The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 280 The Artist's Victory

Chapter 280 The Artist's Victory
Didara's right hand and the tongue in the palm were quickly pinching the doll, and from the mouth in the palm of the left hand, a large amount of white clay was spit out, forming a wide cloth cover, facing the green pepper as a hood.

"Your explosion can't hurt me, don't do useless work!" The bear's teeth have long been lost, and its sharp claws have long been broken, but the power of the bear's body is still there.

The bald, bald head broke through the air with a whining sound, and Qingjiao's body crashed straight into the soft clay.

At the moment of contact, the white clay tightly wrapped the green pepper, and a pipe-like clay was connected to the mouth of the left palm, sending chakra to the clay one by one.

"How about this? Drink!"

The violent explosion at zero distance and the large amount of smoke and dust that obscured the line of sight made Lao Cai and Qingjiao's men extremely nervous.

The well-informed Eric and the others exclaimed in surprise: "Huh?"

The huge body moved forward quickly, and the strong air flow brought up a large swath of thick smoke, and the bright bald head reflected light in the sun.

Qingjiao's neat clothes were burnt with a few holes, but his appearance looked unscathed. The explosion just now seemed to make Qingjiao's fighting spirit rise instead of falling, and he recalled those years of fighting in the past.

"I'm different from you star-chasing little pirates! Don't underestimate the old pirates!"

The armed-colored entangled Wu's head pierced into Asuka's abdomen, and the huge clay Asuka was hit by a heavy artillery shell, and was torn into several pieces in the blink of an eye.

"Tsk." Didara slammed his mouth heavily, and he stepped on the slime's remnant body and fell obliquely, throwing another explosive sticky puppet, Biwing Bird.


The two pairs of wings flap up and down quickly, and the streamlined body doesn't look like a sticky puppet.

"The speed is really fast, old man." Didara, who landed on the back of the double-winged bird, raised one corner of his mouth, "Can you still catch up with me like this?"

"Flying around... Are you still a pirate like this?!" He fell heavily back to the ice surface, as if the green pepper that shook the earth was angry.

"I'm not like a meat spinning top like you, who can only fight in melee." Deidara shrugged and said, "Fighting is also an art. Hmm"


Spit out a sticky puppet from his right hand, "Look, how about it? My work."

"The lines that have been honed over thousands of years, and the pursuit of two-dimensional deformed shapes, this is the real art. But my art is more than that. My works have fluidity, and when they have shapes, they are just simple modeling objects. Hmm "

"Who cares about this!" Qingjiao, who was already on fire, interrupted Didala's speech, and said something that should not have been said: "Don't show this kind of toy that deceives children to be embarrassing and conspicuous!"


Didara bit her lower lip tightly, and a stream of blood flowed from her lips, "Children? My art is a toy? Disgraceful?...I will make you regret saying these words!"

"Hey, I'm going to use a trick! You guys are going to escape to another place!" Deidara, who lost his mind, reminded everyone in advance, and ate the white clay in big mouthfuls.

"Ice wall!" The ice wall made by Esdes was tightly stitched, tightly enclosing everyone, even Lao Cai and Babao Saijun were wrapped in it.

Lao Cai refused to accept, "What do you want to do?!"

"It's just to look at you poorly. By the way, save some manpower for this old guy to collect the body—will there be a body?" Estes didn't look at them directly.


Didara, standing on the biwing bird, opened his mouth and began to vomit. A large amount of liquid clay was spit out from his mouth, forming a white waterfall.

Eric blurted out: "Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days."

Everyone said: "It's disgusting, you should stop talking."

The clay that fell onto the ice surface gradually began to pile up, like a living substance, and the white clay slowly changed color, growing into a giant Didala.

"Huh?" Qingjiao teased, "Are you so narcissistic? Go home and look in the mirror!"

"Ha...ha!" Didara panted with his mouth wide open and drooling, his shoulders heaving up and down, "Let you have a good look at my art, but you can only observe it in that world!"

"Your explosives are no threat to me!" Qingjiao yelled angrily, bending her short legs, ready to sprint.

Didara clasped his hands together, the gigantic doll Didara's abdomen suddenly began to swell and bulge into a ball.
With a crisp sound of "bang", the sticky puppet, which swelled to the limit, burst like a misfire, and the thin skin turned into powder in the air and disappeared.

"Even the devil fruit's ability can be misfired by you, you are really good!" Qingjiao, who had already been ready to jump, kicked vigorously on the solid ice, and flew directly towards Didara, passing through the densely packed, surrounded by Air made of ultra-small nano-bombs.

Deidara stared at the blood-red eyes, "I won, art is explosion. Drink!"

The green pepper that sucked the nano-bomb into the body and followed the blood vessels all over the body trembled, "What, what's going on?!"

"Puha!" The green pepper, which spit out a lot of blood from its mouth, fell from the air tremblingly.

Lao Cai and his subordinates exclaimed: "Old man (boss)!" They all threw themselves on the ice wall, trying to break the ice wall of Esdes and save Qingjiao.

"It's over." Eric shrugged and broke the ice wall with Scathach.

"Hahaha, I told you to look down on my art." Didara stood high in the sky and raised his hands, "I won! My art won!"

"Huh?" Didara looked down, "Isn't he dead? It's really difficult."

"Puff" spat out the broken internal organs from his mouth, his body was ravaged by nano-bombs, blood oozes from the originally thick fat, and his clothes are in tatters, as if they could be blown away by a gust of wind at any time. At this time, the green pepper It looked miserable.

"What kind of move is this?" With a green pepper with minced meat in the corner of his mouth, he asked unwillingly: "It can actually attack from within my body—"

"Yes, because of the giant doll just now?!"

"Stupid, who would tell others their secrets?" Didara sneered in the sky, "Go to that world and ask!"

After speaking, he threw out the detonating clay that he had just kneaded.


Blue pillars of thunder devour the detonating clay.

"Hey, boss." Deidara complained dissatisfied, "Agreed that this is my battle."

"You used C4 Garuda to directly kill the green pepper just now, I won't say anything. But the outcome is already decided, there is no need to take life from an enemy who can't resist - the most important thing is that we took a lot of treasure from him .”

"Yes, yes, I understand." Didara, who had used his hands, cured his itchy hands, pointed at the eight-treasure navy and said, "Remember my art, it's incomparable! Idiots!"

"Then, pirates of the old days, we—we will meet later!" Eric looked down at the green pepper lying on the ground.

"Damn stinky brat!" Qingjiao gathered the last bit of strength, and punched hard, hitting the solid Baoyu ice bed.

"Damn Eric, I will curse you for the rest of my life!"

PS: Recommend the book "Professional Inheritance from Dicuo", comprehensive, Dicuo, Fairy Tail, Gourmet Prisoner, God Eater, Inuyasha, it is worth reading.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; big guys who have tickets, don't be shy, smash me to death!


(End of this chapter)

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