suggested that they ring the bell quickly, after all, this is a Shandora tradition.

"Yes." The old chief nodded in response.

"Then who will ring the bell?"

"God Gan Fall has been trying to resolve disputes over the years, loves the people like a son, and will be the leader of the two tribes in the future. I think Gan Fall is suitable."

"Wenbulan Kulikai is also suitable, he resolved the dispute, and he is also a descendant of the friend of the great warrior Kalgara."

After all, there was no Straw Hat's gold-encrusted punch, so it is not yet decided who will ring the meaningful bell.

"That... let Gan Fore, Wenbulan Kulikai, and Weipa hold the chain together, and ring the bell? It means the end of the dispute, and it also means the reunion of the descendants of best friends. What's more, there is no rule that many people cannot ring the bell at the same time." Eric couldn't stand it anymore, should such a simple matter need to be discussed?

"That's right!" The eyes of everyone who were discussing suddenly lit up, so let's do it!

'I feel so smart. 'Of course, this idea only dares to appear in the mind, dare not say it casually.

"Dang~dang~" The melodious bell rang, and even Nolan, the lord of the sky, came here, erected his upper body, and hissed.

"It's such a beautiful voice." Da Vinci, who is a master of art, admired it.

"It feels like my body and mind have been washed." Chiron, who knows everything, also expressed his feelings.

[Temporary task 5 has been completed. The "mediator" is rewarded: 2 achievement points / [-] bond points / the gold pillar will be settled when leaving the empty island. 】

It was night, in order to celebrate the relocation of the Golden Bell, the end of disputes, and the reunion of friends and descendants, a huge bonfire party was held.

The flames of the campfire even surpassed the height of the trees. "The flames are too big, won't they cause forest fires?" Eric was the only one who was puzzled, after all, "set fire to the mountain and sit in prison." 'The legal concept has been deeply rooted in his heart.

"Oh? Have you decided to leave?" The people on the empty island were a little reluctant to part with Eric and the others.

"Well, the strife is over, the lights of Shandora have been lit, and there is no need to stay." Eric said with a smile: "Only parting will make the reunion more precious!"

"There is no feast that never ends, let's go!" Eric said goodbye loudly.

"But we haven't thanked you yet!"

"That's right! Take all the gold you can get! It's a thank you!" Many Sky Islanders shouted to Eric.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the figure of Eric who was far away on the boat swayed.

Eric glanced at Kuli Kai, but the chestnut-headed uncle closed his eyes, laughed "hum" with a cigarette in his mouth, and then shouted: "We will come back here again! Keep the gold for me!!"

"His heart is crying." This is what Chi Tong said.

"It feels like it's still bleeding." This is what Da Vinci said.

"Hmm... Is that parachute ready? Da Vinci." Eric almost cried, and then interrupted the conversation.

"Of course! Chiron is fixed."

"Thank you, let's go! On to the next adventure!"

From the 7000-meter entrance to the sky island, "Jiuang~!" Nan Nanjian, who followed Eric and the others to the sky island, flew over, knocked down Eric, and rode on him.

"What, have you been bullied by the big Nannan bird in Sky Island?" Eric tore off the bird and put it on the railing of the boat.

"Jiuang!" As if in denial, Nan Nanjian bird flapped its wings quickly.

"Everyone, I'm falling now, be careful!" This time it wasn't Konis who saw her off, after all, she was still young, and it was Sky Island's other gentle elder sister who saw her off.

Everyone experienced a free fall, felt the state of weightlessness, and then the four large parachutes installed on the ship opened, and the sudden deceleration caused Eric's face to hit the deck, and he was hit again, like someone else sat on him.

"Oh, to prevent me from falling, did you deliberately use your body as a pad? You are so gentle and considerate, captain brother~"

"Hmm, so you've sat enough, can you get up?"

"But what should I do? Sister, I seem to have sprained my ankle."

"I'll give you medicine! Chitong, help Da Vinci, I'll get the medicine box."

After a lot of tossing, Da Vinci let Eric go.

"Dang~dang~" Above everyone's heads, the melodious sound of the golden bell came.

"It's like reincarnation one after another."

"Well, the last reincarnation took 400 years, so I don't know how long it will take this time."

"Uncle, don't worry, we will come back here again in four years!"

"Well, since the captain has made a specific sailing plan, then I have nothing to say."

"噗嗤" shot through Eric's body all the time, just thinking about the time to return to Sky Island, Eric didn't even think about the next destination, sweating profusely.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Chi Tong, who understood Eric quite well, spoke the truth again.

"Yeah! The scenery here is so beautiful! You can't usually see such a beautiful scenery." When encountering topics that you don't want to touch, it has become a habit to change the topic.

"It will take about two hours to return to the ground, so cherish the scenery." After the parachute designed by Da Vinci, the speed of one meter per second drops, and the altitude of 7000 meters takes 116 minutes, which is about two hours.

The breeze blowing across the face made everyone feel relaxed and happy that they couldn't explain clearly.

"Wow!" The sloop touches the surface of the sea.

This time, because of the wind direction, it didn't blow Eric's people like a group of straw hats to the center (zhòng) of the G8 Navy Branch.

"Huh! Unforgettable adventure, then..." After two hours of falling, Eric had already thought about his next goal and took out Captain Jack's compass.

"Next target, Foxy Pirates!"

[Ding... The golden pillar given by the system has been stored in the inventory. 】

'Heh heh heh, if I go back to Sky Island later, I can take the gold that the people of Sky Island gave me again, wouldn't it count as an extra thank you gift? '

【You are really an elf】

'Hmph, thank you for the compliment. '

[Then increase the difficulty? 】

'Thank you Lord System for your generosity. '

(End of this chapter)

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